
Holding the fort while the lads are out in Spoons

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i'm first post because i'm the best one

normally like wanking later in the evening but might have to go for one now.

Pubes has just pulled up to the meet in a Lamborghini along with several members of the Coalition of Wealth.

how the fuck can you organise a meet and then completely miss each other?

fucking hell those lads really can't do anything. Imagine fucking up a meeting

its easy as fuck to get (you)s on 4channel but id still rather stay here with you lot x

Autists can get shags though if they try hard enough. I know of cringy commie lads that have had gf's.

Is the meetup already a disaster?

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>not going to the superior nando's meet at 8 in Birmingham

>people are actually laughing at people LARPing online about going outside

What happened to your niece my fat greasy friend?

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autism has nothing to do with whether you can have sex or not all that matters is looks

women will literally do the work if you are good looking.

heard you fiddled your niece, lad, whats all that about?

powerful cope

yes it is a cope to think it's autism that stops you getting laid

who will be at that meet?

Alri lads
sinking coronas and watching movies.
how's everyone else? Not including people who are at the meetup I don't care.

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The meetup is beyond a disaster at this point, it's genuinely impressive

Union Rooms is a bad idea for a meetup desu, there are several bars and they're all packed.

>nandos in birmingham
>super busy
>1 hour to sit down
>not going to the superior castlegate island nandos meetup with the after party at the back of the big tesco carpark

what is moni up to right now?

Who on earth makes these op pics?
Is there a new one each thread?

getting vexxed as playing fifa weekend league

only thing that turns me into an absolute manchild

I have this sneaking suspicion that Amer isn't a virgin.

If anyone does legitimately want to hang out tonight . Me and my r9k discord bro are getting drinks in the Wetherspoons by Waterloo.
Want to meet u cunts . Cld b a good time

why didnt you get jailed when you fingered your niece?

everyone laugh at the newfriend

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Meetup has moved to Soho House, just buzz in and tell em britfeel sent ya

Why do you keep ignoring post asking about your niece? Did something happen?

it's been passed on between a few lads over the years

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i came home on the bus and saw all the Christmas lights on peoples houses and ive gotta say..
more jews than i thought

I used to get very upset at video games, TF2 and CS:GO.
Now I only play single player now since I have no friends and little time after working full time.

you defo fucked your niece you nonce

Where would you suggest for Newcastle?

Maybe for future reference.

evening lads, just cracked a beer
its fucking windy here.

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Lol I don't get it, did they have stars of david in lights or are you referring to the lack of houses with christmas lights

looks help, although you can be average and get sex if you try hard enough.

git gud scrub. if you dont have 500 kills on your stattrak then why even bother

Well all like... 3 people who met together left ages ago before Moni even turned up. It lasted like 5 minutes after 40 minutes of trying to find each other.

load of bollocks
women wont even give me the time of day.

Used to be supreme but never got global. Was pretty sad I never got it, but it was best to uninstall it since I was such a salty faggot. Life improved when I got rid of it, and I didn't enjoy playing it.

I think most were LARPing except for two of them though.

Probably the Town Wall, it's just over from the train station and a top little pub. You're spoilt for choice in Newcastle really.

probably lots of menorahs

Well you should have a watch or something.

cause your a serious ugly slimey bastard

different people have done them and it is continuously updated. Every now and then we do a nostalgic thread where we use an old image

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Girls are a waste of time, just wank

yes so it doesn't really matter what I do they don't give me a chance
its literally down to looks.

I wonder what Moni is doing this moment. Is she wandering around London in the rain by herself? Did she ever find anyone?

How much has life improved since we used this image boys?

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you can be ugly and still get laid what does that have to do with anything. the most important part of picking someone up is how you look. All you have to do is be friends with a good looking guy and you will see that guys who are attractive don't even need to approach/do anything they get approached.

Probably never even left his house

Wish there was an easy way to get to the last page on desuarchive. Hate only being able to go 2 pages at a time, fucking shit

just go for a fat space hopper

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I havent' changed out of my thermals all day lads, I look a bit ridiculous but it's unbelievably comfy. Mum's back tomorrow, so she can bring me some blackcurrent jam from tescos.

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Andrew could be having his way with her or she could be sat at home having never gone

Total mystery. Lack of updates is a bit concerning though. Hope she's okay

I made that image and I think my life has actually gotten worse

>Hope she's okay
You don't care about him you false manipulative little cunt

Just googled it, never been but looks pretty comfy.
I've been to the Union Rooms and Mile Castle, both were absolutely packed to the brim. And both are pretty large too which makes it shocking at how packed they both are.

whats your favourite image you've seen this year bois?

Cant post it here, I'll get banned and possibly vanned.

>Boss wants me to come in on boxing day
>Tell him I can't, since trains won't be running
>"I don't care, find a way"

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at least you got dubs man.
How has it got worse?

You can sort posts by 'oldest' lad

Just feel more isolated and think I might have still had a GF when I made that one

all i want in the all of the world is a cute boy to cuddle with

Anything poleaboo related makes me laff

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Boss sounds like a retard, ring him up and ask him for a lift on boxing day.

20 years old. No friends. No connections. Never worked a day in my life.

First year studying mathematics at a top 20 Uni in the UK. Have no idea what the fuck I'm gonna do when I finish the course. Is everything going to be ok lads?

How do you do that, I'm not getting the option

nevermind I'm blind and redarted :D

You'll get a good job with a maths degree, and find yourself a qt 3.14 at your new job. It'll be fine mate

Why are you studying when you don't know what to do when you leave?
Google jobs that need that qualification, look at military too if that tickles your fancy.

lol reality is if you a failure at 20 you probably gona be a failure at 25
t. was failure at 20 and is failure at 28

Why are pubs dying in this country lads?

every year you continue to be a virgin the chances of you losing your virginity decrease

I'm in my third and final year of a maths degree, and I too have never worked a day in my life. People on my course are talking about the grad schemes they're starting when they graduate.
Meanwhile, I have no plans for after I graduate this summer.

>10 days till Christmas
Still have fuck all presents got, wingin it

>Told to meet at an extremely popular area with no specifics as to where in that extremely populated area
>Ends up with two people searching for each other in the pouring rain for 40 minutes, meeting each other for 10 minutes then fucking off home
>3 people possibly spend forever in the rain waiting for people before fucking off to a pub.
>Moni has stopped responding
>Bunch of LARPers caused mass confusion as to where everyone is as nobody thought to post pics of their surroundings or name a specific location.
>There's a chance that someone went there, stood in the rain alone, then went home drenched

Nailed it 10/10

We are now calling at Gloucester train station. Thinking about Freddy boi

Because muzzies are taking over and they don't drink. Don't be surprised if they start burning down pubs. We need to fight now

first draft
suggestions welcome

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went on a work night out and ended up taking coke with some of the lads i work with
am i a normie now?

Because /britfeel/ posters arrange meetups at them that never happen/go poorly

Walk into sainsbury's, buy 10 small boxes of malteasers for 1 bong each.
Christmas shopping done.

Drink driving laws

>There's a chance that someone went there, stood in the rain alone, then went home drenched
heh imagine...

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no, they're fucking everywhere.
Even my dads shitty village has three in it, they started with one, then it got bought by a chain so few go there now, then they got a new one that's a freehouse, then half the people in the freehouse hated the other half, so they made a new one.
This town is full of old people though, so they spend a lot of tiem and money in these pubs.

Nice I really like them 2bh, wish we had them on /brit/

should do a meetup in the summer in a nice city, like cambridge or some shit.
Not in the evening, in the day, for lunch or some shit.

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When everyone else is getting me books and clothes lol good idea

>then half the people in the freehouse hated tue other half
Norf v souf fc is everywhere kek

>no pics of the """"meetup"""


>This town is full of old people though, so they spend a lot of tiem and money in these pubs.
There's your answer then. Old people keep
pubs alive.
Everywhere else pubs are dying.

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I once bought my younger cousin 20 quid worth of mars bars for christmas. That's 80 mars bars when they're on sale for 4 for 1 quid. He loved it.

Yeah I think it's because way back when you'd go to the pub after work to meet up.
Now you all have group chats and stuff.

Five reasons:
>More younger people are choosing not to drink casually these days, either going full blown clubbing binge drinking when they have the money and going for a big night out or not drinking at all (muslims)
>Wetherspoons monopolising on pubs and killing the local pub scene
>Prices of drinks in pubs and bars increasing while buying bottles of alcohol and drinking at home is a cheaper alternative
>A lot of the challenge 21 things are being raised to challenge 25, meaning more people IDed, meaning less people going to that pub.
>People just don't have the money or time. The biggest drinkers, young uni age people have no time, or can't afford it.