
purge the trannies edition

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Based and epicpilled.
Gas the trannies

I fucking hate the faggot threads. When the fuck did these cunts get the idea that r9k would be an ideal place for them? They have their own goddamn board.

Make /lgbt/ a nsfw board. Problem solved. Would clean up Jow Forums, /soc/, /gif/, and the other boards ruined by them.

Redditors, underage people, and discordniggers made it happen.
Friendly reminder there are people who are 13 and younger on this board.

i actually got banned for a week simply for telling them to fuck off to The mods are actual faggots

At least some of them are smart enough not to give out their age. They at least took their time to read the rules. The worst ones are the "XD Jow Forums is that creepy site and I'm scared to use it because I'll get haxxed" kids

Do people actually think you automatically get haxxed and virused as soon as you go on 4chin?

Isn't it nice to have them here? We're like one big happy family. If they're gone, this board will be a little bit more boring.

Would you rather be bored in your own house, or have a bunch of gays and trannies move in?

I fully agree OP
We purged trannies once before, we should finish them off

I'd love gay people and trans people move into my house. We'd have huge orgies and then cuddle

Tru Jow Forums only
Fuck incels, fags, and discord niggers
Incels are faggots who shit up this board when their gay subreddit was shut down

Last time I talked to someone was August been a hermit for 7 years

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Lets holocaust the fags and trannies.

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reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/4awhc9/can_i_get_hacked_after_posting_on_Jow Forums/

reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4tgwzr/a_genuine_question_is_Jow Forums_dangerous_to_view/

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Hope you die screaming

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Well, to be fair, I probably wouldn't want you in my house. That doesn't mean I think that you, specifically, should be booted from the site.

Jesus christ, i knew redditors were retarded, but this?
oh god

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they're trying to brainwash us to be fags they're devious like that

>he doesn't know
alright newfag just leave

What the original version of this image?

Aren't trannies like .04% of Earth's population or something? They purge themselves plenty anyway. Most of em end up an heroing.

This place is shit
I could deal with the faggy ass lonelyposting, the tfw no gf types who are too dumb to try to fix their situation, but this trap shit is fucked up dude
People so porn addicted they get off to getting fucked in the ass and pretending they're girls

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