So whats your fucking excuse now, dorks?
So whats your fucking excuse now, dorks?
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You made this thread yesterday and I believe you were promptly informed that the story is bullshit and she's fucking Chad, were you not?
My excuse is women are not a monolithic entity and there are genuinely good ones out there, but statistically I'll never get to meet them and even if I did I'm too much of a subhuman piece of shit to do anything.
such a waste seriously
Perfect deep blue eyes
White translucid pinky skin tone
Ugly horse face with crooked hag nose
The dude on right looks chad compared to that failed stacy
she fucks other guys you retard, it's a manbaby spoonfeeding fetish
not op but how do you know she is fucking chad?
He's probably rich.
This kid, on the other hand, is going to have a different fate:
even you don't really believe this, must have been hard to type
Source on this? You sound mad. Seething even.
>So whats your fucking excuse now, dorks?
she already has a bf, and getting railed.
that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it kek
>Source on this?
life, liberty, and the pursuit of proofs
Lo he looks like a satirical caricature of a person
The only thing i can think of is that she is crazy. Im not a doctor, but im sure their is some physiological disorder where you want to take care of sick things or something. Kind of like women who purposely make sick their kids so they need them.
So youre shallow? Okay.
>So youre shallow?
nope just woke :)
Cringe and bluepulled virginposter
lol I'm not even a virgin I guarantee you are tho, fucking friendless loser keep posting more flavor of the week memes
i couldn't deal with that. maybe i'll just be a wizard
this shit is wayyyy too rational to be on Jow Forums
Fake: user isnt a virgin
Gay: user is friends with dudes
Dhut the fuck up, you're probably a 50 year old wizard who us coping with his mother's death and imminent homelessness as a result by acting like you're better than everyone on your favorite board
>I am not a virgin
And you're here? You have to go back
>thinking that is shallow
I love my roasties toasty
God, she must get BLACKED so hard.
She could invite all whole football team into the home and he would just have to watch like a little bitch. So hot.
>tfw no shane bf
Dhut how about you kill yourself? go hug your anime pillow or something to calm down haha
Pathetic: user has no friends and no girl would ever touch him
He's a fucking bobble-head. I have no complaints
Seeing this reminded me of when I was in hs four years ago and caught some lady in the men's bathroom with a mentally disabled kid
> There was this annoying bitch that would make us wait in a giant line outside before entering the cafeteria.
> One day she isn't there
> I go in the bathroom to take a piss but I see a kid with down syndrome blocking the bathroom. He says "Nobody is allowed" . I just say excuse me and then he lets me go past him
> I walk in and then I see her kneeling in an open stall about to pull down another disabled kid's pants. She gets red, says to the other kid "I thought I told you to not let anyone in!" and then runs out the door, leaving the kid standing there. He seemed to be able to use the toilet just fine
> I just mumbled "wtf" and took a piss like nothing happened afterwards
> Never told anyone, from then on she always let me in the cafeteria without waiting in the giant line.
Stupid bitch chose the most crowded bathroom and didn't even bother to close/lock the stall behind her
You're so fucking right shes probably fucking chad and she comes home and helps this faggot take shits to entertain herself