I just wanted to tell you Robots something. I am a lawyer. I make in excess of 60k a year. It's not much...

I just wanted to tell you Robots something. I am a lawyer. I make in excess of 60k a year. It's not much, but far above the average for my age group. I am in my mid-20s. I am quite handsome.

And life is absolutely horrible. Women will not make you happy. Sex will not make you happy. Perhaps a wife. A loving wife who sometimes make mistakes. That's about it.

I am quite sure at this point God is the only way. The earth is evil. I think that's it. It's simple.

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Also willing to answer any questions. I've had it all in terms of women -- all the opportunities. Everything. I like you guys. The world is not all it seems to be

thanks bro. that makes my inceldom a little easier to bear. I often think about those millionaires in mansions crying their eyes out because they're just as human as the rest of us. I should still probably get a job though.

You should definitely work. But I have it all, I feel like. And everything is still horrible. I am about to go back to the Church. I've been yearning for it, but haven't been prepared.

thats better than me but i thought lawyers would make more. you cant raise a family on 60k a year in most states. in some you would kind of struggle to live independently.

my mind is broken and degenerate so I don't get excited about a woman unless she seems tolerant of that kind of stuff (never). I think this is the way forward for me

also if sex and women arent making you happy, thats because you are settling, lookswise

sex with a truly beautiful woman makes any man happy even a robot

>I am a lawyer. I make in excess of 60k a year. It's not much, but far above the average for my age group.
I don't mean to rag on you, but I thought lawyers were supposed to make a lot more given how expensive law school is. Am I mistaken?

I've been doing the church thing for a year now and let me tell you, it wont magically fix anything either. it's kind of a grind really. a lot of people there are weird and sometimes I get the vibe that christianity just isn't what it used to be.

but there's something to confession. having to tell a guy your sins all the time can really make you evaluate your life and change things up.

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some do, if they get into the top national firms. but lawyers that work at your average firm prob make 60k starting

theres a big difference in top 15 law schools and the rest of the pack. lawyers who end up in "Big Law" make a lot, while those who dont end up making jack shit

60k isnt "jack shit"

>The earth is evil
I have come to the same conclusion. The world is built upon a set of conditions that allow for both good and evil, but evil happens much more frequently as it's incentivized. The world is a series of tragedies of the commons scenarios that ensure that nothing ever changes for the better for long if at all. The only way to set the world right would be an omnipotent entity with the knowledge and desire to do what has to be done, which by necessity means they must exist outside of the system. This is what most people would refer to as god.

Yeah, after a certain point money and other things will not make you any happier.
Purpose, a goal, some sort of movement might be necessary I think though.
I still wish I were closer to your own position than my own though, you're at least in a functional state and have above poverty income, so that's nice, one less thing to worry about.
But with your job and place in society obviously come their own problems.
There's a reason even celebrities and people who others think have their lives made end up committing suicide.

60k ain't shit my dude, but gj being handsome

ah, okay. My dad is an accountant at a law firm, so he handles payroll and stuff and sees how much everyone makes. They're an exception because they represent the arch diocese, but I remember him saying it's tough as balls for a young lawyer to get a start.
Regardless, op, good job on getting into the profession!

I think I heard somewhere before that people do much better when they hold less secrets, a confession might work so well because of that, you sort of end up saying a lot of stuff honestly that you wouldn't normally share with anyone.
I'd argue that if the earth is evil it's essentially some sort of testing ground to see if you will end up doing the easy thing or the thing you know to be right. Whether or not there's a reward after death for doing so seems...ambiguous at best to me, honestly, it just isn't something I'd want to bet on given that there's no real guarantee of it, but I'd also prefer to do what I think is right even if I don't get anything for it.
If everyone did the right thing, then to some extent there'd be no real place for evil.
Even if I'm insignificant, at least theoretically it's better on a large scale to do what I do than what I could.

Fuck off normalfaggot. Take your money and live in the woods if you hate working so much so you can realize what it's like to be a smelly poorfaggot neet like everyone else here. A few ten thousand dollars would last a loooong time in a van if you think that'd make you happier, mister Horrible Life.

It is when law school tuition is 6 figures

hey rich fag /MRHUq7
come join a chill discord for mentally ill people

they say that's what heaven is like. the outcome of every good deed you did on earth is revealed to you, and you see how more good outcomes are brought out of that good outcome, and so on in a cascade of good deeds until the end of time

and they say something similar about hell. you'll see how all your bad deeds effected the world and caused more evil, which leads to more harm which drives more people to evil, all the way until the end of time.

>come join a chill discord for mentally ill people
invite expired

What's the context of this image? Is there a war on the street or something?

That doesn't sound worth it imo.
I'd appreciate being able to be the little girl in heaven though, if that's available.
In my ideal afterlife I'd be a cute anime girl and get to serve user's who are also cute anime girls in a cafe or something, and there would be cuddling.

> not being a rich neet zen master that smokes weed all day and does whatever he wants everyday

You are a lawyer of course your life is hell