Boast Your Tinder Encounters

Tinder / Bumble / POF / Hinge / Etc

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I was going to say she looked fine for 32 but 23? Yikes.

Just came here to post this
think they replied?

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this desu. she looks mentally ill too

>make tinder account
>am chadlite with 9/10 face
>within first 24 hours of making an account I get 16 matches and I only swiped right for qt's and nerds.
>realize that every single one of these girls is only interested in a casual good dicking
>delete tinder after a week.

Fuck modern dating culture. I just want a nice shut in nerd girl.

>Be blackbot
>Join Bumble
>Same thing
>Black girls want white guys
>White girls want bbc
>No 1 wants relationship

fuck me

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Matched with pic related on Sunday. Hooked up three times, went raw last two times and she swallowed the last time.
She blocked me because I refused to give her $10 for drugs.

I hooked up with three chicks earlier that week too. I just want love, man :/

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Only matched with white girls and I'm so white/pale most cameras can't even pick it up properly. Honestly there wasn't any black girls in my area, not that I would have swiped for them if there was. Anyway good luck finding that black wife, user.

All this humble bragging can fuck right off. Most of us can't even get random thots on our dicks.

Hooking up is so empty.

> download tinder
> get no matches
> download bumble
> get no matches
> download okc
> no one responds to me

If you can talk to women on a dating service you are not a robot and should GET THE FUCK OUT

>Have used dating apps for the past 5 years
>Have never gotten a reply or match
I don't know how I keep going.

We have the meats

Not even worth it

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> it's ok that you're starving bro, this food doesn't even taste good

>Hooking up is so empty.
But you have that option which many of us don't that's the issue.
It's like Stacey complaining about being lonely when she could easily find an orbiter

Holy fuck, Isabelle's face is the same size as her forehead

The thread literally said boast about tinder encounters. It's not my fault. It's your fucking fault because you're one of the fucking pathetic betas that constantly strolls the internet being thirsty flirting with anything that sounds feminine and perpetuating thot behavior and all this other bullshit. Instead of banding together and shutting this shit down. At least I don't do that, user.

I honestly thought she had one of those gag Halloween teeths

I remember doing tinder just to see what happens, maxed out my profile with normalfag shit, got about 30 matches in a month, but never went to a date because tism.
>join again, this time with my actual interests
>create profile
>mention liking animu in bio
>in a month, 2 matches, one of which is a fattie, they refused to message me back.
Brih why do they hate anime so much.

this chick wouldnt even look bad if she took care of her hair, did better makeup

This girl is insanely sexy. Short hair, thick lips, everything I desire in a woman.

She's really cute, I would date her based on looks, but she's probably not smart and is a thot.

No offense bro, but the chicks you hook up with are kinda gross.

I'm user by the way.
Also, pic related, the girl who took my virginity to.

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just admityour a faggot

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That chick to the right of the katie pic reminds me of pic related

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of course I am, why else would I be spending friday night on a chinese cartoon forum

jajajaj she, and fucking Isabelle are SCP objects

anyone else love to drink onions in the morning for estro boost?

seeing someone this basic makes me feel so much less gross about the kind of profile I have on my dating profiles

Ok, i need to make a tinder like right now. What type of pictures did you use user?

Agreed. She does look mentally ill.
>Fuck it all, fuck it all, don't give a shit anymore!!!!!

What was your encounter with her OP?

>looking for love on tinder
The only place to find a decent woman nowadays is in an orthodox church

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Mirror rares.
Fuck this whole assembly is a horror show. I would like to see Allie without the sunglasses maybe?! Probably a freak show desu.

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>tinder keeps suggesting trannies and gay guys pretending to be trannies and overweight SJW lunatics who think they are women but are clearly men

as is life in Melbourne

Shit, I remember this post from a few months ago. I thought she was cute, the artist girl, right? How did her pussy smell?

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is this the girl from the thread earlier?

It is. From the pics, it looks like he banged her?

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What? I thought you were going to girlfriend her last I checked? She blocked you because you refused to give her $10 for drugs? You should have gave her $30 for drugs for both of you?

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I'd fuck you, cutie Australiod. You'd be on the bottom though

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She's """23"""

Also fuckin nuts.

Pic related is my pictures. I haven't opened the app since Sunday. Feeling like shit rn. I can give you tips on your profile if you post it? But really not in the mood.

She smelled good. She blocked me and I'm still stuck with her paintings I bought from her. Good girl, just a little crazy :(

I don't give cash out to people. I took her out to have a good time for the both of us and to distract her from her life, but instead she asks me for money to fuel her downward spiral.

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Nah she blocked you because your 6 inch dick can't satisfy a thot and plus she found your mutt face start to get more disgusting to her after the thrill of feeling like a whore for getting fucked by an ugly dude wore off
Your refusal to submit and give the 10 bucks was just the final nail

Take this normalshit thread back to /b/.

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Alpha bro.
Post paintings?

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What the fuck I'm better looking than you, more fit, taller, and actually have a good bio yet I don't match with thots.

You really don't understand the situation. She was the one that wanted a serious relationship with me. I pity you if you've never woken up next to a beautiful woman that actually wants you before.

She wanted a relationship from you if only you were to be a good little cuck. You failed her test. She doesn't want someone of your SMV thinking you can act like you're alpha to her

Two same numbers and then three same numbers.

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How does a trash dude like you get matches? I ask as someone who is too good for tinder.

He is total trash. It's really not that hard. He has a basic level of communication skills and he sets shit up with women fast while their still in a horny desperate mood instead of scheduling shit for next week
He also put his height

>he sets shit up with women fast while their still in a horny desperate mood
That's disgusting to be honest.

I guess I'm just too good of a person to bang thots.

Aesthetic numbers confirm Chad path of life.

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>Those digits

Pic related is one of the two.

Lol what is this projection. If you don't get matches it's probably because your pictures are bad and uninteresting. If you don't get dates after matches, it's because your conversational skills are bad and uninteresting. If you need help getting matches, just post your profile and I'll help.

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christ delete the 6th photo

Hahahaha you bought this filthy art thots worthless paintings. Probably why she got the idea you're an ATM and dropped you the second your primary function malfunctioned

True. He has time to change though.

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Hmmm. It is bretty nice.

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If you really think that my ego is effected by some rando on r9k then lol. And the art was from the second girl, not the first one I posted.

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Why are you fucking posting on here? Go back to soc. You obviously don't have any real issues in your life so why come to r9k of all places?

Feeling heartbreak isn't an issue?

Listen buddy, I have to take pills every day just so I don't have a psychotic break. The pills make me fat and a zombie but the alternative is killing myself. You will get over heartbreak just like any other person in the world. No one on here wants to see some whiney fucker complain about all the bitches he's fucked and how it didn't work out with one girl.

>what is this projection
It was an honest assessment free from any bias, not projection.

Unironically this. Niggas don't realize how much of a godsend they got to be 6'+ and not mentally ill.

Ah, I feel sorry for you dude. I wish I could say it gets better or some other bs, but some people are born in shitty situations where it just doesn't get better. And as fucked up as it may sound, I'm glad you're on Jow Forums where you can get help if you wanted to (Jow Forums, Jow Forums, hell, even Jow Forums at times) but just don't be a crab in a bucket. I was a virgin that posted on incels and r9k all day in January.

>star off talking to her about Alex Jones and how reptilian shapeshifters run the world
>she's into it, keen to meet up some time
>tuesday night, working till 11pm
>messages, says she's out drinking
>wants to come over
>turns up at my place at midnight
>she's inside the doorway

I don't need pity and I don't have any intentions of wanting to see you at the same level as me. What I'm saying is that you are misguided if you think you can humble brag about the girls you've fucked without getting push back from people on this board. Not to mention the fact that you have posted images of yourself on an anonymous image board where the point is everyone is an user. I think maybe reddit is more for you.

Hopped on tinder after spending a couple years getting Jow Forums - turned out I had great facial aesthetics underneath all that fat.

Got 150 matches in 2 months in my small college town.

TFW it never went anywhere because I have no idea how to initiate a conversation or keep one going via text. In person I'm fine but I'm useless via text.

Even had some really hot big tittied bartenders message me first - had no game whatsoever

I moved to the city and ive had multiple dates, fucked once and am currently trying to go steady with this girl I actually don't mind. wish me luck bros

>this skinnyfat spic fucked an aryan and a 8/10 indian
>got the aryan to fuck him raw, swallow his cum, and still breaks her heart

I don't understand

This is the same fucking picture from another tinder thread like 5 days ago. Is this a copypasta or some larping homo? or this a way for you to boast and feel like hot shit for the emotionless void that is your loveless life? fuck right off.

It's the kali yuga bro. The roles are reversed so that the scum of the earth become Kings.

I'm not larping dude. See And I post my profile here often to show anons that you don't have to be white/good looking to get women to show interest in you.

her ''addiction'' was only weed? God, no wonder she dumped you're square ass

Read the sticky. Stop posting your face and attention whoring. Again I don't think you understand this website.

>ay can I borrow 10 for some grass

Based spic bro triggering degenerates, racists, AND incels

>whiteknighting a degenerate pothead because she's not fucking you

Sad even for r9k

>defending normies
Oh my, I want r*ddit to leave

I don't even smoke weed and I think she's a disgusting human being as he is, I'm just picturing the dude acting like a retarded sperg acting like it's literal poison
It's no worse than coffee or alcohol, retard. She probably uses it because of her mental problems

what mongoloid country are you from?

lol, I don't give money to women, especially for retarded shit like drugs.

>tfw have a nice shut in nerd girl
It's always the quietest girls, you wont find them on Tinder.

The US of A, friend

I do all kinds of drugs but if someone asked me for 10 bucks for coffee of drugs I'd tell them to get fucked.

Things are worse than I thought.

She was a virgin too and is 1000% loyal to me. I still have the primal desire to fuck other women though.

Thanks for agreeing with me. Kids here think that just because you have sex with a girl you should give them anything.

How did you find her? I know I won't find them on tinder, I did find some ultra qt nerd girls but they won't even talk to me.
And if you're the type that's okay with hookups why not just be single and do that thing?


now someone post it

>How did you find her?
Facebook through mutual friends. But if I were single I would easily approach nerdy girls in public. Know how to identify them. College would be a good place to find them.
>And if you're the type that's okay with hookups why not just be single and do that thing?
I'm not really into hookups though. Most of the hookup type women are vapid, empty and a waste of energy. It's just a primal urge.

>sign up out of desperation
>28 years old
>get matched by a barely legal chick
>get lewds
>chat with her over cam
>hang out and bang a few times
>I want love but she just wants to piss off her parents so it doesn't work out
>put serious thought into just getting a pet instead of dealing with women

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I don't care about hookups but the primal urge manifests itself as porn addiction, dream sex, and sexual fantasies during masturbation

>tfw would spoil a woman if she wanted it
>tfw I would buy her heroin if she wanted it
>tfw a spic doesn't want to give a beautiful white woman fucking $10

Someone give me her profile, I'll spoil her

This is why she's not fucking white men


Kys norman

Correction, not fucking you.

I need pucci giv

You are the one that needs to fuck off, gatekeeping bitches like you deserve a shit life

Based user. Good on you