>become conservative
>see more and more people like pic related rising up
>starting to become more centrist
How do I deal with this?
Become conservative
Politics dont exist anymore in the united states. Voting is nothing more than a racial headcount
Its socially acceptable for mestizos,blacks and asiams to be tribal but when whites do it they are labeled as 'fascist' in todays era conservatives conserve nothing.
idk you should bomb CNN or something
The right's full of shit
You scrawny ass deformed white boy, come outside your office you shill working for a media influence group, I'll show you what it means to get a proper beat down you white pussy
>bull, asmr waifu
who's side is this on?
It was obviously made a typical average leftist who thinks being in a cuckold relationship is a good thing
>I will not allow you to kill my...bull
Well leftists unironically think that cuckolding, homo sexuality, bdsm, and fetish culture should be embraced and celebrated o it's not surprising more of them are admitting to be literal cucks in their memes
based guy who is committed enough to edit an extant meme but lazy enough to not even attempt to match the font up
I would have just retyped the whole thing
Faggot lefties all over this board
Your first two sentences were pretty based, but then you ruined your own post by regurgitating whiny Jow Forums sob stories.
These are my views:
- eugenicist
- immigration restrictionist
- philosemitic
- race realist
- libertarian
- atheist
- conservationist
You wanna tell me what your plan is to save the environment while letting corporations do whatever the fuck they want?
Could you please not strawman me? I didn't say that anywhere in my post. Though my views skew mostly libertarian, I am not 100% committed to the ideology and believe in sensible moderation to affect the long-term public good.
Just because I'm a leftist doesn't mean that I'm into cucking, bdsm and fetish culture. I don't give a shit about homosexuality though. I actively hate all of the other stuff.
What does that entail
I love these
it's insane how hypocritical they are
Some of my positions are often associated with antisemitism and Nazism when they needn't be, so it's more of a qualifier to differentiate my views from those. But I also have a deep fondness for Jews and appreciate their innumerable contributions to Western civilization and the world. My ideal state would perhaps afford them special protections due to their unique history and the precarious situation they find themselves in of being both a religious minority and a talented minority.
here you go
i fixed it so its more accurate
no need to thank me