Depressing images thread? I'll start

Depressing images thread? I'll start.

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>Depressing images thread? I'll start.

god i wish that was me

The plane guy that people stop talking about

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Rip Alaska skying

So that was a body rotting on the floor right

another body stain

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Big Deer Boy fall in crack

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Why do you do this user. I wanted to be depressed not fucking cry

I find this stuff incredibly fascinating. Pic related is a picture from the Penitentiary of New Mexico. Axe marks and a burn mark on the concrete floor of block 4 where men were butchered to death with knives, axes and blow torches. The axe marks are from where the victim was repeatedly struck with an axe, the killer was obviously frantically swinging while the victim was dodging the weapon.

forgot the pic.

Pretty scary shit. One guys head exploded because they held the blow torch up to his head for so long.

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Yeah, stains left from putrefaction.

rip granny

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Think it happened in the winter? Maybe fell through the snow, then froze to death?

Origin origenality

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How about a change of pace

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This one makes me feel so fucking bad

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The cycle never ends.

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Long read but origenaly relevant

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Second origenal part

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This one always gets me in the feels.

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originaloregano too soon, user, too soon...

When does this ride end, anons?

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Not even after we're dead.

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This fridge

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I'm 30 now, and when I was around 25 I finally "opened up" to my parents and came sobbing about not having friends, and how spending so much time alone in my room was horrible.and how sad exactly i was.

my mother responded by saying she'd help me find a better job, and my dad said i needed to stop being so sensitive. needless to say i crammed those feelings back up and just drink excessively. im sure ill probably kill myself one day.

People posting pictures of literal dead people stains and u just post a short guy posing with hot chicks???? Get some perspective, Jesus Christ.

Thats pathetic and cringy, reminds me of this haha

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Here's an incredibly sad documentary about people that die without any family or friends. The tl;dw summary of this is that you don't get found until weeks later when your body has basically melted, then you're cremated and buried with thousands of other cremated remains in the back of the local coroner's office

Hard to get much more depressing than that

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this always gets me right in the heart

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You can make arrangements for your own funeral so they'd have to cremate you alone if you want


This doth count.

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Rem8nds me of icp soung about falling apart. Also turning 30.

The robots fate.

Check the hoverhand

>beezow doo-doo zopittybop-bop-bop

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True, but those types of people are the truest of robots and probably don't care about their fate by the end.

Damn, user. I get it though. I often wish I could be friends with another socially retarded loser like me but then I realise that I lack the energy for friends

>TFW it's like this
>Got a job
>TFW it's waking up early, being miserable, then panel 2
>And then student debt payments

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>Back of the body showing
That looks fake

So had someone just moved into this house?

It is odd to know that this is your fate.

nigga, theres human stains left on the ground and you're comparing hover hands?

These people were so long unnoticed they left their STAIN on the FLOOR. and some faggot whos CLOSE to OTHERS whom cant put a fucking HAND on is some how relatable? Get some fucking perspective.

I wish cremation was more popular than traditional burials, honestly. Its way cheaper and better for the environment. Not to mention they are reducing you to literal dust instead of letting your corpse continue to rot in a metal case for another 20-30 years.

>tfw been working out for 3 month now
>Finished Dead Souls today, previously finished Twelve Caesars and The Idiot prior
>Unsure if I want to read another Russian novel or Thucydides or something a bit more modern
Last week I cut contact with my best friend because she's quite toxic and overall the year has been very asocial for me.

t. Shlomo Goldenshekelstein

This one time around last year, when I was a trucker away from home for lie 2 months or something, I forgot to pay my electric bill and all the food in my fridge had spoiled.

When I finally got my off days (3), I returned to my apartment and like as soon as I walked up there was a very foul odor permeating from the door....
I found a note on the handle, but didn't open it until later. Once I opened the door and entered inside, the stench only became stronger. Opened up the fridge and found everything inside had started to rot. Eggs, chicken fruits etc. Had to toss it all in like 3 garbage bags and clean out the inside of the fridge with clorox....

Sat down and opened the note. It was left by my landlord. Apparently the smell started to get really bad around the 3rd week I was gone, and all my neighbers thought I had died inside my unit and that the smell was coming from my rotting corpse lol

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so what causes the stain??

harry potter saw some shit

the corpse rotting and literally melting away

When you die at home and are so alone that no one notices your gone till your corpse rots and liquifies making a body shaped stain wherever it was.
It can be so much worse if you live in a house far enough from neighbors. Your body can completely liquify into your fucking floor causing it to rot away as well.
>the pics posted so far have been elderly japanese who's bodies were discovered before that point

>be old robot
>every day is immensely boring and unfulfilling, just going through the motions
>time to take a shower
>have catastrophic medical emergency, start bleeding and shitting profusely out of your ass
>please no, not like this
>can't do anything about it, die alone
>nobody has paid attention to you for the last 30 years, so your body just rots away
>neighbor finally notices a smell, calls the police
>your partially melted corpse is laying there naked, absolutely no dignity
>nobody cares

Attached: that feel old.jpg (600x600, 115K)

Cell block 4 was the segregation wing. It's where they put the snitches, sex criminals, and mentally ill. The Aryans and Chicano gangs teamed up to go find the snitches and sex criminals, got the records to see who the informers were in there, then cut into the cell block and executed them. They told the government forces outside that's what they were doing, over the course of the 5hrs it took to cut into the block. Police response on the outside "It's their ass", they made no moves to stop it

Well, now every time you remember something cringey you did in the past, just remember that it doesn't matter at all if you end up like that. Every mistake you make is nothing.

I forgot the most important part. There was a back door the cops could've used to get the men out.

>One official stated "It's their ass" when overheard speaking about the men in the segregation facility.[24] Locked in their cells, the segregated prisoners called to the State Police outside just beyond the fence, pleading for them to save them. Waiting officers did nothing despite there being a back door to Cellblock 4, which would have offered a way to free them. As the door was intended only for emergency use,[25] and therefore never opened, the keys were not readily available. State Police agreed with the prison negotiators not to enter the prison as long as the officers being held hostage were kept alive.

>be a low level criminal involved in gang shit
>get caught
>offered a deal
>extremely high chance of being killed by the gang for a chance at lower sentence
Deserved. Less tax payer dollars going to criminals is always a good thing. The cops did the right thing letting the degenerate rats get killed

This one. I fucking hate this one. Something about seeing your old man cry because you're a failure really gets to me.

The more depressing version

>be old robot
>every day is immensely boring and unfulfilling, just going through the motions
>time to take a shower
>slip and fall breaking your shit
>you can't get up
>you can't get to your phone
>no way to get help
>please no, not like this
>can't do anything about it. Just lie there on the floor for days thinking about your life and hoping that somehow someone might help you
>finally die alone a week later in a puddle of your own waste
>nobody has paid attention to you for the last 30 years, so your body just rots away
>neighbor finally notices a smell, calls the police
>your partially melted corpse is laying there naked, absolutely no dignity
>nobody cares
>pictures of your corpse stain get circulated around the Internet
>still nobody cares

>tfw your dad as much of an autistic loser as you are
>probably got the autism from him
>only cries when he thinks you're going to off yourself

>tfw my bio father was a degenerate drug addict who treated me and my mom like shit but cleaned up and has another family better off than us
I dream about the day my "old man" dies. I really hope he goes back to drugs and fucks up the other family

Guy hangs himself in a hotel room in 2001. He checked into the room under a false name. He wasn't identified until 2018. His family never reported him missing they just assumed that he was alive and wanted nothing to do with them.

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i wish i could do that. im 27 and ive been a shut in loser for pretty much my entire life. and yet, somehow, my parents still ask me why im so sad/miserable all the time and say i have a great life

its really amazing to me how dense they are

I remember him every once in a while and get sad. I almost enjoy the pain.

People can be weird about that. I tried to kill myself once like the faggot I am and ended up in the hospital. Nobody seemed to care about how it was obvious suicide attempt. I can see them all going WHYY DID HE DO THIS THERE WERE NEVER ANY SIGNS once I go an hero. It's like they don't want to deal with the problem at all.

could you just imagine? damn

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My brothers. I told my parents too. My dad told me "get over it" and nothing else. My mom told me to get professional help and wont talk to me about it, just tell me repeatedly to go to a shrink.

i never realized hanging like that would even be lethal at all without reading about it. do most people understand the mechanics behind shutting off the blood to the brain? shit takes hardly any pressure.

Most people don't understand a fucking thing.

I don't remember posting this. I usually don't post Aqua, either.

It's impractical due to your body jerking around trying to save itself. You stand up and flop and break free if the legs don't dangle, or wake back up when you stand up.

The choking game is fun btw.

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gross ghost butt

It's partial suspension and a lot of people did it. Quite a few celebs e.g. It's how I'm going to kill myself. Only worry is the jerking around.

What kind of a question is this retard? At least capitalize the first letter when mouth breathing all over the Internet.

okay basedboy
have fun crying over dead animals
>inb4 edgelord
I'm sure animals have died from a worse fate,
but crying over nature is pointless and stupid I'm sure many have had it worse and haven't been recorded on camera. Cry over your family and human relationships you stupid bitch, animals ain't got nothing on us.

lmao gaylord

Damn user, it is too late for me to read all of that. If it truly is worth the read I will save it and come back, but tell me now. Is it a must read for robots?

>working out for almost ten years
>still look fat and tits sag
> tfw lost almost a hundred pounds

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For the most part. One dude was a shoplifter who was suing the prison because he got raped seven times. So they had to segregate him. When the gangs cut into his cell they beat him, mutilated him, cut off his junk and stuffed it in his mouth, then hanged him.

One dude had his head exploded by a blowtorch as they held him up to the window so the police could see

The 12 prison guards taken hostage survived but had to be treated for severe rape injuries

The worst anyone involved in the riot got was +9yrs on their sentence

The prison was actually way in the wrong and would beat the shit out of the prisoners just because they could. The prisoners tried to post a petition of civil rights for the abuse so the warden shot tear gas at them on the south end of the prison, forcing them to run through the halls to the north end. In between they had guards and priests with batons and ax handles beating them. The prisoners called it "night of the ax handles". The government ignored the prisoners complaints until finally they snapped

Fuck mate
Fuck student loans right up the ass. Sometimes I wish I went to school in the 70s/80s back when the govt/states still funded public universities - then some genius got the idea to rip them away and replace them with loans.

Are those mouse droppings all over the floor?

rest easy skyking.
the wageslaves haven't forget about you.

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Anyone have a cap of a guy talking about his friend?
He always had his phone or something with him, and he was always listening to messages on his phone or something. He didn't want to delete the voice messages because one was from his deceased mother telling him how much she loved him.

I will not forget about Rich Russel

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>fat as fuck
>dies within inches of Domino's gift card

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Like staring into the future

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probably pulled up carpet and found a surprise

Something supposedly tragic now becomes a way for me to know about him

Do you honestly think anyone gives a shit about your opinion?
You can reply to this about how much you don't care if anyone cares but it's obvious you think your opinion, regardless of how edgy it is, actually matters to anyone or won't be forgotten within 20 seconds of someone reading it and taking around 10 seconds to reply.

Original picture from Ukrainian on KC

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God damn that's worse than all of the body stains combined.

I really dont understand this, it is supposed to be sarcastic about these problems?

unironically makes me proud to be an amerifat

I did this except went to prostitutes

Cant anymore because had a panic attack about STDs

>tfw was lucky enough to not get anything from barebacking trannies, eating ass, eating pussy of whores

>tfw no Veronica gf

>Says he doesn't Trust Regina.
>That's why he watches her shower


Not the guy you replied to, but it's not any useful advice at all, just a doompost explaining how you got to where you are, and how things will never get better past a certain point.

well.. i saw this today

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for me this was so Depressing

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judging from where the card is, she probably ate the card accidentally and then shat it out when she died