I live in a "Chem Free" facility. basically a dorm room where you live with recovering addicts and alcoholics and rent is cheap. I have a piano (keyboard) in my room and play the theme from Requiem for a Dream every night and lol at the thought of "triggering" people
Edgy shit you do/have done
Other urls found in this thread:
play smoke weed everyday
>steal shit from the store cause i dont give a shit about some rich shareholder losing money
>fantasized about torturing and killing my female classmates
>wrote shitty poems about eldritch abominations and horrible abuse and shit like that
>was active and kinda well known on the creepypasta wiki
>fapped to Mutilasi by Kharisma Jati
lol no you steal shit because youre a dumb nigger and that type if opportunistic behavior is programmed into your DNA, same with your violent fantasies
>tfw blonde haired blue eyed nordic aryan with the mind of a nigger
>Some kid dies in an atv accident when I was in high school
>was also around the time when big sean was popular.
>There was a website for high school memes and it was mostly normies talking shit
>I made a meme of an ATV turned over and a it said "Woah there *kids name* swerve".
>normies on Facebook freaking the fuck out and crying over it
Fucking got em my man.
I got some music related ones.
I would lightly play the nazi anthem in my room. Herst Wessel Lied or whatever it was called in college. In hopes of triggering this obnoxious fat Jewish kid. Also one time in college I brought my speaker into bathroom late at night because there was some passed out kid on the toilet. I played Death Grips at peak volume to wake him up. I also used to pretend to be mentally retarded in public and ask people if cars would hurt if they hit you.
The most personal and aggressive thing I've done is gotten a black kid kicked out of harvard(he had gotten accepted but wasn't a full student) by sending the admissions office an anonymous report of his online activity(which was incriminating). He was also only accepted because he was black, otherwise his grades and academics were definitely not suitable to get have gotten into harvard.
Damn mine are mild compared to the ones above.
>He was also only accepted because he was black, otherwise his grades and academics were definitely not suitable to get have gotten into harvard.
How do you know that?
What was the activity. Just stupid drunk stuff? Thats a pretty good way of getting even. I assumed you had a grudge.
Also one time in college. A christian fundamentalist preacher came to campus. He was surrounded by triggered liberal college atheist types. He was talking shit about the gays. I wanted to trigger both the fundie and the college kids. So I asked why did God create downies.
Ebil dubs my fren.
>How do you know that?
Because 1: His social media. 2: He reported his averages and public activity on his social media. It's not difficult to find the average standards for college admissions. He was on the low end even for affirmative action admittance. I'm sure they accepted a more fine student of the same ethnicity, so don't get too upset.
Typical nog behavior, calls for violence and some other things. I doubt if it was just typical drunk stuff they would have let it slide. When I said personal and aggressive I wouldn't say I've done something to an individual specifically to that extent before with so little cause, I guess I've done more mean things to people but they deserved them and I don't really think about them(nothing illegal of course).
I wasn't trying to call you out. Was just curious. I watch alt hype so I agree with you.
I thought that bitch was Lauren Southern for the longest time. Also why do threads that good potential like this one. Have little replies and tranny threads get like a million.
Because they have like 5-10 dedicated posters that orbit those threads. Then there's the people that have done mean things that have to be willing to share, most people don't want to openly admit themselves to be petty sociopaths, especially petty sociopaths.
Edgy doesn't have to mean full blown socio. It can be relatively harmless.
I was a bully but edgiest thing I did was beat up and torment a kid who wanted to watch me play Sonic on my Gameboy well he never complained I only feel bad because I did this at a church
Gib tips on stealing pls. There's cameras everywhere and shop assistants
>2: He reported his averages and public activity on his social media.
What an idiot.