30+ Thread
Do you think back in life, about moments where you could have changed things for yourself but because of your own mental blocks, didn't?
30+ Thread
Do you think back in life, about moments where you could have changed things for yourself but because of your own mental blocks, didn't?
Most of the time, but thankfully I'm alseep enough not to let thoughts boyher me.
Describe your average week, I'm curious.
Mon-Fri, wageslave work, eat, sleep. Sat-Sun, Jow Forums, eat, sleep.
>wake up
>drive to work
>go to gym or BJJ
>get home and just sit in front a computer browsing some random websites, watch netflix, or, very rarely, play PS4
>go to sleep
>get fucked up on codeine or drunk
>just sit in front a computer browsing some random websites, watch netflix, or, very rarely, play PS4
>go to sleep
yes. I dont call them mental blocks, I call it "being stupid and incompetent". I already accept it and I dont even try my luck because I know I will fail . I'm just waiting to die at this point.
>I dont even try my luck because I know I will fail
I'm pretty sure this is what got us to this point. We wouldn't have lost much trying back then. Now there's nothing to try.
How do you not go insane?
I'm going to be making an appointment with my GP in the next month to talk about mental health.
thanks to physical activity and getting completely fucked up on weekends, I think. I don't consider myself particularly sane anyway
Gaming sucks for you as well huh?
yeah, have to literally force myself to play something from time to time now
Force? Do you enjoy it?
The last time I truly enjoyed gaming was Destiny 1 and I think was mostly for the social aspect rather than the actual game itself.
I never feel like launching some game anymore, but I try to force myself to play something every few weeks, so my PS4 and gaming PC aren't completely disused and because it's better than doing completely nothing
>Do you enjoy it?
not really, the last game I enjoyed was Dragon's Dogma, I think, but I'm not sure I can enjoy anything nowadays
Do you crave decent conversation like I do?
You got the gym and do bjj? Don't you meet people that way?
People keep telling it's a way to meet people.
sure, I mean I'm not a complete shut in anymore and have several friends at work, but I really wish I had someone I'm really close with to talk to, like a friend I've known since childhood, or a girl I'm very intimate with
>When you reject your crush's invitation to the prom.
>When you reject the love of your life.
>Accept no high paying jobs from friends.
>Drop out of school to only go back for nothing.
>play video games all day to hide anxiety.
I an beyond repair.
Lucky you, all I have is old ass immigrants at work who they work to death.
I do have one friend check in on me from time to time but I'm sure it's so he doesn't have my death on his conscience.
You sound like the world's biggest idiot. Why the fuck did you do those?
not sure how beside some smalltalk. people usually just focus on the workout, or come with their friends and keep to themselves. besides, it's very hard to meet people outside work after 30, they're either zoomers who a decade younger and want nothing to do with you, or people your age who are focused on their families, not meeting new people
>it's very hard to meet people outside work after 30, they're either zoomers who a decade younger and want nothing to do with you, or people your age who are focused on their families
I think zoomers are a little more accepting but it feels like every zoomer is a cool hipster no matter where you find them, which is annoying as a shabby 30yo dude.
>65 year old dad sent round the yearly christmas email to the family members going to parents house at christmas
>includes a paragraph mocking me (pic related)
tfw I am the joke of the family. btw Scoop isn't my real name, my family call me it because I once tried to open an ice cream parlour and it got infected by cockroaches and shut down.
Damn man, that's harsh. Has it always been like this?
Every single day, my man.
not really, most of the substantial / impactful problems came from others acting in certain ways, not myself
lol you sound like a hot mess, scoop.
I'm 23 year old neet and don't know how to drive.
Is learning how to drive difficult?
It's easy if you're not a total sperg. You may fail once or twice, though.
fake, gay, bad
But do you think in retrospect that you could have got away from them?
Come on thread dont die on me yet.
Should I lie on Tinder? I'm too much of a manchild to get along with people my own age, but I always get along awesome with early-mid 20 somethings, but I feel they don't match because they see the 30. Instead of 30 could I put 28 or something?
>Instead of 30 could I put 28 or something?
I don't think they're gonna card you
>Should I lie on Tinder? I'm too much of a manchild to get along with people my own age
women your own age are washed up hags, so going after arly-mid 20 somethings is only natural. 20 y.o. woman > 30 y.o. woman always
I must be the only user who wants some their own age +/-3