What are some gf dealbreakers for you?
>bitch doesn't like anime.
the fuck out of this house.
Do I have any? It's like having dealbreakers for buying a rocket ship.
>not a 12 year old slavic girl
When she seems too polished. I like them greasy in the summer and smelly after they work out. If they mask their stink, they means they are hiding its true primal odor.
I have an armpit fetish
If she betrays my trust.
Forming a relationship with someone is an investment of trust and I expect her to invest in the relationship as much as I do.
>doesn't want a family
I realize this is gf and not wife but I can be hopeful.
>short hair
>no ass
>manly clothing
>resting bitch face
>loud or coarse in public
>uses social media in excess
>likes rap/hip-hop/rnb/nigger music
>eats smelly food (i.e. seafood)
>is into celebrity culture
>likes anime
>doesn't read
But anyway, I'm not a robot. I have a wife who doesn't have any of those red flags. I'm lucky.
>she has brothers or a living father
Oh, one more:
>very career focused
>explodes mid flight
Already herpes on her lips at the age of 12. The absolute state of roast beefs
abuse (verbal or physical), not respecting my space when I need it, cheating, the usual basically.
this is the easiest opinion to change. my gf started out completely disgusted by the idea of pregnancy (surprisingly most girls are) and now she moans breed me daddy while we fuck and wants at least 5 kids
>But anyway, I'm not a robot
well maybe you should fuck off because the subject said ROBOTS you attentionwhoring piece of shit
What is the expression of the girl in op pic supposed to convey? Maybe I'm an autist that can't read facial expressions, but I could read that in a good or bad way. Also the statement above could be read in a good or bad way depending on the girl's opinion of cologne.
Point is that I will worry about that when I get money and they're actually available for purchase. But you knew that.
Honestly just if she's really ugly or if she's ever fucked a black guy or if "she" has a penis. By ugly I mean like sub 4/10.
Nah, I'm in the mood to motivate. Good women are perfectly attainable. This place is full of too many dumb-dumbs who think 100% of women are scum and I'm just happy to throw it in people's faces that they're lazily coping and should try harder.
Wow, get the fuck off this board
>What is the expression of the girl in op pic supposed to convey
she really likes the smell. in fact, the memory of her love is so strong that she can hardly compose herself. not that I can relate
>those fucking disgusting herpes on her lips
women are born despicable whores
>Nah, I'm in the mood to motivate
lets hear some motivation then, God knows I could use some
Pretty gud list.
I could live with no ass or a resting bitch face though
it all just depends on how much we have in common.
the less we do the lower the chance of us working out.
it's not herpes you fools. That's Zhenya Kotova, she's a famous russian model. In the original webm she and her friend or sister or something are eating cake and thats whats on her lip, not herpes
Or what?
Gimme a lead. What are your woes?
Values matter more than anything else, and the two I listed aren't necessarily their faults. So yes, fair enough.
Sounds kinda gay when you put it like that.
Im so despondent about everything. Everything goes totally wrong. There is no escape from this hole here and I feel drained so far I still havent found a real purpose in life. Sometimes Im so afraid to get out of bed in the morning, there is nothing to get up for
no ass
no self control
more than 1 partner in the past
doesn't inspire me to improve myself
can't shut up
liar, disloyal. the usual, you know
I'd be a fraud if I were to attempt to be helpful based off this post. You know what your problems are and you've told me how they viscerally make you feel without attaching any specificity to them. Problem solving requires that you identify it first. What significantly draws on your woes or contingently builds to the death of a day for you?
Hmmm yes tell me more about these 12 year old girls you like user.
Most reasonable reply in the whole thread desu
>no tits
>wants kids
>wants pets
>into nigger music
>speaks nigger
>has an instagram
>doesn't want to be on top during sex
Absolutely based post, my boy
When she sniffs my fucking hoodie like an autist
If your mom lets her stay you have no right to kick her out
If my GF doesn't have a cute penis it's a no go
>Cares too much about politics
>Dresses like shit (wears hoodies for example)
>Dosen't train and/or care about her health
>Listens to rap
>dosen't read or only reads non-achademic books
>No intresting hobbies
>Wears a mask of makeup
>Has snapchat, and uses too much time on media
>Cries a lot and is extra feely
>No goals
you both nailed it for me
i wouldnt fuck with a bitch with an unnatural hair color either
>>wants kid
Why would this be a deal breaker? If you want an actually decent gf she's gonna have to be the type that wants kids, otherwis get a trap.
If you want an actually decent GF, she's gonna have to be the type that doesn't want kids, otherwise get a welfare queen.
See? I can say dumb shit without explaining too.
This mentality
being fat, even only slightly, is my only deal breaker
unfortunately in 2018 this means 90% or more of women are excluded, and those who are thin and don't have busted up faces know they are in the top 10% and could have any 6'4 Chad they wanted
being a retard, i don't need them to be 9000iq but jeez atleast be able to think
>when his cologne smells addictive
In a huge sack of shit so i have none
>his cologne
>not his BO
This post is depressing and comfortable at the same time. Imagine living at home with mom and your gf (in a society that respected it). It would be living with the 2 most important women of your life. A win or win situation.
It doesn't matter because I'm fully opposed to being anything other than alone anymore.
- A woman who has "grown up" and "wants to settle down with a nice guy" after spending their youth reenacting every scene in the American Pie and Girls Gone Wild movies.
- Dumb or doesn't think before acting.
- Hates the police. If she has a legit sympathetic backstory then I can accept it, but I can't stand people who hate cops because they got caught underage drinking or shoplifting as a teen.
- Wants children (I hate kids and never want to be a parent).
- Religious
- Bad teeth
- Small butt and titties
Essentially my first point. Rather, either spend your ho phase with me as your husband, or don't act like a stuck up prude who only wants sex once a month after an expensive dinner while you reenacted Caligula with all of your past boyfriends and one night stands. If you're sexually adventurous, own it and share your fun with me, don't exclude me because I'm too "nice."
He's quoting himmler.
Yes, and he should've kept playing along.
disgusting herpes whore
> tattoos
> flat ass
> stupid
> mean
> promiscuous
That are the big ones.
If her foot scent is bad, that's a deal breaker. It has to be more like white cheddar popcorn, not vinegar. Who can back me up here
>Who can back me up here
I shall, although post sex smelly gf is a god tier scent
eto zhestoko
when she finds someone else to have a good time with
>herpes reee
lol at the roastie doing damage control