ITT: Chads only, no Virgins allowed
ITT: Chads only, no Virgins allowed
based as feck
dab on em roBUTTS
No Janny cucks allowed either.
Incredibly based
Sent from my iPhone
Guys did I increase my Chad status by denying to fuck a roastie who tried to seduce me, or did I decrease it, because Chad fucks at every opportunity he can?
INT +1
But cha doesn't give a fuck, so shouldn't it be #q chad points as well? She was pretty hurt that I denied her trying to touch my dick like 5 times. probably isn't used to denial tbqh
Neither: you lost you Chad cred by asking us for validation and approval fagboi.
How much sex do you chads have anyway
+1, sorry bruh was typing to fast and waiting for my chicken borrito to finish
that's called debating, because I felt pretty badass denying her, but others could call me a fuckboi for not fucking her
Twice 5 years ago.
youj're only chad if girl flock to you and you can bench two thicc girls at the same time
sad jelly incel
>master race
eat well, tren well, slep well
That's one seething janny tranny
Posted from my Nokia
>Jow Forums
>blonde hair blue eyes
>rhodesian accent
>making nearly 6 figures
>still virgin
Can't trust a hoe with this dick
whatever virgin, go back to the chess club with your stupid debating
based and chadpilled post
White manlet who runs drug dealer game reporting in.
Having drugs on hand = Insta-Chad.
Cum in a test tube and mail it to me daddy.
your mom could have came up with a better joke while gaggling on my cock and feeling unable to form coherent thoughts
ha gay dude, chad is not gay