What is your preferred method of governing and why is it fascism?
What is your preferred method of governing and why is it fascism?
No, government. I want to govern myself.
>why is it fascism?
Imagine trying to explain the concept of communism to an African nigger, and explaining to him why it is a bad idea to give people "free stuff." He will never, ever, ever come close to understanding a tiny fraction of it. Even so, people with IQs equivalent to his are allowed to vote, effectively having power to decide mankind's future. It is frantic insanity at best, in the absolute best of circumstances. Of course, in reality, it is a lot worse than that, because evil people can import these animals to use as voting cattle, debt generators, and just general literal slaves.
Anyone who says positive things about democracy (in its modern form) deserves death.
Government is a necessary fig leaf, since we are cursed with the knowledge that people governing themselves with no organization leads to rampant looting.
But whites tried communism first,not the niggers.A lot of whites still long for it.
I would like to do some looting myself. Looks pretty fun.
Yes, but a lot of whites also understand why it is bad and pure evil. No niggers do.
Because national socialism is a good alternative to free market capitalism and international socialism, and race realism must be recognized for our society to survive.
Nobody wants your cheeto dust smothered gaming PC faggot, so you shouldn't be worried about looting. instead you should be worried about another type of looting. the rich looting the poor is happening all the time, and they are enabled to do so by this economic and government system.
fuck you nigger, the reason why thousands of people fled europe into the new world is to escape government and be truly free.
Anarchy. No government. No stupid rules. Everyone does what they want. No morality bullcrap. No slavery to corporations or governments.
user, Fascism is not a method of governing, it's an ideology.
>the reason why thousands of people fled europe into the new world is to escape government and be truly free.
no, it's because they prosecution.
Consider why the predominant christian denomination in the united states are derived from lutheran teachings.
government IS prosecution, whether it be religious or not.
people should be free to practice and do what they want without rich kikes and kike supporters like you telling people what to do
And no food?
>What is your preferred method of governing
A advanced incorruptable AI that rules for several years at a time until replaced by a even smarter one. It's decisions can only be veto'd by a overwhelming majority vote of a human senat which is compromised of randomly picked volunteers with experience and knowledge on the subject, if applicable.
Im a right wing populist,i hate the fuck out of muslims,and wetbacks that come here and dont do shit aside from selling drugs or welfare.
ah im also a faggot
Do normies never stop to think why "le evil booshwazee" and the "greedy capitalist pigs" and the ruling elite have put so much effort into smearing Fascism and National Socialism?
Protip: it's because it's good and it works.
>not strasserism
hitler was a traitor to the cause and sucked capitalist cock.
That's not how you spell mutualism, OP.
What about the ones that do provide for the community? What trump needs to do is up the testing so that the good ones come in. Id rather take a white like Muslim or spic that works hard than a privileged American of any race that is nothing but a leech. If there was some type of government that promoted this idea Id be all over it. Smart, hard working people only because I dont care or give two shits about race on any level that isnt personal
must be hard going through life with crippling autism
>> asks a question on political ideology
>> automatically assume fascist
Don't assume my political ideology
Lol. Anarchy and capitalism are oxymorons
An interesting thing to note is the the author of this piece does not acknowledge or recognize the marxist distinction between private property and personal property.
Colonialism obviously, the entire purpose is to build a system where powerful, developed nations harvest the resources of weaker, inferior nations. Colonialism built Europe into the financial, cultural, and technological capital of the world for over 100 years, until they threw it all away with two decadent wars, allowing their subject states to break away.
I don' think you understand the reality of people around you coming to do whatever the fuck they want to you or your shit if you don't govern them.
A lot of the fucking mongs on Jow Forums gravitate towards fascism because they had bad relationships with their fathers/theit fathers werent present/their fathers were weak.
Nothing wrong with fascism, but most of the queers advocating for it here needed a spanking as a child and now yearn for an authoritarian daddy (the state) to make the bad people go bye bye.
Here's a thought I bet you geniuses never considered:
Have a government but WITHOUT Kikes! Wow, amazing I know!
Have fun with no government and niggers fucking your daughters and wife 100 times more than they already are .
Any sort of white ethnostate would be fine with me, doesn't matter how we govern it it'd still be the best society.
>describing mercantilism
>calling it colonialism
National Socialism is not fascism you stupid fucking kid.
>thinks a system of maximizing exports and mutually beneficial trade relations is the same as invading a country, overthrowing the government, and systematically stealing everything of value over the course of multiple generations
Hold on, are you implying mercantilism or colonialism involves mutually beneficial trade relations? Neither do, you brainlet tard.
Actually the poorer people get more out of a trade. Nations are barred from manipulating the price of their currency because of this.
Not really. A lot of the economy under National Socialism was from labor camps, militarization, and warfare. Unless you decide to send all blacks, Latinos, and Jews to camps (Which would never happen) the acknowledgement of race realism wouldn't matter even if it happened.
Anarchy only works on small scale because in larger societies a hierarchy always forms.
Rule by superintelligent AI is the only good form of government.
Who decides what's good for the community/race? Oh yeah the state
Pic related is what happens when you let slackjawed stoner retards, basedboys and women vote.
>Anarchy works at all.
Your missing the point. It never was suppose to work.
>It never was suppose to work
Free Catalonia
For me it's gotta be Socialist Libertarianism.
People can't be trusted, so they must be controlled.
Absolutely retardpilled.
Because most humans are evil or are so dumb they are entirely controlled by evil