Daily reminder that r9k is not associated with any other board or political party, and if you're a Nazi from Jow Forums, well, that's okay, but keep it to yourself.
Daily reminder that r9k is not associated with any other board or political party, and if you're a Nazi from Jow Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jow Forums is a Nazi board, as is the rest of this site.
>attempting to conflate being apolitical with being the sort of person who would blindly call people Nazis
Weak play, Jow Forums
Jow Forums has no reason to be socially left wing though, it has every reason to lean right socially.
Based and hitlerpilled.
says you, nigger
You couldnt be more wrong. Get the fuck out of here you cock sucking, womens rights enabling, karl marx reading bag of shit. Jow Forums is Jow Forums, always has been, always we be. We do not like women, faggots, trannies or leftists.
You retards can try all you want but you'll never take this board.
congratulations friend, you've earned yourself a stay at one of our special vacation camps with free showers. Provided to you by IG Farben
Not really, being socially right would see you all dragged out of your rooms and forced into menial jobs with no one caring about you or your feelings all so you could drink yourself to death
So basically the same except no mommy to being you tendies, or are you going to try and claim Chad and Stacy didnt exist in the 50s and that there's someone for everyone
>Jow Forums hates women (generally speaking)
>Jow Forums loves gays
>Jow Forums has regular drugfeels threads
>Jow Forums is mostly comprised of NEETbux recipients
Eternal summer camp! Hooraaay!
You make it sound like a bad thing. Als youre implying that we are all welfare bludgers in a basement living off mums tendies. You communists are pathetic.
>being socially right is good for robots
>no and here's why
>you make it sound bad, I have no retort except to fall back on buzz words
>>Jow Forums loves gays
No we dont. The mods just dont delete the threads. literally no robot likes faggots
>Jow Forums is mostly comprised of NEETbux recipients
>welfare bludgers in a basement living off mums tendies.
The tendies meme never ceases to make me laugh.
we hate trannies. The faggots that post on r9gay are not associated with us. Also drugfeels is retarded, we hate them too
Reminder that Jow Forums is behind all the tranny posting as a long term psyop to get people to hate a bunch of fags that don't even post here
who hurt you
Despite being a gay furry degenerate I'll always have Nazi sympathies.
>>Jow Forums is mostly comprised of NEETbux recipients
You have to go back, niggerkin.
cringe. fuck niggers and fuck lefties.
Having jobs and direction in life is a bad thing? No wonder commie countries are so shit.
Actually know its a leftist pysop to slowly corrupt and wither away at the already shattered self esteems of alot of the newer posters. Get them to take hormones and sterilize themselves.
This is now a /natsoc/ thread, my friend.
Maybe we just don't want sex obsessed normies whos only identifying characteristic is their fetish shitting up our board when the only thing interesting they have to discuss is what gets their dicks hard.
Except retards (probably you included) keep calling others Nazi's when they do anything slightly edgy, and even then people got called to saying "go back to Jow Forums" for saying some common sense shit
absolutely positively this. Commies deserve gas chambers.
Too bad gas chambers never actually existed and were constructed after Soviets liberated work camps.
>jobs and direction
Big difference between choosing your life and having it determined for you
Ironically your stance is the one that's in line with communism but I don't usually expect Jow Forumstards to get the irony of their ramblings
>My own personal feelings and needs are more important that societies
In other words your a self absorbed cry baby who thinks they are entitled to free shit.
Again its no surprise commie states fail.
>OP not realizing that every board on Jow Forums is ruled by fascists at this point
Not even lgbt is safe.
Based doggy
lol whatever helps you sleep at night
>advocating for "the needs of the group over the needs of the individual"
Literal communist propaganda and anti capitalist and therefor anti western society, including the society and heritage of the germanic people
You are a fool and a hypocrite that doesn't even know what commie means and just uses it to mean "anyone I dont like", exactly the way sjws use the term nazi
Fucking retard
Trump is a Zionist fag desu.
>Literal communist propaganda and anti capitalist and therefor anti western society, including the society and heritage of the germanic people
controlled opposition pls go
Modern hyper-individualism is not representative of Western society.
Nazis were anti-capitalist you fucking retard. You don't even know what you're arguing. What he said sounded exactly like how a Nazi would think.
>gets btfo
>n-no, let me move these goal posts
Minderwertige Manner mussen hangen
Mein neigher
yes but he triggers commie liberals so meh
yikes and cringe
>tells people they don't know what "commie" means when he doesn't even know what "nazi" means
>can't even differentiate between the two
Yeah, totally BTFO, you did it.
At least he's a nationalist and wants to crack down on immigration.
All I can do is be grateful that Hillary isn't in office.
I still think Trump's election was a ploy to divide the people and cause retaliation and radicalization of the left though.
Universal suffrage was a mistake. Prols just want to vote for more gibs.
>n-no u
How embarrassing for the two of you
90% of the so-called "Nazis" on this website are just edgy LARPers who fall back on culture war bullshit because they're too lazy and/or stupid to develop comprehensive economic views.
>Nazis were anti-capitalist you fucking retard.
"We stand for the maintenance of private property... We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible economic order."-Adolf Hitler
Yeah, real anti-capitalist.
See all these replies? Literally no one on r9k agrees with you.
Get lost you ANTIFA faggot.
I'd rather be left alone than getting involved in politics of any side. A true natsoc system would send me to a forced labor camp, commies would send me to gulags, ancaps would fucking purchase me, liberals would turn everything around me into a multiculti wasteland. Fuck you all. Nobody accepts me, nobody sees any potential in me, nobody stands up for me, but myself. Fuck you all, fuck hiroshimoot and fuck the jannies.
>n-no one agrees
>immediately after a post of someone else pointing out your childish misunderstanding of the words you spew out
God, I would just die of embarrassment if I were you, good for you user for still having the nerve to post here
Ironically the liberals would be the most willing to stand up for you and set you up well enough to be left alone through social safety nets if you told them you were depressed and didn't want to deal with others
>Jow Forums is on NEETbux
>NEETbux is welfare
>welfare is socialism
>national SOCIALIST german workers' party is socialist
>national socialists are Nazis
Therefore Jow Forums is a Nazi board
Owned by facts and logic libtard
People like this are crossboarders from Jow Forums who see r9k as low hanging fruit for recruitment
In general, whenever talking about politics, remember that there is absolutely no need for a group of political people to like you or even have sympathy for you to try to convert you to their cause. In politics the mass of heavy lifting is almost always done by useful idiots. Every political movement needs more useful idiots than valued members, because intellectuals dont do work and in-group competition exist as well, meaning that too many valued members will lead to infighting.
So basically you're being recruited as a useful idiot, cannon fodder if you will.
Every board is a Nazi board.
>Nazis discriminate
>liberals discriminate
>liberals are cultural marxists
>marx was a commie
>communism was never truly achieved
r9k was never truly achieved
>People like this are crossboarders from Jow Forums who see r9k as low hanging fruit for recruitment
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA wrong cunt. Its you leftists who come here posting propganda, tranny threads, fag threads and anti-pol threads in order to brainwash and recruit. Jow Forums is already Jow Forums we dont need to recruit. I split my time between here and pol and Ive been here since the start.
Liberal piece of shit roast beefs filed me for harassment at my previous liberal piece of shit workplace just for "looking and acting creepy". HR was on their side no matter how I plead. Fuck them too, fuck them the most.
Pretty much this. You can dislike them as much as you want but one of the most interesting things is that people on the left have on average a higher level of agreeableness, and people on the right have on average a much lower level of agreeableness. As hard is it is to admit, the only reason most of us here are even alive is because agreeable people take pity on us. Right wing societies are brutal, competitive and unforgiving, you will not survive in such an environment if you're a robot.
>you have to be one or the other
Im apolitical and i strongly oppose the homosexual shilling here. But not because i have a problem with homosexuality. Frankly i dont care what they do as long as they do it away from me. Rather, the reason i oppose them is the same reason i oppose you; they're a group of invaders who are trying to subvert this board and destroy the local board culture. This is not a gay hookup site, and neither is it a recruitment ground for Jow Forums. This is a board for losers and social outcasts, and the thing about losers is that everyone hates them regardless of political belief or sexuality. So you should go suck a dick and never return to this board again, invader piece of shit
The moment you don't agree with them (you don't have to fully disagree, just simply not follow their views and mind your own business) and they happen to outnumber you, you're marked as a bigot.
>crossboarders from Jow Forums who see r9k as low hanging fruit for recruitment
He actually believes the Jow Forums boogeyman hangs out here for enlisting new recruits into le scary cult
This is what i meant with that. Research was done and it was found that the only factor on the Big Five that consistently correlated with politics was the Agreeableness scale, and it consitently correlated high Agreeableness with leftism and low Agreeableness with the right.
Couldn't have said it better desu ne.
The fact that you're trying to pretend like its such a crazy idea when there are literally people in this thread openly talking about a "Jow Forums - Jow Forums alliance" (aka Jow Forums coming here to recruit) shows that you're one of those people who does that and you're trying to cover your own ass
Women also are more agreeable and men are less agreeable. So I'll let people decide which side is more manly and which is beta I guess.
1. I've hardly gone on Jow Forums, but not gonna lie and say I haven't and I don't agree with some of what they say
2. I think it's ridiculous to think that there is an actual flood of people from/pol/ actively posting here for the sole reason of converting people to their ideaology and growing in numbers. People just visit different boards and their personalities come out through their posts. It's not that hard to understand.
And you guys call Jow Forums paranoid
But why should anyone here care about which side is more manly or beta? You're posting on a board where the main enemy are manly men (Chad). Why do you expect losers who were bullied by manly men and have a burning hatred against such men to go suck their dicks because they're white?
You're showing that you're not a native to this board and just here for recruitment purposes
Im not even gonna take the first part of your post seriously. You're obviously not gonna admit you're here to recruit people regardless of if you are or not.
>actual flood of people from/pol/ actively posting here for the sole reason of converting people to their ideaology and growing in numbers
But that is exacty what happened on several boards. There is a reason why Jow Forums is called a containment board so often, because thats what it was. Right up until the elections at least, when redditors from r/the_donald and Jow Forums flooded all kinds of different boards which previously had little to no political content.
Its really not a ridiculous concept because it actually fucking happened
I like Jow Forums cause theres never any faggot posts like this, there are a lot of other type of faggot posts, just none like this.
>Jow Forums users on my board
>You're obviously not gonna admit you're here to recruit people regardless of if you are or not.
Isn't it funny how people can be "recruited" to Jow Forums by simply discussing the causes of societal issues?
If you believe every post you don't like comes from Jow Forums of course you're going to thing Jow Forums is invading every board.
Fuck off faggot this is our board. Go get your ass kicked by a chad proud boy.
Meanwhile in reality liberals call us evil hate filled incels and think we are the greatest threat to them.