Have you every met someone irl who admitted he browses Jow Forums?
If so, did you compare when you two started browsing here?
Jow Forums
I'm dating someone I met off of Jow Forums
They started browsing long before me
He was a cringey faggot who would show me his favorite memes, he indirectly told me he browsed Jow Forums by showing me a ebin greentext and I've made efforts to avoid him ever since.
People actually do meetups here?
I'm here 10 years already and never knew.
Yeah sure! Like 2 friends.
Nah, we really don't use to talk about it. Gues I'm the one who is really into Jow Forums
Aussie here
Have a bunch of friends that all go on Jow Forums
2 Guys go on r9k, 1 on that technology board, another on Jow Forums, Myself the based /his/torian, and my last friend thats a filthy /mu/tant
Knew 2 girls that went on Jow Forums. One went on r9k and another that was a Jow Forumsfag
newfag here
2-3 years ago I was wondering my first job in a grocery store, and I met a good friend now, who re-introduced me to Jow Forums.
I knew about it back in 2011, but never really visited it, until he made me go on Jow Forums at that time.
The guy himself is super clever. He works with some astrophysics now (was studying while we where working together).
He never drinks, and is a total weeb. As far as I can see there is nothing directly wrong with him.. he is more social than I am..
I really didn't enjoy Jow Forums, but I stayed for Jow Forums and Jow Forums..
This is gonna sound gay, but I really appreciate you guys... Even though you guys are massive faggots you still help me through hard times and make me smile
My whole circle of friends does, we met by chance IRL by following common interests
Some guy I used to work with talked openly about spending his whole weekend browsing Jow Forums. He was a bitter divorcee and it was pretty clear he had problems with women in general based on the way he talked.
I've got friends who browse also but for the most part we are all pretty well adjusted
Yeah 2 friends
One is a CS fag that likes Jow Forums, the other heard us talking about it and uses the photography board
He also sends cringy screencaps he finds that are r/Jow Forums tier
how do i meet one who browses Jow Forums?? i live in the balkans, probably will never happen.
i thought one or two persons i knew did but then i saw them write Jow Forums.com while trying to open Jow Forums.
It's a common mistake, even for people who browse here.
But i get your point.
Damn that must be nice. Everyone in my country are turbo normies and even rebbit and Twitter is unknown to them
Nice picture Orighanlio Poster
Third world?
where are you from? im from bosnia and my ex was a robot
>tfw you find out you and your friend browse the same board cause he has the tab open on your computer
>tfw discussing it
>tfw he mentions obnoxious namefag
>tfw you were that namefag and you're scared to tell him
Most normies still think Jow Forums is some kind of secret scary hacker club so I've never admitted to anyone I actually visit the site.
You mean he (male).
The name explains everything, user.
I did when I started using it in 2013 or something
yes i met someone and i realized that i don't understand the world anymore.
it was a 8/10 stacey and i realized we had similar interests and i asked her if she browses Jow Forums and she said yes.
she browses /a/ and /b/.
bottomline is: she isn't autistic or anything
shes super social and is successful at her career too. she even has a boyfriend.
take notes fembots
I've seen that my dad's been here before.
Other than that I'm a quiet npc tier robot that chads gravitate too and they saw tabs open and got into it a bit, thankfully they usually like /b/ and Jow Forums and not the weeb boards.
Sorry guys.
I saw my tenant post a pic of his car in a what do you drive thread. A week later his gf broke up with him and they moved out.
>use website constantly
>don't know it's nine keystrokes after day one
>visiting the home page to begin with rather than manually typing boards.Jow Forums.org/r9k/catalog to avoid the (((maturity))) disclaimer popup and to get here faster
I"ve known more than one person in the past, but no longer. You're a normalfaggot if you have friends, so your shit is subtle bait you faggot. No bump for you. Fuck off to /soc/ also.
Ya about 5 of us 34 and 35 yo we have been coming here for 12 years also all super normies