>tfw class Nazi
Tfw class Nazi
Your gay and annoying, seriously keep away from the lonely normal guy people like us don't need fags like you for your epic redpills
>tfw class race realist
What the fuck are you talking about, and learning how to type.
Was Robert Oppenheimer a race realist?
he was Jewish.
What did you do to earn that reputation?
Everyone was back then. They took it for granted.
Even if he didn't think about race, I'm sure he could have been persuaded rather easily.
>tfw board blogposter
Kept making rants and trying redpilling people on race and European culture superiority.
Nowadays it's not like I see it differently, it's just that I don't care anymore.
The worst is when the professor makes casual conversation and leaves a semi-joking remark : "I would wear a kippa but there's a Nazi in the class."
ok dude, stop namefagging
>Kept making rants and trying redpilling people on race and European culture superiority.
Sounds fairly cringe. Though I'll need some more context here. How did you exactly come about these topics with your classmates?
>tfw co-worker recognized my black sun ring tonight and called me out on it
>Tfw class grunt tard
Get grip niggers and join the army, you don't have a choice anyway
>Tfw i have been drawing SA symbol all round my work place and people think it is someone initials
Niggers and chinks kept making remarks about how short and out of shape I am.
Dude you're gonna fucking die of fucking cringe if I tell you.
>mfw my initials are SS and I sign them like the Schutzstaffel on important legal documents, etc
Who's this cringey faggot? Also learn to type.
Do yourself a favor and don't piss of your professor
Haha you larping faggot. I know kike retard would never post some stupid shit like this. Only some brain dead edgy little 8th grade would brag about being the class autist.
Still, the thought of some idiot thinking he's all cool when really everyone just thinks he's a massive faggot like this makes me laugh. We had kids like that when I was in school, you could always point out the nazi Jow Forums autistic idiot.
why do you use the nametag kierkegaard
he's overrated like camus
mediocre writers trying to do philosophy with their psychological issues instead of either doing just psychology or philosophy, yet not doing both so much as a blurry neither
it's like tagging yourself Anno or Miyazaki
it's a silly thing and you're being silly, go back to homura posting
you can't expect to redpill normies, their brains literally don't work that way
if you want to actually do something in politics or philosophy start writing or campaigning or fighting or whatever, just looking like an attention-whoring edgetard isn't gonna do anything good
>mfw i started to greet people in the street with the nazi salute where you put your want pointed to your ears and no one notices
It so good
> edgy Jow Forums normies ruin Nazism to the point of making it a dead meme
You cringy faggots are fucking wasteful with the jokes the previous generation gave us.
I have a literal swastika on my work pants
Are you suggesting that you will take a picture of your work pants, if that is so do it, fuhrer wills it!