Lmao i pulled out my pocket knife on some faggot that was trying to press me for no reason...

lmao i pulled out my pocket knife on some faggot that was trying to press me for no reason, he thought i was a pedo talking to his 5yo son (i wasnt talking to the kid tho, he was talking to me), the fag tried to fight me till i pulled out my 10 dollars knife

feels good, he walked away like a pussy ass

keep in mind, im 5'7, he was like 5'11 tho

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Don't start knife fights dumbass.

Do you know how much power you can generate with a downward slash?

You could've easily gotten stabbed. Don't be a fucking retard. Just walk away.

Either you're a edgy 12 faggot or you suffer from down syndrom

Fast track to prison, imo. Just let him weed himself out.

what happens if the guy has a gun and he shoots you?

Which, dependent on his state, is pretty fucking likely. Although CCW training is to "back down if at all possible" so unless OP was retard enough to corner the guy he'd probably still be alive, as disappointing as that is.

Or if he fights back and both of them suffer serious knife wounds.
You don't knife fight without training or everyone loses.

itt; faggots w no life experience or like bullying people and disappointed when opponents armed. die faggots.

It's called common sense but of course I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that.

Kek nice op, I keep my switchblade on me at all times, had a junkie pull an axe on me once while delivering pizza, rushed him and held the knife to his throat. He pussied out pretty quick

The law is against OP, if he doesn't want to get into trouble it's best he listen.

If a kid came up to me I'd ignore him. Better to be labeled an asshole than a pedophile

I don't think OP cares

im an extremely powerful confident man with magickal powers from the angels, i would only need a few words with that man before he either apologised to me and we come to a sensible agreement or i destroy him with reasoning and words. I do not want to show such violence in front of a innocent child.

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What?? How the fuck is that not self defense if someone is trying to physically attack you and you threaten them to leave you alone?
What the fuck else are you supposed to do if you can't defend yourself?

I think this pic is more accurate.

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Nobody was threatening OP, he was just annoyed that the dude called him out on being a pedo.

>the fag tried to fight me
Are you dense? It's right there.

>pedo is talking to my kid
>tell him to fuck off and go away
>pedo starts trying to defend pedo actions
>"it wasnt my fault, kid is coming on to ME!"
>about to punch him in the face
>absolute insane pedo pulls a knife on me in front of my kid

Yeah that guy probably just turned pro gun and anti fag.

>taking an unhinged autist's account of the events at face value
Not the brightest saw in the sea eh lad?

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He told a story, we're commenting on it.
It's dumb to just assume certain details are wrong with no proper reasoning.

t. larplord

god you're such a faggot just shut the fuck up

>letting the other person know you have a knife in a confrontation before it's inside their body
Not how you do it