Why are Jow Forums posters so fucking smart?
Why are Jow Forums posters so fucking smart?
Because people who aren't NPCs tend to be autistic outcasts and are more likely to congregate on sites like Jow Forums.
basicaIIy this desu
Unemployment leads to a lack of alienation, so we have energy to burn on bettering ourselves. Do you think Leonardo da Vinci would have been one of the most influential people in history if he lead an NC lifestyle?
I don't know, user, but it's true.
you're talking about the people on here who have literary/philosophical pretensions, right? they're not smart
Theyre smart until you point out a contradiction in their logic. Then your whole thread becomes filled with the word nigger. Other than that theyre really smart. They just lose very ungracefully.
People on Jow Forums are not smart at all, the incredible majority of people here are legitimately stupid and know nothing about what they talk about. Any time you see a meme that impresses you is only because you haven't seen it before. There is no intelligence requirement to make memes like they are on Jow Forums. Any schmuck could make a Reddit Gold-Worthy greentext as a fluke given enough monkey-on-a-typewriter time. That's the true redpill- everyone here is stupid. Understand that, and you might make it out of here alive.
The most retarded bullshit I've ever read in my life all came from Jow Forums. I see intelligent things here occasionally but nothing that you couldn't find at an above-average university if you really looked for it.
Jow Forums is full of dumbasses, you're just an extra dumbass so that makes you think the dumbasses are smart.
posts on places like Reddit are either run-of-the-mill dumb or is pretentiously trying to be smarter than it is.
stuff on this website is usually smart, but when it's not, it's either gargantuanly stupid or schizophrenic/insane.
Theres a game about this now on steam
IQ is lowering and the growing mass of retards is flooding the mainstream and making anyone who's used the internet long enough to leave their seat warm look intelligent. Everything has degraded, everyone used to be smarter than this, these are bad times and I'm scared.
>posts on places like Reddit are either run-of-the-mill dumb
Most 4channers are banned redditors. You only feel Jow Forums is "smart" because the only other website you browse is reddit. You dislike reddit because it's a liberal hivemind so you enjoy Jow Forums because it's a conservative hivemind
Banned redditors can make a new account ASSHOLE
na you don't know shit m8, we're entering the renaissance years
Really, a conservative hivemind?
You can't imagine finding anyone on the Sam Harris, Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson- New Centre sides of the political spectrum, on here?
Do you imagine most of us are against legalization, for example?
And why the fuck are you turning this into a political discussion? Jow Forums is legitimately intelligent, really, fuck off.
>caring about kike sites
> thinking the world is getting worse
> thinking that the masses are becoming more unintelligent and more corrupt
These are just about the most NPC beliefs you can have. Every fucking person has a vague myth of everything is bad, and it's worse; and people are corrupt, stupid- and greedy.
These are psychological fucking myths, you'll not find a single retard, who doesn't believe these things.
Reality is, society is running about 80% capacity, things work pretty well. We are pretty enlightened, we are pretty rich- we have electricity, we have food. We don't need anyones revisionist, utopian project to solve society, we need individuals who voluntarily adopt responsibility, as they have done each generation. That's the one cog that drives this whole fucking machine. Our systems and hierarchies are pretty fucking big, which makes them hard to manage. Big things tend to end up like the Babel.
I don't think any sane human could say that Jow Forums is legitimately intelligent if they just read Jow Forums for 5 minutes. It looks like the end result of giving some homeless schizophrenics 80mgs of adderall and locking them in a room with nothing but a computer.
I wouldn't say smart, so much as I would say "Autistically Observant". Our introverted nature keeps us from falling into normie groups, and thus allows us to remain intellectually independent, with little indoctrination or enforced group think. This then ties into our overall autistic nature to notice things that others don't and we put together puzzle pieces that most normies don't even see. And since we don't have a dogmatic group to tell us what we can and can't say, we autistically spout any kind of pattern or connection we see. Likewise, this is also why so many normies recoil in disgust whenever they see our work, they've been conditioned their whole lives to react in that fashion.
>Jow Forums connects mainstream media and tech giants together in attempts to silence political rivals, normies instantly label us as conspiracy theorists and alt-right nazis
>Jow Forums notices a trend in abstract-thought behavior lacking independent thought and likens it to NPCs from video games, normies immediately attack us for "dehumanizing" them
>Banned redditors can make a new account ASSHOLE
can't bring back a banned subreddit. Whenever a subreddit gets banned they come here.
>You can't imagine finding anyone on the Sam Harris, Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson- New Centre sides of the political spectrum, on here?
Those are basically crypto-fascists. Especially Jordan Peterson. I'd expect to find them here.
>Do you imagine most of us are against legalization, for example?
Yes I can imagine ancaps want to smoke weed.
>Jow Forums is legitimately intelligent, really, fuck off.
except it isn't. Everything here is either broscience like Jow Forums, racebaiting like Jow Forums, or thot worship. Jow Forums is far too mainstream and compromised to be intelligent.
you would have to be unbelievably stupid to really think this. it's a good thing this thread is ironic
they're the opposite of smart, but edgy contrarianism leads to mass delusion of supposed intelligence or "wokeness"
t. Retard who doesn't know what he's talking about ever