Is it a bad sign if the girl you like calls you adorable?

Is it a bad sign if the girl you like calls you adorable?

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it means she thinks you're adorable

It means she will never have sex with you.

better than calling you ugly

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the muscle degeneration guy from the youtube video being spammed here had his qt gf say she hit on him by saying he was really cute and funny and now they're happily together :3c

muscle degeneration guy?

he's just really nice and funny and girls can just feel that and there's nothing more irresistible than being nice and funny lol you can just tell from how he acts he's a catch

as long as you're a good person god will reward you greatly :3

I know he hasn't. Unless the reward is to stop horrible events from killing me in the first place then I guess being alive is the "reward".

just stop being so negative this is the reason you're unhappy :(

I want to stop too, but I demand a lot of myself.

Not really. Being called adorable is probably worse since you are not even aknowledged as a potential sex partner.

it all depends on the girl, user.
I say just take your chances.

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Neither is being ugly. At least she won't be disgusted when she sees you.

It means she thinks you're cute in the gay friend kind of way

it means you will get friend zoned real soon

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>meet a girl my age

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god rewards everyone else by keeping you from killing them

adorable is short for friendzoned

my bf is adorable and he calls me cute and it doesnt mean hes "not a potential sex partner" and i suppose its the same way for guys referring to a girl as cute

If she's Asian, it's a really good sign
If she's a nerd, it's a really good sign
If she's a NEET, its a really good sign
If she's a normie, it means you are friendzoned, and good for you, why the fuck do you want to date a boring normie NPC, your life with her would be so fucking boring. stop thinking with your dick faggot

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>get called adorable/cute
>can't keep eye contact
>try to hide face
>come up with the conclusion that she must be joking or teasing
>say something mean
>instant regret
it's terrifying and great for about half a second

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Imagine thinking youre a special person because you hold right wing views and shitpost on Jow Forums all day

>right wing
Meaningless buzzword. Try harder NPC. Oh that's right, you cannot, because you have no inner monologue to help you. :)

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>that's what they believe

How are those views right wing? Is everything a fucking political stance to you?

That's a good comic.

cool what's it called?

If you have to post anonymously on a Japanese image board asking these type of questions it's not looking good senpai.

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I have an odd fantasy, fairly vanilla but still unusual. It's just cute sex with a girl who thinks I'm cute and adorable and thinking my dick is cute as well, giggling and cuddling. In general I like cute, modest girls over hot, sexy ones but they're rare to find.