/mental illness General/

I am all out of hash in the psych ward and I'm persecuted for my fucked up beliefs edition

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dis nibba hotboxin the loony bin

I believe homicidal gas chambers are not a thing.

I've got bipolar type 2 and I hate this medication. I just want a gf reeee.

First day on wellbutrin, wish me luck lads.

its a constant downward spiral. ive only been to a psych ward once. I enjoyed my stay. I suffer from a decent amount of autism, bipolar, schizotypal, and PTSD. Shit never gets better, and seems to only be degenerative.
pic related

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GL. Are you quitting smoking or just suffer from depression?

I hope it works cause my psychiatrist says if this doesn't work she's putting me on antipsychs (Latuda).


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I fucking wish I had a mental illness just so I could have a name and an explanation to all this shit.

You know I thought this too but now I just feel labelled and like I don't fit into society any more. I mean was fucked either way but I'm not sure what to even do.

you may very well have a mental illness. Have you ever been evaluated?

Unless you've been in a psych ward for over a month quit talking shit, give it up user you'll be out soon enough. I just hate when people belittle mental illness when they're simply feeling sad at one point in their lives

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I used to think that too until I realized most people that cry "mental illness" have temporary problems that can be easily fixed and usually function in society. I'd rather not be labelled and forced to take drugs.

I was evaluated for Aspergers when I was a kid but I didn't have it. Still have all the symptoms of it though.

symptoms of autism can mirror symptoms of schizo disorders. You may want to be evaluated for that friend. Its not fun to know the truth, but it can explain alot of what you might be experiencing.

>spend over 1k on psych evaluation to have them say "idk depression, anxiety, maybe tism? not sure lol because your history is complicated revisit after a YEAR OF THERAPY"
I thought I was paying for a professional level evaluation and that's literally what I got. I even took a 3 hour psych&autism evaluation and they still aren't sure. Mental healthcare is a bunch of crock. I give up.

>Not being diagnosed schizophrenia after a 5 min conversation with psychiatrist

True madness is an art.

I met a woman in the psych ward without teeth. Her personality was the worst degenerative type. Still she had a boyfriend to foot her bills. Pussy privilege is real.

I'm not saying that's a good thing but it's almost better to know exactly what's wrong so you can address it. I go into secretary-mode when I am in a therapy environment and act like I do in job interviews or at my old job. I know I should act naturally but it is a reflex. I am too good at faking normal, they can't tell what's wrong and I can't describe my thoughts or feelings irl so I am fucked

Drink a few beers before your next therapy session. That might loosen your lips.

>meet black woman in psych ward who is deeply afraid of magic
>through no deed of my own she grows convinced that I am a powerful magician
>she flips out and ends up in the isolation room held asleep chemically
>nurses want to call the cops on me because "you must have done SOMETHING"
>calmly keep stating I did nothing
>the nurses don't call the cops because no evidence but they now despise me

Still I fear that the crazy black woman will search for me and stab me

Going to a therapist for the first time monday.

standard stuff, don't know what I want to do with my life, never had a relationship, not much of a people person, etc etc.

I'm guessing autism.

I'm 90% sure it's not. I've looked through the DSM-V and other diagnostic materials and I just don't fit.

What I do fit with very well is ADHD-PI, I forget everything, I can't pay attention very well, I get bored extremely easily, I even forget my thoughts as I'm speaking to someone and just freeze. I've also heard it's overdiagnosed in kids, but underdiagnosed in adults.

I don't know. All I know is that something is affecting my in real life and that qualifies as some sort of issue.

Hope your insurance is paying for it, otherwise it's not worth it.

I don't actually know. Just using my dad's insurance for 2 more years until I get kicked off. Then I'll just be fucked because I'm a massive fuck up with no skills and a menial part time job.

I have no job and no NEETbux, so you're doing better than me.

I'm an optimistic person user, it's just part of my nature. I hope someday you can figure something out.

We might not be the fastest or easiest to happiness, but I hope we can slowly trudge there eventually.

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>have the social capabilities to make friends and get into romantic relationships
>insecurities stemming from my traumatic childhood filled with hateful bullying from start to dropout, neglect, and abandonment creep up the closer people get
>get panic attacks from the people closest to me
>brain associates my best friends and the people I love with danger
>forced to leave, lose, and live alone
>try again with new people
>panic attacks again
>forced to live alone and miserable because of an ingrained defense that I can't control mechanism

Going to call a psychologist on monday.

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I've been told that I'm mentally ill from everyone I know in both online and irl. My own family sees me as this deranged dude who stays in his room all day, then suddenly goes out at night despite it being minus 20 in Celsius. Are they right and should I just go to a psychologist to actually see if there's something wrong with me, or is it just like 'faggot' where they use it as a common insult? Also I got another question for people who have been actually diagnosed with a mental illness: when did you know there was something wrong with you?

For me it was when the paranoia hit. Maybe you should get checked by a psychologist. A psychiatrist will always Jew you into medication.

I realized I was mentally ill at about 16. Didn't do anything about it for years but if you have mental illness you can feel it.

See both. Just because you can do without medication doesn't mean everyone can. In an ideal world no one would need medication to alter their broken brains, but in the real world even that medication is not enough. One day we'll map the brain and be able to genetically alter these illnesses out of ourselves.


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