what's your opinion on pewdiepie?
What's your opinion on pewdiepie?
what a fucking n-word
I think it's very bizarre that currently he's the least cancerous part of youtube
No one cares about your shitty ecleb, fuck off underage shit.
He's alright, bit gay though. His fanbase is the absolute worst of the worst
he's the proof that looks is the most important factor to success
just look at his content, it's not suppose to be appealing to normies in any way yet they still love him
>it's his personality
looks and mannerism is not personality, he just emits a charisma that is fun to observe, he doesn't need to try to be likeable, it's all natural trails
He grew up on the Internet. A little over 10 years ago Jow Forums was basically reddit. Pic related.
Pewds went from being a cringe proto-zoomer to being Internet sarcasm personified.
Children's entertainer who is also a possible closet furfag that steals memes from reddit/pol/.
He was a faggot back then, and now that he said le n-word, all the pewdiepie fans (aka faggots) came out of the woodworks on Jow Forums, like they were justified. He seems like hes not a bad person, but Christ I cant stand the way he talks and goes about things in his videos. Hes like the lowest form of entertainment.
The scary thing is that hes not, and entertainment goes MUCH much lower, but every once in a while Ill look at his channel to see if I like it and I never do. I dont know how people watch him.
He is very overrated in my opinion. Almost all of his content is just reactions to other people's stuff, and his commentary adds very little to it.
He is not good at comedy but he has a lot of narural charisma so people still flock to his channel.
His fanbase is also one of the worst I have ever seen. It used to consist of 9 yo squeakers but now it consist of 15-20 yo le epic memers who think saying nigger is funny and original.
Dogsht content producer pandering to shitty reactionaries to create controversy and keep raking in money.
Well i dont know
Just compare him to any vlog amateur channels, most of them are boring silence and just blant.
He have a good sense of humor, from insight humor, to akward etc. All this is also delivered with humilty, most of the times..
Pewdiepie = reddit
Annoying, cringe, tries so hard to be likeable it's sad, just another reason for me to quit the tubes
Pewdiepie is literally God.
He pretends to be edgy to appeal to the children who grew up watching him who now became edgy agnsty teens who think being edgy and saying the N word is cool so now he has a similar following that filthyfrank, idubbz, and maxmoefoe had. The only reason he gets away with being edgy is because he is too big for youtube to get rid of his channel. As long as he doesn't majorly fuck up like saying some shit like all blacks should be hanged. He's worn a nazi outfit and got national media attention because of it and he's still on it he also got a lot of attention when he said the N word. He's a very fake person and just appeals to the most popular demographic to get as many views as possible.
That's what every atheist understood a while ago. God is most likely just an edgy youtuber pandering to children and screaming wazzaaaaaaaaaaap in your face.
> wazzaaaaaaaaap
Is red pilled
He used to be very emphatic and annoying to watch, but it seems that age has embittered his personality to the point of pure appreciation of the way things are, to which he reacts with biting sardonicism.
yeah it's a cringey thing people used to do like 13 years ago. pewdiepie would have done it if he was born a little bit later. he would still be doing it now actually.
He got red pilled, or should I say black pilled?
>good sense of humor
Yeah right. How can you call all that bullshit humor? He's trying too hard and his fanbase obviously eats whatever shit comes out of his gutterhole of a mouth
Shut up you bitch lasagna, i'll defeat T-Series and then YOU!!! Haha owned, this is going to my cringe compilation!!! MEME REVIEW!!! Smash like!!!!
You can call it what you want to, but the most radical change is that he does not actively try to appeal to literal 9-year-olds, and moreover is wise to Youtube's *progressive* business practices. I wouldn't really want to discredit it by using labels devised by the radical right.
> Youtube's "progressive" business practices
So you watch pewdiepie you are interessed on Youtube drama? That's it? Nope, does not appeal to me thank you
He does come off as a bit annoying but I find most people I meet annoying so I got used to it. The fan base is utter doo doo in your ice cream. I watch pew news because it actually provides news
Where are you people even encountering his fan base? You're not on Reddit or the YouTube comments are you?
Isn't used just by the alt right, comes from the matrix.
He sometimes jokes about what Sweden, his home country, has become
Oh right. Why in the fuck does one need to review may-mays? Also, why and who the fuck watches those reviews?
>"pewdiepie has been redpilled"
> "wise intelectual opinions on serious matters"
> actually reviews memes,"tries not to laugh" at memes and stirs youtube drama
This thread
Fucking gay
The thought of pewdipie fans coming to this board and posting makes me want to kill myself (more so)
Youtube culture is fucking cancer
You should be glad that you haven't met my cousins user. They are annoying as fuck. of course they are 16 though
He's living proof that there's always somebody who likes things more than you. I thought I was an anime guy, but he's watched more than me. I thought I was a meme guy. He's deeper in the memes. I thought I was silly, he's sillier. I fucking love him. When people accuse him of being anti-semetic, it's super telling about the people who point the finger. It seems like old media has been up his ass for years.
>Oh, he let a guy named Rabbai Sheckel into one of his games! He should have a team of people who sanitizes all his content!
I like his stuff because he doesn't have people who sanitize his content.
>call all that bullshit humor?
Yes, is normie humor. Over the average quality of normie humor.
Many people support him, you can read his comment section and his likes ratios. Thats the only way to objetive see it.
Millions of people. Contemplation is a serious thing.
Considere it like chilling with someone. Who k wants to just waste time doing nothing or sharing something like art or video with someone, and watch his reaction.
>the alt rights "intellectuals" are meme reviewers who make content for 9 year olds
Sounds about, well, right
What a bunch of fucking retards you people are. The man has more brains than any of you faggots. kys
It doesn't take much brains to let your audience make content for you and then sell them merch.
He's cool and I like him, but his business model isn't exactly deep.
go back to selling third rate memes to fourth graders pewds
>the generic insults - retards, faggots and kys all in one short post
Here comes his army guys
lol no he's not
Someone with that many eyes on him can't be edgy.
I'd rather him be first than T-series and that's about it
The only based post in this whole thread.
I never watched him before the past year, after the whole jew nigger controversy I saw him get posted on Jow Forums and started watching his videos, it's pretty normie but okay entertainment tee bee heych, I watch him occasionally
The left can't meme and then complains about memers who dab on them and red pill the kids with funny content lmao
Underage newfag please leave. Thank you.
How do you know that he has watched more anime than you? And how many if you know?
>every time the left dabs on you reply with "t-the left c-cant meme"
Imagine being this unoriginal, talentless, personalityless and most of all asshurt.
He had some video where he went over a list on some site. I don't really remember when.
If I were all of those things, then I would probably vote republican (against my own economic interest like a retard)
>I've been here all summer!
Go away
>R-remember the good ol' days boys?
Pewdiepie made plenty of vids browsing /gif/ looking for YLYL.
He's ok.
At least he's not some supercilious millionaire vlogger or some corporations bitch of a mascot trying to profit off of youtube.
I want someone to explain me why isnt he hated already. He is obviously changing his personality to whats trendy, once a total fake faggot who overreacts anything because that was cool in 2011 and now a little bit "dank XDD" to gain the attention of edgy teens again. He is obviously faking his personality and everything, literally why are people so stupid? They exposed Ninja for being a fake faggot but not PewDiePie? Literally wtf, lmao.
>he's watched about 70 or something
You don't watch anime do you? I mean I do nothing but watch anime all day so there's that but still
its definitely got nothing to do with attractiveness
just look at boogey, that happa markipliar, any other popular utuber, etc
I find him moderately entertaining at times and others I find him boring. Whatever opinion is on PewDiePie, at least he didn't pull the stunt h3h3 pulled.
I don't watch all his videos, and I used to shit on him, but now he's one of the most important people on earth, the one that has the power to redpill an entire generation
I'm so fucking glad he's on humanity's side
>humor isn't 100% a subjective matter
>I don't like it so it's bad
I don't even give a shit about the guy, but you need to be 18 to post here
I honestly really enjoy his content. I find it very entertaining. He is my favorite creator on YouTube
Was a faggot, always a faggot. Pewdiepie was universal hated for years but then all the Zoomers watching him in 2010 became big boys and are now posting "based and red pilled". He got rich of all you fucktards swallowing the ads and was absolutely laughing as well as screaming like a pre-pubescent child. Now that he's irrelevant he's had to adapt and try to retain some of his fanbase by becoming the epic edge lord master to appeal to his now 18-20 year old fanbase.
he's not wrong though
>started screams while playing video game
>now just goes to find random /v/,Jow Forums,and reddit memes and makes 10+ minute videos on them
Don't see a reason to watch his stupid content.
Can't really stand him. A very fake clown.