In this moment, I ask you to please appreciate the fact that you don't have curly hair. There's nothing good about it...

In this moment, I ask you to please appreciate the fact that you don't have curly hair. There's nothing good about it. It's a fucking curse and it always looks disgusting.

Attached: Loreal-Paris-BMAG-Article-Our-Best-Curly-Hair-Products-T.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

racebait 382826373

It's not racebait, you dumb cunt. I have curly hair and I fucking hate it so much.

That girl's hair is gorgeous and I'm sorry you feel that way.

I've heard a few of my black coworkers going on about the "good hair"

Can you elaborate what exactly that is, please?

Thank you.

She's cute af. OP is cock gobling faglord

then kill yourself ty

>tfw ethnic ashkenazi, so hair naturally curls
Only slightly curls, but it gets in the way sometimes.

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>Can you elaborate what exactly that is, please?
Not a clue what the hell you're talking about. Sorry.
You're fucking delusional.
Already plan to.
I'm sorry to hear that, user.

>You're fucking delusional.
Do I need to link you to Binky's Facts and Opinions, bud?

POST TITS OR GTFO and no one cares about your hair I'd rather have curly than straight even if it means being Jewish.

Attached: fuckoff.png (452x491, 169K)

if this is ebony, do it sooner rather than later

I'm a guy, you gigantic doofus.
>and no one cares about your hair
That's not what this is about.
>I'd rather have curly than straight even if it means being Jewish.
Good for you. You've been brainwashed.

Shut the fuck up and appreciate that you have hair at all and are not balding at 20yo

If what's ebony?
Good point.

I have straight hair but it waves at the end because I cut it short.
Get over yourself. No one gives a fuck about your hair.

>Get over yourself. No one gives a fuck about your hair.
You're COMPLETELY missing the entire point of what I'm ranting about, you imbecile.

>If you want curly hair your brainwashed
I don't give a fuck post your nipple then faggot

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>I don't give a fuck post your nipple then faggot
Hell no, dude.

>Blog posts about his fucking hair
>Won't post something interesting like his nipples
Why the fuck are you posting you fucking annoying little shit? What's the point of this? At least post a pic of your hair and nipples or your pubic hair for more interest if not fuck off already.

Attached: 1531597429423.jpg (1024x766, 62K)

Why the hell are my nipples and pubes so important to you?

>Why the hell are my nipples and pubes so important to you?
Your thread is fucking shit so just fucking post your pines and nipples you mong, just do it already.

Attached: rare_mcpepe.jpg (750x731, 57K)

It's better than going bald. Literally every white man on Earth has the gene for male pattern baldness and will go bald in his lifetime. Many go bald before 25. You can actually look attractive with an afro or dreadlocks. You can even try wearing your hair short with a fade.

>It's better than going bald.
>Literally every white man on Earth has the gene for male pattern baldness and will go bald in his lifetime. Many go bald before 25.
I've heard about this before. Pretty saddening. I always find myself empathetically hoping my white friends don't go bald.
>You can actually look attractive with an afro or dreadlocks.
>You can even try wearing your hair short with a fade.
Here comes a personally catch-22 of mine: I hate having short hair. I've had long hair for most of my life.

I can assure you there are worse thing than curly hair.