Why is this board so obsessed with asian women? You're retarded if you think white women are whores.
Why is this board so obsessed with asian women? You're retarded if you think white women are whores
You're right if you think white women are whores actually. Asian women are also whores.
Of course they are whores I mean just look at the picture you posted it speaks for it's self
classic r9k
All women are whores. The majority of Jow Forums lives in white countries and so only experiences the white whores firsthand. If we were all Asians we'd think the same about gook girls and want to date a perfect American gf.
All women are whores including the Asian ones.
Because Asian males are getting all jobs and the women asian or white
Please understand. All women are whores. This is the baseline of a woman. Being a dumb, cock-hungry whore. Some cultures, however, most of them are asian or arabic, still have the strict codes of conduct that contain the innate whorishness present within all women.
They got sand on their asses as an excuse to take this picture
White women know the legislation of their residence country, while asian women often don't.
Get accustomed to your local jurisprudence in both de jure and de facto, before you sign any legally binding contract.
Who keeps making these threads getting salty about asian women? What do you expect from a board birthed from japanese culture and love for anime? Go to reddit or Jow Forums if you want to talk about white roasties or other normalfag shit. lel
Women are evolutionarily predisposed to being whores. The sexual revolution has allowed them to act on it without recourse.
But they are, and they're using
how can you make this post using that image?
>wearing a bikini at the beach = whore
posing your ass for a photo like that is pretty whorish, yeah.
Incels thinks Asian women are more attainable/more submissive
Sluts are hot tho. White girls who are sluts are hot
Muslim women are not whores unless they get Westernized.
False, the sluttiness of women has largely been suppressed by their disgust reflex at the idea of casual sex.
>Sluts are hot tho
finally someone with good taste on this board
hot for a pump and dump maybe. asian women are for wifing and kids.
Because they are more beautiful, more slender, and best of all, more often nerdy (not all).
How are they not whores? Most of them have fucked 30 dudes by the time they were 21. They're also the most boring normies of any other ethnicity.
>Most of them have fucked 30 dudes by the time they were 21
Imagine being cucked by your imagination LOL
all women are hot for pump and dump only.
society will collapse and thats a good thing.
>wanting genetic trash hapa kids
bruh if you're gonna racemix do it with a black woman. That way if you get lucky the kid has white brains and black athletics
asian women are hideous mongoloid looking monsters. Yellow fever is a mental illness.
and have an ugly mulatto baby? hapas are some of the most beautiful in the world. They're treated like literal gods over in asia even moreso then whites.
Doesn't matter. All women are whores.
I'm talking WMBF not BMWF.