Do not date bug women. Gook women are degenerates

Do not date bug women. Gook women are degenerates.

This gook flew to Europe at her own expense and paid to fuck a nigger. And said it was the only scene she orgasmed from in porn. With an actor whose only other IR porn credits are with fat old grannies.

Remind me again why Asian women are so traditional and muh virginal Asian waifu?

Sources: (try not to puke)

A chink promoting racial mixing between gooks and negroes and doing a softcore strip tease for her negro interviewer:

Degenerate promotion of racial mixing with negroes as muscular and strong sexy etc feature bug woman:

In Asia I saw alot of Asian women with niggers in Japan only foreigners I saw with Japanese women were niggers. Didnt see any interracial couples in Hong Kong. Vietnam I saw a mixture but lets just say the gold digging whores and lady boy queers were dating old fat ugly guys and the most beautiful ones were with niggers. Asian women are truly degenerate sluts. White women arent as bad or slutty. Although I've seen alot of white women be race traitors. Asian women literally are addicted to brack chocorit. And who wants to date a race of coal burners? And betray your own race at the same time. I dont want that black crud on my white pud. And I dont want any rice on it either.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, you just discovered that race means nothing, and all women (all people, actually) are garbage.

Bull nose ring. Disgusting

>cherrypicking the opinion of a literal pornstar

meanwhile in real life

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shoo shoo, sneaky Jew

And you ignored my personal experiences and two other video sources of info? Whose cherry picking now? Face it non white women are bigger whores. It's a Jewish tactic to make less white children.

But Jews are white, aren't they?

Also, who is the leader of the Jews? How do they coordinate these plans?

Don't Jews also lose out on the social degradation of western society? When these Chinese take over, all the Jewish bankers won't be as successful as their oriental counterparts.

Does it seem like they'd want to promote robust family structures with the capacity to save/invest money and use their financial services?

Also, if people are too poor, they can't pay for lawyers. Again, the Jews lose out here.

I've just never understood this conspiracy theory, like, at all.

>And you ignored my personal experiences and two other video sources of info?

Wow that's all the evidence I need I guess. Fuck statistics.

Also, fuck off ET.

>But Jews are white, aren't they?

>But Jews are white, aren't they?


Fine, quasi-white, like Meds. Close enough.
Or do you only disagree because you buy into the controlled opposition that is Christianity?

First of all, why do you give a shit what gook women are doing? You obviously want nothing to do with them

Second, your complaining about Asian women fucking niggers when literally every other porn video is of a white woman taking bbc

>Race means nothing
Statistically, it does. But outliers do exist in every sample, but to say it's meaningless is some low IQ shit.

Good point just dont want white men to be taken in by the Asian traditional wife bullshit. If they see them as huge sluts and coal burners they wont want them.

>Letting whores, let alone this one specific whore, define an entire race of people
How did we create space satellites if pic related is the best we have?

Also, pro tip: Loyal housewives don't have hundreds of pictures of themselves floating around the internet. Bit of a selection bias in what you're doing.

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I'm pretty sure that's a pornstar. I've jerked off to her before so I would know. Just look up Asian on Pornhub and a few of her videos are on the first page.
So I'm just gonna take a wild guess and assume she didn't pay, but was paid.

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>they wont want them.

why do you care, eurasiantiger? How does it affect you in any way?

anecdotal evidence does not supersede statistical data you doof

Everyone in this thread is a filthy kike who wants to believe the Asian women love white men myth. Heres a conversation I'm having with my Asian gf right now she barely speaks English so I need to talk baby talk to her. I'm a hypocrite I guess but it's true what I saw there.

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user stop, I legit feel embarrassed for your psychosis.

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and again... they post stats for who's the ideal beta provider.... no wonder you guys get cucked and divorce raped so often

this obsession with black people - what does it contribute to your guys' lives? I never understood it

>no wonder you guys get cucked and divorce raped so often

and yet...once again, asian women divorce at a lower rate than literally anyone. You literally can't win, holy shit. kek

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Asian women bullshit though. Korea is like a zoo.

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>nose ring
into the trash heap it goes

Thanks but I don't date women, gook or else.


These are fake as fuck. Unless asian men are so cucked they would unironically ask their asian gf if they prefer white or black guys.


lmao that is not what I was expecting
it was laid back and comfy

I like the part where she's leaning against him posing for a selfie with her face all covered in cum and she's like "kiss me!" and he cautiously kisses her on the forehead to avoid the semen and she laughs at him

It's easy to imagine they went and got beers after the shooting

That was mind of hot. Does she do lesbian videos?

I'm not Asian I'm white. I didn't ask her what she prefers I was demeaning her culture and calling asians whores and gold digging nigger lovers. She was trying to convince me otherwise in broken engrish. I'm abandoning this thread though too many Jews and people not wanting to agree with me.

>I'm not Asian I'm white

AHAHAHAHA sure buddy.

>I'm abandoning this thread though too many Jews and people not wanting to agree with me.

yeah run away with your tail between your legs because you got exposed and blown the fuck out you little faggot. lel

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lol why do you care for asians then?
This fucking whitey incel lel.

>Muh jews
You forgot to respond to the rest of his post you stupid faggot

I dont care for asians. I'm not incel if I took her virginity and had sex with 30+ women. I hate niggers and non whites. I fucked nigger women before doesnt mean I loved or appreciated them. Their just holes

It does if you're sources are nonsensical propaganda, you dumb cunt

You're still a virgin and never fucked a girl in your life so you can STFU. I've been with three different kinds of gooks.

The jig is up gook, we know you're full of shit

Omg stfu before I come through the monitor and murder you faggot. I'm not gonna dox myself to prove I'm not a fucking zipperhead to you you fucking jew. Let's fight faggot meet me you in Canada east coast? Give me an email I'll meet you and fuck you up man.

Buddy I'm literally in Canada, in the east. I'll fucking crush your little gook skull like a fucking walnut

Fucking nigger let me split your head open like a watermelon

i thought you were gonna leave stormfag. You are mentally ill and have an irrational hatred for wm/af. I blame it on your self hating mother and racist dad though desu.

You are literally sub 90IQ, you projecting, lying faggot

Excellent [email protected] email me I'm white you gay faggot

>Implying I'm a nigger

Are you sure you really wanna fight?

I'm not a gook you fucking retard. Do my skin look piss colored?

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Email me not gonna give you my phone number. Newfoundland is the province you homosexual.

Holy fuck you are literally a fucking retard. He called you a stormfag, but you're a newfaggot so you don't know what that means. You're scrawny as fuck, have no jaw or chin, look sickly pale, and dress like a fucking queer. Just leave already your embarrassing yourself. You look like you would die from one punch

You're half gook. Your posting style is instantly recognizable. Stop filling this board with your autism. It's actually mentally draining to read.

Called me a gook not a stormfag. I lost 30 lbs in Asia due to the food and climate. I'm 225. Bench 200 lbs for 10. And been taking tren and test for a few months now. I'm 6'1" too fag. I gave you my email and general area so you wanna fight lets meet up I'll give you doctor martens dental plan.

I'm leaving the thread now anyways too many retards post on cuckchan

You're none of those things you asian manlet. Stop shitting up this board with your autism and actually end your life.

There is no fucking way you are 225, you are a skinnyfat pussy. If you think a bit of height, hormones and bench pressing is gonna win you a fight, you've obviously never fought before. Stop fronting online to feel tough, you pathetic faggot


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>And you ignored my personal experiences
yeah, that's the sane thing to do with anecdotal evidence.. ignore it, maybe laugh at it a bit, and move on with actual shit.

>It's a Jewish tactic to make less white children
how the fuck does making japanese women fuck niggers create less white children? Are you clinically retarded?

OP is right, though, Asian women love niggers. Most betas won't accept it but Asian women are very low IQ just like blacks

why are you trying to fight people on Jow Forums, this isn't Faceberg
half the people here browse Jow Forums
your Doc Martens aren't going to do shit if somebody brings a piece or a combat knife, i would know, i wear Doc Martens too but i don't pick fights everytime i go to the bar

Nerd faggot, eat mud twink.

originalio kek comment

whoops, forgot my pic. Very fitting for this particular thread.

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>Bench 200 lbs for 10. And been taking tren and test for a few months now
must be bunk gear, mate. I benched 200 for 12 before I ever touched anabolics.

Daily reminder 31% of Japanese women admit they have cheated. This is the race that gave us tofu.

nuffin wrong with tofu

he's saying that Asian women loving white men/not being total whores is a Jewish psyop to get white men to go for Asian girls instead of having children with white women

still maximum tinfoil, sorry.

In Japan, even holding hands or hugging is considered cheating. In the west there's probably less cheating because everyones technically in an open relationship thanks to shit like tinder.

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Great bait. You are a dumb faggot and what you are saying is totally false, after having lived in Korea and Japan. Why would you even take the time to post this lmao.

Oh wait, I know, you're a salty Asian or hapa. Would bet money on it.

I need a proper asian qt to pass my genes onto,
sorry roasties you cant compete

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>using a picture from some ghetto black girl as an example of western society

Oh I agree considering that Jewish controlled media regularly shills against WM/AF and demonizes it as a "fetish."

>the jews push for white men to fuck gook chicks
>they also push against interracial sex becauz it's a fetish lol
the plot thickens

>Obsessing over and orbiting a pornstar to this degree

Holy fuck that's pathetic OP.

ok seriously why do we still have these threads

>In Japan, even holding hands or hugging is considered cheating.
29% admit to having sex with someone else during a relationship
tofu is made of soya beans retard

Obsessed my man

>Cac upset because Asian women aren't dating him

Can someone post even one shred of evidence in favor of what OP is saying? I think it's universally agreed and statistically that if asian women mix with anyone, it's almost 99% of the time with white guys.

>Vietnam I saw a mixture but lets just say the gold digging whores and lady boy queers were dating old fat ugly guys and the most beautiful ones were with niggers.
I've been to Vietnam. You're full of shit. I got so much female attention there for being tall, pale, and blue-eyed that it was unreal. Blacks were treated like scum.

nerd faggot eat mud twink


It's mostly with white guys but asian women coalburn more than white women. In my opinion this makes asian women the most subhuman

Everything I've read say otherwise. Asian women are painfully racist against blacks, even moreso than any other race for whatever reason.

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Yeah, you're right. People acting as though all members of a certain race share the same characteristics and personality traits are retarded. I think Asian girls are cute, but I don't put them on a pedestal as perfect innocent waifus because I know that women are women, regardless of their race. It's upbringing and personality that make a difference, not so much race by itself.

Report this cunt to Sharia Law so she cant enter Muslim states.

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the chinks i know are incredibly racist towards the lesser races, browns blacks what have you, they pretty much think themselves better than us americans too in their weird twisted minds, except for some people that fetish foreigners. they dont try to hide it, shit man even the asian communities in california hate niggers.

quads is based as fuck, its kinda funny that even the shit tier asians hate niggers



>that pic
more like Sicilians and northern Italians

nerd faggot, eat mud twink


>It's upbringing and personality that make a difference, not so much race by itself.
Wrong race matters more than anything in life. It's literally the most important thing on earth. Asian people are extremely feminine and weak.
White men have an advantage with women until they turn 25. Then white men go bald and women start hating them. Black men don't go bald so we don't take that L.(scientific fact) For the zoomers here who think women won't hate them when they go bald, wait til you get here. All the "I love being white" shit goes out the door with that hairline.

>White men have an advantage with women until they turn 25. Then white men go bald and women start hating them

literally what the fuck am I reading? Do you enjoy making up scenarios like this in your head?


White men age faster than black men. White men wrinkle faster, bald faster, and grey faster than black men. Most women hate bald men and baldness is usually the end of a man's dating life.

>Wrong race matters more than anything in life. It's literally the most important thing on earth.

This is generally a mindset held by the lowest members of a certain race. They have no notable accomplishments of their own and want to leach off the success of others.

>Most women hate bald men and baldness is usually the end of a man's dating life.

and yet whites regardless of age are still the most desired men. Why is that? Oh right, because you're making shit up to prove your false narrative.

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>This is generally a mindset held by the lowest members of a certain race.
Most people would agree that poor whites are superior to rich blacks. Most people would agree that a Trump is better than Obama. Race is extremely important.

>and yet whites regardless of age are still the most desired men.
I've never seen a study factor in male pattern baldness into racial preferences. They group white men who still have their hairline with the balding whites. As a zoomer you won't be able to understand how bad going bald is. You'll learn soon enough.

There are studies showing older black men have more sex than older white men. If a black boomer gets laid more than a white boomer it definitely tells you who's more attractive to women.

Thinking that your local white homeless person is superior to Obama isn't really important information though. You can't do anything valuable with that, it's just some arbitrary opinion

im 28 with a full head of hair as is everyone in my family. nappy Black hair is ugly to begin with and a lot of them shave it bald anyways
By the way it's hilarious how you've run out of arguments and this is the only thing you can fall back on.

Nice, got a sauce?

>Most people would agree that a Trump is better than Obama.

Not with Trump's shitty approval ratings