Fembots, do you think it's understandable that a man would get upset about his girlfriend's partner count? How about if that girl did stuff for ex-partners, sexually, that she wouldn't do for her current partner?
Fembots, do you think it's understandable that a man would get upset about his girlfriend's partner count...
doing stuff for a previous partner and then not doing iot for another is prettyunfair. But I think partner count is stupid unless its something genuinely crazy and all one night stands. You just don't see women caring about what someone did before they met
Imagine believing that someones past doesn't reflect who they are as a person.
I doesn't matter sorta. Like a girl can have sex with one guy and still do it with him for 100s maybe even thousands of times throughout there relationship in the past. That's till just as bad as doing it with a bunch of other guys.
>How about if that girl did stuff for ex-partners, sexually, that she wouldn't do for her current partner?
If you don't dump her after this you're a cuck.
it's not at all just as bad
>You just don't see women caring about what someone did before they met
That's because men and women are different and men have more to lose.
Yes, I'd probably be upset too. I think my limit would be 1-2 but even then it's 50-50 if it'd be a dealbreaker. Thinking partner count doesn't matter is like thinking that crashing your car and having 50 different cars in your 20 year lifespan doesn't make a difference in who you are as a driver. Of course, I think if you aren't a virgin yourself you have no right to want another virgin unless maybe if you were molested or something I guess.
Male or female if you have been with 10+ people you're messed up damaged goods with poor decision making skills. You can't disprove this.
some men don't like kissing their girl or going down on her if she had other dicks on them. fuck that shit only a cuck would be okay with that.
Wow what an absolute retard holy fuck
You sound like a terrible lay user, just chemically castrate yourself and save your poor future girlfriends the trouble of actually having to sleep with you jesus
Says the one who didn't even bring a counterargument. Drink some water,calmed down,and then come back to me. K babe?
Ok look,if a girl is willing to have sex with one guy,who probably wasn't willing to take it seriously anyways but she thought he was,she has bad judgement. One guy can wear out a pussy or asshole or whatever it is you care about over the course of a year the same way if she has sex with a bunch of guys once.
There's nothing cuter than a mad fembot. Protip though, even though I'm not him being good at sex has nothing to do with your willingness to eat girls out. Eating pussy is disgusting and women are viscerally disgusted by men who are willing to do it. Having a big dick and knowing what to do with it is far more important.
Straight adult men know how to give head plain and simple. Why would I be mad when I get head while you can only keep a fucking idiot who can't even get off around if anyone?
Knowing how possessive men are it explains it somewhat but its irrational nonetheless. I learned the hard way to just keep quiet about it and what he doesn't know he cannot obsess about.
The... wait what? I don't understand the end of your sentence. I don't like giving head because women's pussies aren't pleasant up close usually. They're there to pound, make sore, make loose with your big dick so she can't get pleasure from other men and then to dump your load in.
You like being objectified. Trust.
>to just keep quiet about it
How many partners you had, and would you openly lie if a boyfriend asked you about it?
>doing stuff for a previous partner and then not doing iot for another is prettyunfair
I know you guys coerce details out of girls and use it to shame and torment but what happened between me and one guy is not any bodys business. I mean how would you guys like if a girl told everybody how you performed or details of your sex life? Its stupid to expect that, its personal not to be made public.
You are closeted homosexual who keep girls around as beards, they'd have to be literally retarded to stay with someone who isn't even sexually attracted to them. Girls dont wanna be objectified by fags who dont even like having sex with them.
What you said is not related to what you replied
Retard, not our prpblem you ashamed of yourself
>coerce details out of girls and use it to shame and torment
what do you mean by this? i dont understand.... i think like if you did sex acts with an ex that a current bf wanted you to do with him, hed be right to be pissed at you no?? its not what a relationship is supposed to be about
NTA but! this is bullshit, if you dont wanna eat pussy that doesnt make you gay, every guy ive met who was really open about eating pussy was a manipulative motherfucker, the same sort of fag who describes himself as a 'male feminist' and coerces girls into 'polyamorous relationships' because its 'progressive'. in other words he just says exactly what he thinks young women want to hear. lickspittle desu
None of your business, being serious. I know guys ask, they always do, theres some weird thing about guys and imagining their gf with another man even though it kills them inside. Totally irrational.
When asked I just say its none of their business and if they get mad I get out of the relationship. I'm not putting up with some bore probing in my head to dig out my intimate experiences just so he can be angry or act like a hurt puppy. No thanks
Wow way to turn a basic act of oral sex into something political and then call other people fags. This is just shameful levels of gayness all around, you probably fuck like an old man.
>Being this ashamed of how much of a whore you are
I love it
>every guy ive met who was really open about eating pussy was a manipulative motherfucker
Correct. Men who talk about how much they like eating pussy around women to win points are almost always the lowkey abusive kind who will justify cheating by mocking how retrograde monogamy is as a concept. They're also the kind who will spring on you five years into a relationship that they "want to become a woman" or something like that, and then reeeee at you for questioning it.
Women should be upset if their man has had a lot of partners previously.
I mean seriously, if you end up falling for a guy who fucked 10 girls before you, you are so cucked.
Can you imagine all of the dirty, stupid, and some even ugly sluts he used to stick his dick into?
Yet he calls you "special"... Sweet, ain't it?
Ive yet to meet a woman who cares about a man being too promiscuous. Even virgins till marriage don't care
Below 10 partners is normie tier, and generally most of these instances happen before the person is even 20. I wouldnt care what people did in high school unless it was some serious shit and they caught an STD or something. If you're over 20 and still into hookup culture though just end your life right now.
>tried to believe this wasn't true
>dated girl that had been with over 30 men before she turned 20
>on the surface she seemed cool and friendly
>deep down she constantly needed to feel "wanted" and didn't care who wanted her
>her past was filled with trashy guys that abused her and wore her down
>she was able to move from one man to another and not even skip a beat, last guy before me had been with her for months and she didn't even mention his name once
>she cheated on me with multiple guys, some of whom were her previous partners
>blamed me for not wanting her enough, ghosted me, has never acknowledged my existence since
Girls with high body counts don't care who they are with, sad to say. To me, she was a person who I cared for and invested myself emotionally. To her, I was just #35.
You guys think a relationship is primarily about sex and what you can get us to do TO YOU AND ONLY YOU. I've talked to a lot of guys and they explained sexual jealously and possessiveness all men have but few can control so intellectually I understand the concept but it serves no purpose if I love you. The most relaxed relationships for me and a lot of my friends is with guys I know like me but don't LIKE me or LOVE me. We have fun in each others company without the mean jealously monster wanting to go through every (and I mean every) interaction I ever had with any man. I mean they want to know who, what, where, how, how many and the monster of it all WHY when they really mean WHY WASN'T IT ONLY ME.
>previous partner count
Depends on a lot of factors.
>doing stuff that she doesn't do with him
If she tried something and didn't like it, why would she have to do it for a current partner?
>Women should be upset if their man has had a lot of partners previously.
I think women would rather get cervical cancer from a chad with hpv then to date a virgin.
Guy here. I dont care if my gf has fucked 50 guys. She has to be ok with the fact that i have fucked like 40 escorts though.
This. A man who had slept with Stacy before would just be on the lookout for the next Stacy.
Maybe Stacy would.
Shame hasn't a thing to do with it but respect for myself that I don't have to put up with this kind of crap from a man. He's not the law, he's no god, he doesn't make the rules or given power over me to enforce his rules. Its insanity.
Guys downgrade from Stacy all the time though, Stacies are low iq sociopaths like the girl in this post Nobody will deal with their shit and they end up as junkies.
Unless you live in a society where both men and women have to work equally to get laid, the females partner count will still be an issue. Men have to work their asses off to even get a whiff of the ol' fish-hole. An ugly bitch can get laid any time as long as she's willing to lower standards, which doesn't happen often.
what if he's unironically a cuck and it gets him off?
It only bothers me if she is prettier than I and he is still in contact with her but that hasn't anything to do with what they did sexually and I don't want to know. Yuck.
>JUST your life this badly
Actually, he'd be on the lookout for anything fresh, any new pussy.
This is why men get addicted to porn so easily, sexual variety is highly stimulating to us.
When your man has only slept with you, and you only with him, all of the modern bullshit is just outside of your reality.
You know some people are promiscuous, but it feels like it's not you and you may be disgusted by them.
and why both of you should not ask and not tell
When you have shit like that to hide of course you don't say anything.
God you are a delusional hoe, keep lying to yourself.
We both know you KNOW you were a worthless slut and that your bodycount is unatrractive, that is why you wont reveal it to your partner or on the internet anonymously
Nigga there are people on this shit board that are fucked in the head. Fucking escorts is like the least bad thing by r9k standards.
I'm not a woman, but I would not date somebody who had sex outside of a long term relationship
Oh well in that case since all that matters is whether or not your dirty pussy cruising is relative to the insanity on this board: JUST fuck my shit up
Honeslty femanon, i personally wouldn't care. I dont know why but it just doesn't bother me.
>over 20
user hookup culture STARTS at 20
what are you talking about. Im female, and i obviously mean shit within reason. Not stuff that you've now decided to be ashamed of. if its nobodies business then don't mention it? the thread isn't about you. you sound insane
I want no part of that sickness which take the irrational sexual possessiveness and jealously and twists it for their humiliation. Its sick, I will never, ever understand men Sometimes you will kill me for having intercourse with another man and sometimes you want to watch. Can't you guys see how absolutely weird this shit is?
Whatever the reason but my reason is its nobody business but my own.
They don't see women as human, and there is no reason to reward that behavior with compassion they are unwilling to offer themselves. Would you try to reason with a monkey throwing shit at you? Why try to reason with these fags?
If im ok with her fucking 50 guys in her past and she is not ok with me having been with escorts in the past, then she is a major hypocrite and i dont wanna be with a women like that.
blah, blah, blah, blah, go back to licking your own butthole
if you weren't ashamed of yourself you'd just say, or even lie. Thats why you're being so uppity about it. I don't even disagree with you, i don't think it has much bearing on a current relationship but if you;re so comfortable about it then just own up. Like fuck. not everyone will care and you clearly don't want a guy who does anyway
>Women have no argument
>hurr durr phaloids are dumb xD
Dumb roasties that were never told "no" in their lives acting smart lmao
I wouldn't fuck with that desu. Be it one hooker or 40 you fucking paid for sex. You helped make sex into a commodity. You made the world shittier.
I acknowledge there are a few guys that don't go there but very, very rare.
Women who are mad online = cute as fuck.
The majority of you will need to come to terms with the fact that your lady has had at least 3x more partners than you. The older the more "experienced".
Perfectly understandable. But if you want someone with low to no partner count, you'd better also have low to no partners.
If another girl blows someone or does anal then gets a boyfriend and says she wont do it unless there's a real medical issue (anal sex can cause leakage and constant prolapse) then she's just doing a cope because she isn't as desperate for you as she was for him.
More insipid squawking from the peanut gallery, top kek
How is it different from women being gangbanged byb3 chads in a nightclub?
Why is it so hard for you hoes tonunderstand that for most men this shit aint easy? Trying to act more "moral" over a dude who fucked a hooker once when you've had 20 hookups whose named you dont remember is disgusting
3*0=0 so it's all good for me
guys who spend their early 20s paying $1000+ for blown out whore pussy and then looking to settle: not cute or appealing in any way whatsoever
Fact. Most women actually enjoy anal, rape, being hurt during sex etc. These girls especially:
Or you get with one that aint a slut
Still no arguments
How do you low IQ monkeys pass the captcha?
I'm just not going to give you or any of the guys here anything. Men just don't like the word NO. Their brain implodes to the size of a pea.
What was being argued? You replied to a post that wasn't even meant for you. Do you have to manually breathe being this retarded?
Girl who spends her 20's getting nailed in bathrooms is different how?
Really? Am i the weird one, because if a women has been with let say 30 guys in her life, its her past. I dont care as long as she loves me and doesn't cheat on me.
Its her past, i rather she got it out of her system before we met rather than both of us be in our 40s and she suddenly starts thinking "oh i wish i had been with more guys"
To me a women's worth is just not tied to how many men she has sleep with. I woudlnt even consider myself a feminist, i just dont see the issue with a women having a sexuality before she even meet me.
I fail to see how those people who never mentioned liking any of that within those posts prove that most women like it, but maybe you've some special sense I don't have.
I've never used an escort and I wasn't the guy you were replying to. I actually just do find it really cute when you get mad.
would be kinda dumb to say it's bad to fuck escorts if I were chugging cock all day, the internet is not one person.
Not that user, but hey if im ok with you fucking like 40 guys before we meet, you cant judge me for being with escorts in the past, thats not cool.
Why do you insist on projecting your eternal butthurt onto me?
The internet is not one person, I guess I have to repeat myself, I dont have to be theoretically ok with you fucking 40 escorts if I haven't sucked 40 dicks.
Women decide to become escorts. People that are against it wanna keep it illegal and it ends up hurting the women in the sex industry.
We all sell out labor. An escort is better off than a man cleaning shit for a living.
So you are now backpedaling and saying that bodycount DOES matter to sn extent
I'm for legalizing it but that doesn't mean paying for sex/selling sex is somehow not for brainlets.
You dont, but it makes you a hypocrite. Go be a hypocrite somewhere else.You sound like thsoe retarded anons that think their oh so cute future wife is gonna be a virgin that has never kissed anyone.
Who is backpedaling? Who do you think you're talking to, Gunga?
You guys are crazy. Now I get why fathers made deals with their friends and put their mark on a female when she was born. You don't consider women human but some possession acquired before we are even self aware.
>for brainlets
That doesn't come into play. Shit Adam Sandler movies are for brainlets and those are legal.
>got it out of her system
This is a common misunderstanding. She didn't "get it out of her system", that's a woman's excuse and you're dumb enough to believe it. What it really shows is that she is the type of girl that likes sleeping around, and she won't stop until she just can't do it (too old, disability, etc).
Don't believe the female lies, or you'll be sitting there saying "girls don't care about size and they don't even like sex, they just do it to show how much they love me" lmfao
Retard, you are an absolute retard.
I'm this user
Idc if you had enough partners to count on your hands but more than that / prozzies are a no go.
You are the same roadtie bitching about men getting mad over bodycounts and that it's personal.
I recognise your obnoxious posting style retard
Why you so cold fembot? You're not nice at all.
>That doesn't come into play.
Not up to you, brainlet.
For suggesting that if a guy wants a chaste virgin he should also be chaste and not have slept with numerous women?
Also you're replying to someone else. I am a girl, so why would I not consider myself human? lol
Fuck feminist user. With that said women are sexual beings. I cant expect a women to be a pure virgin by the time i married her. Nor would i expect her to be since i have fucked so many girls in my past, why would i expect her to be some angel that has never even kissed a guy.
There will be no "lady" for this reason.
You people dont deserve kindness. This user is correct most of you should be driven into meat grinders animals.
you got it wrong user, I'm the bitch you mad at
I stand corrected but my comment applies to all the retard men cept one or two here.
im literally female. And I also don't think people should be beholden to shit they did when much younger. you are nuts.