How did these people find their way here?
Phoneposter master race
How did these people find their way here?
Phoneposter master race
Reddit and tumblr raids on pol, they started wondering over here. Now with r/greentext and r/inceltears they orbit us, and decided to start posting here. Normies really do ruin everything.
Also another thing is I've talked to a few /lgbt/ posters regularly, they talk about how fucking horrifically toxic it is. I'm fairly certain reiko was even posting over there. That's why a lot of those fags come on and post over here, it's actually considered more cozy.
The worst category is the thirsty guys that think there's a sizable community of females here so they lurk until a slut posts.
>phoneposter complaining about trannies and wymen
oh the Aluminium
You don't really think we're that bad, r-right?
>phonenigger cant understand an ironic / bait post
I'm not that user, but I agree with them and have almost always been here.
>what is ironic shitposting for laughs
You should read the whole thread then say it's """ironic"""
>phoneposting without Clover
Again, for those who are still living science fiction
"Trans-women" are just men, who have a mental disorder which makes them believe they are women.
They are still men.
literally wrong, but whatever nerd
please fuck off. honestly, why do you mentally ill degenerates hate >>> so much? it was the board designed specifically for YOU.
why the fuck can't you go there and never ever return?
>/blueboard/ filled with soc-tier attentionwhores
finna yikes from me senpai??
Well, why can't we just raid reddit/tumblr back?
It has always worked for us before in the past.
'Member the tumblr-Jow Forums war?
This isn't a Jow Forums problem, it's an internet problem. Look at all the old internet forums, they r either dead, or completely hate anything that isn't normie friendly. Remember when u used 2 get called a faggot 4 not liking anime n vidya? Now it's the opposite. Nerdy hobbies are frowned upon and made fun of (look at Jow Forumsgamersriseup. A subreddit dedicated 2 making fun of "gamers".)
This board has been getting ruined by normies for years m8. Anyone else that comes is a vulture picking a long-rotten carcass.
"We" can't raid redditumblr when 90% of the people here are from there.
how long are we talking? cause two years ago all the roleplay fag with severe personality disorders is what made up the bulk of r9k, they've since migrated to the discords, thankfully.
The role-playing fags were here before that with the gentle femdom shit, just not as prevalent. I can't put an exact date on it but people have been bitching about normies killing this board for a long fucking time.
You're just a hateful idiot if you don't think pic related is a woman
Stay butthurt, bigot. In the future, there will be more and more trans people so be prepared :)
2 years ago people only bitched about normies killing the board ironically, most normies were legitimately still terrified of this place and the posting rhetoric was much more harsh than it was now. The worst you saw were hard core robots bitching about cyborgs, now it's like shit normies complaing about not shit normie posters. So not sure if I can agree with you, it's way different.
/lgbt/ is the fastest growing Jow Forums board thanks to the mtf generals and they link to reddit in their OPs.
Transnigger detected
>implying Jow Forums isn't for mentally ill degenerates
normie alert
Nobody cares anymore, user...
Nobody cares..
Just let the tumblrinas and reddit antifa beat you over the head. Fighting it won't do much good
Help me God, for I think this pic is hot
>his argument is just "you said X and I don't like that"
why must I share a site with pea-brained faggots like this?
It can't be helped. Just unzip and embrace it.
Until we gas them. Killing just 1-2 million would easily wipe them all out and teach a lesson for the last remaining degenerates. Drop in some fags and commies and we'll make this world a whole better place.
>phoneposting with yosuba
are you a masochist?
OP here, did I actually ever make an argument about anything, peabrain?
>tfw phonepost so I can post at the dinnertable and in the college cucklib library secretly
>tells you to read the whole thread
>doesn't post any links
Maybe that post is bait, maybe it isn't, but regardless it is 100% correct.
This website has not be ruined or infiltrated by trans people but it has been absolutely ruined by phoneposters.
Phoneniggers actually go and end yourself. Please.