why are you obese
how do I make it stop god I want to be thin so badly I hate being huge
why are you obese
how do I make it stop god I want to be thin so badly I hate being huge
my dad looks at me with disgust
atleast most people just double take or go "ew" but my dad genuinely seems to hate me in his eyes
Hey user,Ive been like this last year,first you gotta stop drinking soda and just drink water and or carbonated water,start doing pushups,atleast 60 a day and also eat less and eat more healthy.
Focus on eating less and healthier then walk more it's slow but possible you can do it
I have no assets but food. Sometimes not even Internet access and my mother weighs literally approx 375 so I'm enabled basically.
when will it end
please someone help
what do I do during the day then
all I do is eat and I cant hold a job because im too fat to do anything
just go for walks during the day,dont bother with the way people look at you since you most likely wont meet them again
desu i just gave up. I already hate the idea of any kind of relationship so i'll just take the cost of never sleeping with a woman again in exchange for eating whatever i like and working out when i want to.
are binge eaters allowed? I'm at a stable, average weight but I can't stop fucking eating. It hits me like a drug. I'm on an 8 day streak now of constant stomach and body pain because I can't stop. Can hardly move but I keep eating.
thats actually really smart user
just walk who cares
why bother with anyone else and hiding inside all day sure as hell doesnt help
I gave up for a year and gained 30 pounds now if I give up again itll be over
my shirt size is pushing 2XL
are you obese? I eat anxiously too sometimes I choke throw up a bit then keep eating and eat what I threw up
No, not obese but mildly overweight. I'm starting to throw up after binges to make the pain go away. Eating what you threw up is too much though for me, why not at least go for clean food?
Good thing about this is, if you bring no money it'll also keep you from eating like you would at home
Fatcels are volcels
5'8" 130 lb manlet reporting in. You big fat guys could squash me like a bug :)
Also if you want you can keep me on track with your progression on discord
I pretty much only consume alcohol and tiny meals like granola bars and such. And I walk around/pace and do push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups almost constantly.
literally don't even have to exercise. Just stop drinking soda/juice and switch to water. If that doesn't work cut out snacking also. Probably don't even need to eat "healthy" just less.
Also, I hope you fatties don't look down on drug addicts because you guys are hooked on the most softcore drug. lol
I used to do both
eat shit
thanks user will add when I can
because Im fat
have you fat cunts tried this incredible thing called self control???
food isnt the same kind of addiction as drugs is, theres nothing making you eat but yourself, if you had some self discipline you can just not eat easily, im not saying its easy but if people can get themselves of heroin and other genuine addictions you can keep yourself from stuffing your face.
sorry if im sounding harsh but its what you fat cunts need, you need to be bullied thin
>not the same kind of addiction
yes it is, food is literally made to be addictive by food processing companies who prey on young families
5'5 100lb smol bean reporting in, im genuinely scared of fat people sometimes because a bigboi coild legit hurt me by falling on me
actually yeah you might be right, atleast for shit like maccas, just buy higher quality food that probably doesnt have that in it
Just ate 20 chicken wings by myself
Going to keep eating until I have a heart attack
GET IN MY BELLLYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
either that or stop eating all together and subsist off covfefe
take me with you
spicy wings?
>food isnt the same kind of addiction as drugs is
It literally is though. It works through the same mechanisms in the brain.
no fat bastard im not a baby im a grownup pls dont eat me!
some ways to help with cravings during the day:
1-beverages-so you can make/buy all kinds of carbonated/tasty beverages and basically all of them are much better for you than soda. Something as simple as cucumber water is a great place to start.... from there, the goal is to eventually replace soda with something like a peach bellini or other ~virgin beverage (if it works for alcoholics, it will work for you)
2-fiber- fiber is your friend.. it helps draw out the pancreatic panic attacks you get from hitting your system with simple carbohydrates (like when drinking soda or all that crust when binging on a pizza). I use lettuce + non-shit salad dressing or peanut butter as a snack aaaaaand bruddha it helps. Taking fiber pills before you eat junk/ just in general is good too.
i'll keep going if anyone gives a fuck
On the whole though, if i had to suggest anything, it's this: don't focus on eating less at first, focus on changing what you eat (and no, you don't get to reward yourself with food.... but you totally -should- find another way of rewarding yourself for when you do well).
>5'11", 260lbs
>stopped drinking soda daily
>240lbs and dropping still at a healthy rate
Feels good. I forgot what having control over my life felt like, I forgot it was even a feeling to have.
5'7 and 160lbs. I dont even know if its worth even going on. I just look in the mirror and see my ugly fatness everywhere. Need to lose 20lbs to get to my goal weight but jesus christ its like the scale doesnt move no matter how much i dont eat. I bought all size 29 waist pants to motivate me to lose weight but it just means i have no pants tht fit me and basically wear sweatpants everywhere.
>get an excercise bike
>ride it for 1-3 hours a day
>repeat until thin
you're welcome
fuck fat people, get fit or get rid of yourself, disgusting eye sores and waste of public resources.
you fat but thats not obese.