Are violent fantasies sign of mental ilness or just cope mechanism? ive had them since like 13 last i remember...

are violent fantasies sign of mental ilness or just cope mechanism? ive had them since like 13 last i remember. anyone else have same retarded things going in head?
>inb4 watches burger psycho once

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A lot of the time after I cum I have violent thoughts. And I have violent dreams sometimes but idk what this means

come the fuck on you faggots anyone have idea
>inb4 muhh personal therapist

i always had some serious shit, hell i even abused animals as kid and other kids whenever i got away with bullying. both girls and guys. but now since i gave up on physically hurting whatever, have fantasies more brutal than ever

You're a sociopath my good friend. Im guessing something shitty happened to you Just don't act on those urges

yeah my dad was alcoholic but i doubt im *tips fedora unleashes katana* etc. fuck that. im worried because relative girl im friends with told me i was always autistic weirdo, so my power level isnt really as concealed as i used to think

>if you bully or hurt animals for fun ur sociopath
Everyone historically is one then famalam.

Sociopath is a buzzword. Anger is normal and meant to destroy an obstacle.

What angers you? What do you want to kill?

Probably a coping mechanism. You should see a psychiatrist though just to be sure.

I've killed just about everyone I know in my dreams... but I'd never do it in person. People think it's weird to have a thought about any taboo subject. The truth is that we're all horrible, and all have horrible thoughts whether we want to admit it out of pride or not.

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Just from your three posts I can pretty much guess that you aren't autistic, idk im not a psychologist or anything. You've gotta work through what's happened in your past, and its usually helpful to do that with another person, and especially with someone you trust. I can try to give my advice if you want? This kind of thing is interesting to me

>You're a sociopath my good friend.
Not OP but yeah, sociopath here. I feel nothing and haven't felt anything for as long as I can remember. I also have to force myself to be sorry and I'm never genuine unless I'm alone.

The usual stereotype of a sociopath is basically a walking manipulative super-villain, and while I'm sure some of us are out there currently sporting that lifestyle, there are those of us that actively live every second of our lives just trying to fit in and pretend to have emotions.

Hurting animals in your childhood isn't normal. I'm not saying he's going to be a killer or anything, but trauma and intense anger early on, as well as violence towards animals/people who don't deserve it is definitely a sign of serious dysfunction

completely normal to me, ive had dreams where i brutally fucked princess Zelda and shit, and i am by all means an upstanding NEET who has never committed a crime.

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Yes it is. Literally the vast majority hurt animals. To hurt animals is to be human. Do you think we're nice to things we eat? We're also not nice to each other. Sociopath is a buzz word like pagan or witch.


Such naive a thing. The world is not fair. No one deserves anything. It just IS as it IS.

op here this is not me but pretty much same.
>What angers you? What do you want to kill?
unironically being alone. when i hang around with people im normal, like actually normal no fantasies, but i cant stick long time, i have 3 friends i actually hang with and dont think of killing them lmao never. im starting to fanatize about everyone in week or two and then i just avoid them. i used to think some magic savior with boobs and vegene inb4 virgin was gonna come down from sky and turn me into ,,better person'' but more i think about it more absurd and cringy it sounds and le blackpill expands. basically i dont even want a girl because its not gonna be what i fanatized about and just another cope. maybe i dont want jii eff is cope too. fuck lads

>Literally the vast majority hurt animals
This is just not true. also, just by saying

>the world is not fair. No one deserves anything. It just IS as it IS.
Proves that you have a skewed view of the world. I never mentioned anything about fairness or deserving anything but you felt the need to bring that up when it's pretty irrelevant

your dad diddled you when you were an infant
t. professional psychiatrist

feel like im a schoolshooter in making and i cant even turn it around right now im fucking pussy and wont do shit for sure but if it keeps going probably i might snap someday
well go on

I can't stand to read your awful writing. Fix it first.

But hating people as an outcast is literally what a village does. You kill the outsider. If you are an outsider you kill everyone else. A church kills a neighboring villages church ten thousand years ago for petty reasons. Birds of a feather and all of that. We need teams and hate the other team.

10/10 response lad holy shit

>well go on
Well idk, for starters when/why did you start posting on this board? You said earlier that you were lonely but can interact with people just fine. So are you being fake with people?

I know I had to force myself to feel empathy but I wouldnt say thats a sociopathic trait. Whats your lack of feeling like? Are you ever angry? Just curious because ive been trying to figure out the fucks wrong with me but I think I might just be a narcissist

>children back in the day never slaughtered chickens
>today's children never grab their cats and throw them across the room
>adults never grab a dog on the neck and shove it's nose in it's shit among other petty things the dog or similar is too dumb to know why it happened

Sociopath is a new age buzzword. Cruelty varies from person to person.

It's just animal urges to attack things.

Do you think parents that spank their children aren't angry as they do it? You think they don't enjoy it?

I bet you're naive enough to believe that people are actually (((nice))).

>today's children never grab their cats and throw them across the room
What the fuck?

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I think we are living the same lives

Are you me?
Not really because ive avoided anything to blackpill me now that I think about it. Dont fall into the trap, it all sounds like it makes sense but it doesnt. Keep wishing for yo gal

Idk how to respond to you. Maybe I'm wrong, but i genuinely used to think the same way that you do. I eventually realized by interacting with people in a genuine way that that the world isn't that dark. Maybe I'm just being hopeful and you're being realistic, but I'd much have rather my perspective than yours

More that you're being helpful and he's being autistic.

>So are you being fake with people?
not with friends for sure, we call each other woj instead of bro pretty cringe i know. also i talked with them about my mental problems, at first they were like what the actual fuck but surprisingly they didnt push me around. with other people obviously im faking it. when i was 14-15 i acted like asshole at funeral and shit, said retarded shit etc. i literally had no worry about it so back then it was dead giveaway, but people who dont know me for that long, dont know that too so i get away with faking it with them

>Keep wishing for yo gal
honestly i rejected 5 girls before, fuck and i had feelies for 3 of them. i feel like biggest incel like i really hate women for whatever reason its all fun but once youre in relationship it gets worse and worse, at same time im desperate for love but i know its not like gaytanic in real life

How easy is it for you to make new friends? And if you have thoughts of hurting people then what's stopping you from doing that

not just one and not just funerals. i was basically edgy fedoratipper kid. once i saw couple cuddling in yard of kindergaden (i live in 3rd world so..) and i went on fire ladded and peed down so they could see it, surprisingly guy didnt do shit for whatever reason, he was older for sure i was like 15 and he was at least 18-19.

Everyone "historically" hasn't done both you fucking spastic.

>new friends
honestly i made them at my job, but once i quit never ever contacted again
because id rather die than go to jail and i dont want to die yet

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You don't know people. If you have any role in life at some point you act cruelly, princess.
Look up divorce rates, poverty correlation to broken homes, and ponder how crime would make a dark mind. Humans have always been shit though for various reasons. Power is power. He had power of the cat and acted cruelly. The humans yelled at him and punished him, that's further cruelty. The video game angers you, you attack in it. You attack in real life. So does everybody else. The cat claws him too.

Get it?

>used to think that way XD
I'm turning 30 soon faggot. Fuck your strawmanning tactics.

No I'm being an abnormalfaggot. We see the world for what it is due to being on the outside looking in. You can see the big picture that way.

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Why wouldn't you contact them again though if they were your friends? And jail is the only thing stopping you from hurting people? Going to be honest here, I think you're just really young and had a bad childhood, but you're going through a phase

I have fantasies of beating annoying people to death or capturing people I like and making them my willing sex slaves, completely breaking down their mind and destroying their free will and personality in the process. I'm health of mind though.

You gotta learn why you're so angry user

Now this.
This is unbridled autism.

It is like gaytanic bro, when you talk to people who have been in love they say its all that. And being in love is just a shitty chemical mind job but there are married couples who grow out of the honeymoon phase and become best friends. I think the internets just blackpilling you, you just dont want to be lonely but incels are saying youre a beta cuck who wants a femoid and youre falling for it

>contact them again
honestly i really dont know
dont know probably when i was kid i used to do retarded shit because i got away with it. now i cant.

You should think about why you never contacted them again

im not into that le cuck femoid incel betabux shit, like i understand there are good girls around here and there and best friend with boobs is literally kind of girl i wanted but i just dont know too good to be true

>over the cat*

Anyway yes, the world is awful. We evolved from attacking each other over and over, all animals did. And humans are literally a hunter species with eyes in the front and sharp teeth, canines.

Competitive worlds make for cruel worlds.

To be angry is to be human. An emotion designed to fuel you to destroy the enemy.

>strawmanning a type of retardation due to not having an argument against a post

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you have no idea what your talking about tho???

>You don't know people
I don't need to prove that billions of people have tortured animals as well as bullied others, you don't know people. If literally everyone did it then it would be the norm, we would not have opinions on it.
>I'm turning 30 soon
You can be an immature edgelord at any age, I don't know why you felt like bringing that up.

also i never met one like that
god i wish that were me. i have cat but never hurt him ever for whatever reason like i dont pet it or some shit, but i actually like that bastard but why i dont know. kinda weird i think im right path on becoming le better person

>that webm

I have a lot of violent spurs of thought of how to kill people practically, my brain sorts it out like a puzzle, eg how i would kill them, where would i put the body, that sort of stuff like "i could probably grab that broken brick and smash her head with it" although i wouldn't hurt a fly and don't kill the spiders in my house, does anybody else have this?

Most humans could give a shit about animal rights and bullying. This is a recent thing we're trying. People fall in line behind political correctness out of fear, they do not agree and those that don't agree get censored when not afraid. You are a fool if you think people really care about one another on a politically correct level. People's hearts are narrow and deep; personalized and nostalgic. Closed minded. We aren't broad and shallow and open, agreeable, easily controlled. We only act that way on the surface due to political correctness.

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Every night before bed I fantasize about murdering people in different ways, but only shitty ex-bosses.

>To be angry is to be human. An emotion designed to fuel you to destroy the enemy.
I don't know you, but I know you seriously would be so much happier if you worked out your issues user. good luck with everything

I'm on antifungal meds that prevent me from drinking to lower my intelligence. Also I live with my mentally ill overbearing parents. If I ever have funding and an intoxicated life I'll stop being angry. The hostility is a defense mechanism fueled by basic human emotions and basic logic. it's not mental illness. Life is bad and it makes you feel bad, then you cope. I am currently coping by leaking out negative emotions. When there is no light at the end of a tunnel then there's no motive to be nice anywhere near as often.

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op here, kinda yes. i used to literally behead ants as kid but not anymore hell i even love my cat now

youre wise guy

But I already was diagnosed by idiots. They automatically assume you are what your relatives are then try to sell you meds due to capitalistically corrupt a system.

I can't roll my eyes hard enough at the notion that magically a therapist or psychiatrists pills would help someone out of a robot tier life. We have personality disorders, of which they cannot cure without literal torture techniques.

They diagnosed me and offered antipsychotics. They can cost 500 USD a month, cause gyno, baldness, impotency, lowered IQ, weight gain, permanent twitches if you ever need to suddenly stop due to brain damage, and they stop working over time to begin with.

Thanks for the (You) I guess.

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So if you're self aware enough to realize these things, I doubt that your life is irredeemable. it's a long process, but eventually you should realize, like 100% solidify in your head that being hateful and feeling hopeless isn't going to help at all

How is that too good to be true? All you want is a girl that you get along with, you just havent found one yet.

I'm aware enough to know that choice is an illusion and it's not up to me, and that being redeemed is a spook, the very word redeem is.

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This way of thinking doesn't make you happy or help you. You make think your concepts are true, but it's also probably what keeps you stuck in this stage that you're in

*may think

what the fuck man explain

You do realize that that leads to a logical paradox. You are motivated by believing in choice but if you do not believe in choice you cannot be motivated to do anything. To believe in choice you must first be a positive thinker but the shit life that made you pessimistic caused you to not think positive so you never do end up being motivated by positive thoughts. It circles around and around as a paradoxical situation.

Therapists like actually drawing a circle with words showing you such things for some reason. As if a logical person would not know that. It changes nothing about it being a paradox. All it does is insult my intelligence as you draw a cute version of a dilemma on paper. You can't call it a stage if it's not really a phase. When it becomes a pattern you should just call it normal behavior for you, of which it is.

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see TL;DR: It's all about paradoxical situations. Negative people don't think positively.

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Literally everyone on R9K has violent fantasies because we're all the lowest of the low and violently lashing out in dreams and fantasies is our psyches way of coping with the constant anger and hatred we feel rather than acting it out for real. Normal, adjusted people, even psychopaths, don't hide away and fantasize about a life where everything will be ok when all the evil normies have been massacred or the girls love you after you've fucked them into insanity or whatever.

>To believe in choice you must first be a positive thinker but the shit life that made you pessimistic caused you to not think positive
This is honestly frustrating me. Yeah if you had a shit life then you have a pessimistic view on life. But sitting by and just accepting that doesn't make you happy. But that doesn't mean that there's a set rule that you can't break out of being pessimistic. You're aware that you aren't happy. So you need to seek that happiness, even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think you're a smart person, but you completely lack hope, and that's going to keep you sad forever

Idk I really don't know much, but I doubt you want to live the way you do forever

maybe whatever, but how is that gonna fix my fantasies about skinning people alive or some shit. i feel like at some degee it might but idk i hope so whatever

If you're a determinist, go and lie down for a couple of hours and wait to see how long it takes before you get up and eat out of sheer hunger. After that, lie down again, and understand that you cannot disobey your body.
If you feel like shit but do nothing, your mind will break down under the sheer stress of what you are going through. Your thinking will slow down, you won't be able to make decisions, your memory will slip, etc. Then, when you have nowhere else to go, you either try and fix yourself or commit suicide.
Your mind is going to force you to take action soon, so you might as well stop thinking about the metaphysics of every little thing and get on with it. How can you be expected to properly understand a complex topic in its entirity, compare it to other philosophies, scientific theories, and faiths to the best of your ability, and come up with a cohesive conclusion? Right now, you feel like shit and have a cynical response to literally everything. Why don't you unfuck yourself and either live or end it all? You're going to have to one day anyway, and who knows? You might actually find a reason to carry on. Or you'll die for nothing. However you want it.

You're happy when you are. Changing how you feel about it would make you happy no matter what your life is like, but that's literally kike tier mind control saying that that is your problem. Money does make you happier. Good looks do make you happier. Odds are if you have neither of those two things you will not obtain them and feeling differently about it likely has nothing to do with your choices in life but other peoples' A female could be sucking me off and I'd feel differently, not my choice. Someone could buy products from me if I sold them, also not my choice. A human alone does nothing and it's actually all up to the other people around you.

It frustrates you because everyone knows this yet tries to cover it up with bullshit. It's asinine to tell someone to choose to be happy.

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so you are saying hapiness comes from other people and not from inside you?

>when/why did you start posting on this board
im normalfag from /fa/ i came here when kel tec lad just did it like nike. ive been on this shithole since like 10 i guess. maybe even 2009

As an agnostic I know nothing, but I have no arguments with your post. It is what it is.

You don't choose happiness is what I'm saying. You either are or you're not. Who would choose to be less happy anyway? Cards were delt as they say. Not playing is suicide of course most would as a metaphor.

Say I want to live in the woods and grow weed. If I did that some communist hater would hunt me down for being on his land and the police would (((punish))) me for not working for min wage at some Mcdonalds that ironically never hired me when you ironically never wanted to work for half of what would be an insult worth of pay to begin with. It's insult upon insult to think that you can choose to do what you want to do.

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Look at the list of afflictions that socially isolated people go through compared tto normies and ask that again with a straight face. One Google search will tell you everything you need to know.

I don't think it's wrong to choose realism over living in a some sort of fantasy happiness. But if that realism doesn't ultimately lead you anywhere, then what's the point?

>when/why did you start posting on this board
im normalfag from /fa/ i came here when kel tec lad just did it like nike. ive been on this shithole since like 10 i guess. maybe even 2009. i lurked robot very rarely time by time and still do same casual way

I'm not a therapist, but ive worked for one before. Do you know how many teenagers have come to us before with exactly the same fantasy of running away?

To add to this, we have now arrived at the start of my reply chain to the OP. Anger is normal. I am meant to attack those of whom who would attack me for wanting to just mind my own business. They are attacking you as it is, not letting you be happy. All people attack or they'd fuck off the land.

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honestly you arent wrong man op here, as i said i get urges only when im alone. retarded thing is sometimes i sperg out

Says who life had a point?
Teen angst is another spooktastic way to belittle logic. Teen angst means you're still a jackass rather than a broken horse. Breaking someone's spirit should be a criminal.

But as I posted, everyone is cruel and attacks.

>I hate teenagers GRRR why do they think for like themselves

I mean really. It's a saying of mine that people don't actually improve past those years. Literally, scientifically you're at your prime physically and mentally. It's spook to say that you are mature when you do as someone else says. You're a bitch for it yet people act like horses have pride more than a smart ass.

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I feel you. Contrary to what the normies say, fantasies should be taken seriously. In psychiatric terms, they're what your subconscious gives for the sole purpose of motivating you to turn it into reality.
Every single case of violent fantasies I've ever seen takes place in individuals that feel somehow maligned by the people they want to hurt. It may seem obvious, but the point is that violent fantasies are made, not born into you.

but what if i want to fuck up people that never every did anything to me. like why

If your so above teenage angst, why are you fantasizing about running away? This is not what collected, rational people do, it's what people who are overwhelmed and angry do. Primarily teenagers and overworked businessmen, if you're interested.

You're going to have to tell me a little more about yourself if you want me to take a stab at it. Just judging from the fact you're on this board means you're probably not at the top of your game in life or wih friends or a girlfriend or whate er. That's often reason enough.

Joining the thread a little late, but violent thoughts are common for men. Could be caused by something as simple as stress or anxiety. What exactly are your fantasies and what triggers them? I have violent thoughts about people with power over me. I am constantly imagining killing my professors whenever an exam is approaching.

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My message was that teen angst is above (((maturity))). To be 'mature' is to be a bitch. The horse vs donkey. People link to think teens and donkey dumb, but how they hate a smart ass. An ass does what it pleases unless you give it a shit ton of carrots rather than trick it into nibbling on it and never getting the whole thing as you guide it along. Most are horses to add to the metaphor. Horses you intimidate to pull weights. They're thought to be the intelligent ones, smart enough to work with a cowboy. In reality they're just pathetic and not in control of themselves, horses.

And running away I'd do but I know I'd be attacked for it was the point. The point was OP is under attack. We attack back when angry.

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like to think*

You're attacked at every turn and the only thing to do is to be angry.

Of course that's because robots are omega males. A beta would horse it up. A dumb ass normal alpha or beta would also jackass it's way around following a carrot on a string with a master jerking it way from you, too dumb to stop chasing it's dream. But omega males don't put up with bullshit and become hermits, or worse.

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yeah im basically rotting. i had alot friends aside that job i mentioned, i made alot in military too, and same never ever contacted and avoided them when service was done. like i never call to hang out or shit unless they call me first. always been this way. also i never had girlfriend, fucked escorts and some dumb whore whos child said i was ,,beautiful'' and couple of days after her mom fucking sucked my dick. thats only thing i have ever done with opposite sex. one casual friend whos my relative, and girls i rejected in school because i was sperg i guess. yet im desperate for love. funniest thing is im fucking scared of rejection so i cant overcome that. like if girl rejected me probably then id act my bullshit out

You know maturity isn't a choice, right? Its going to happen to you if you want it to or not, so back to my first reply, you can either get it over with or kill yourself.
By the way, it's only kikes and boomers who equate maturity with being a wagecuck. Psychological maturity will give you the tools to get what you want, while avoiding it is going to give you nothing but unfulfilled fantasies and wasted time. Trust me, I used to think exactly the same way and ive lived to regret it.

I pretend to whip niggers with my belt, I think my neighbor saw me doing it once and he must think I'm autistic. In truth I'm just a racist, sexually insecure narcissist.

You sound very cynical. I know it should be obvious, but not commiting to anything real in your life purely because of the expectation that it will lead to nothing but disappointment is just a shadow of a life and not the real thing. Do you often feel cheated - as if your life should have been different but you were screwed out of it?

It either will or it won't you cunt. It's not a choice, but in realizing negatively that there is no such thing as choice I'm the type it never happens to.

Killing yourself is an act of violence so it just goes along with mischief vs mischief.

It is what it is, and regret, another spook. You actually believe in choice to regret things, and are just trying to piss me off saying I'll get mature against my will. People that get mature get mature pre twenty-five. I'm twenty-nine. It's not teen angst but I actually like teens more than adults due to how ridiculously corrupt adults are.

>why else would he be on this teen site?

You're a teen in the head yourself for being here, except you troll like an autist and I just euphorically be myself on here in contrast.

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So your first response is to call a person trying to help you a troll. Sweet. You sound like you can objectively view life, free will, and the nature of existence and come up with a sound conclusion, so I guess I'll just leave you to it bro.
In about twenty very long, miserable years, when you're still stuck in the same place you are now - but much older, barely able to think straight, or feel any emotion whatsoever, maybe you'll fix yourself up and live the rest of your life happily ever after, or maybe you'll shoot up a school, maybe you'll throw yourself off a bridge or whatever the fuck. But you are going to do something and you have literally no choice in the matter, because that's what people do when they hit rock bottom and they have literally nowhere else to go. When you do make the decision, please think of this conversation. Not everyone on Jow Forums is an asshole who wants to see you suffer. Peace.

This is a really intelligent post

Goodbye normalfaggot.

I could write something ironic here about the word usage.