>Imagine feeling this victimized by an image of someone else's happiness
Imagine feeling this victimized by an image of someone else's happiness
Right? Like, what does that picture have to do with you? I think all these incels are massive narcissists who can't not see themselves in everything.
>incels are pathetic
More at 11
I have a dog who loves me so i'm already half a chad.
Ah, I see you're finally catching on to what literally everyone who's not an incel know about incels.
Yes, suffer in silence like these morally superior human beings who proudly declare they are not incels.
that look on his face shows he has never faced any real hardships in his life
When did all of these women come on this board?
>Imagine feeling this butthurt by an image of someone else's suffering
imagine the smell of this board right now
Who the fuck let all the Reddit in here jfc
Jow Forums
Wasn't us we didnu nuffin.
You absolute retard. No one cared about that board before your autism. Go back to you hole.
where's you hole?
You appear to be bothered fren
This board has gone down the shitter. I mean look at this faggot ass OP. He is a literal redditor posting screenshots of his reddit posts. They have taken over this board. We have to chase them out like we did with reiko and his tranny posters through unconventional means if necessary.
>op being this much of a fucking faggot
Why suffer? Envy is not a virtue
Avoid being envious and reject self-flagulating thoughts and you'll start to feel much better
How? They're not saying "I can't believe they've done this to me", they're saying "holy shit my life fucking sucks goddamn"
Stop bullying
They are being super sensitive and comparing their whining with wanting civil rights.
go back to inceltears onions drinker
urgh kill all incels NOW
gamers really are oppressed dog
Yes, being whiny is super manly. I must be drinking soilent if I can't see the virtue of self-pity and victim mentality.
why are you lumping that one comment into evreyone elses? also you realise youre complaining about people complaining
This board has been /reddit/ for a long time now. All the true robots have killed themselves.
>you are complaining
really? so now you are complaining too or what? get a grip.
>they are being super sensitive
When AREN'T normalfags sensitive? Do you need a list of the stupid shit they cry about?
Someone else being whiny makes you less whiny?
You can't choose to bitch about one, redditor-san
Aaron Swartz killed himself. Was the founder of reddit a robot?
>ywn kill all three of them
feels bad man
It's called "envy". Wow, what a crazy idea. The upsetting feeling that overcomes you when you see someone else with virtues that you greatly desire. You reflect on your own unfortunate life and realize how unhappy you are.
Yep, truly a strange and terrible feeling to have. Yep, what a concept.
>imagine complaining about lonely virgins on an image board made specifically for lonely virgins
You know what happens when a group of extremely depressed lonely people gather together and reinforce their twisted world views?