Why do you trash women for making bad life choices but not men?

Why do you trash women for making bad life choices but not men?

For instance, a single mother of 3 is written off as a stupid irresponsible whore who made the wrong choices and you hold it against her for life. A Chad who leaves his kids and abandons them? "Fucking alpha bro, fucking alpha male slayer leaving her with a kid for some cuck to raise"

Same thing with tattoos. A woman covered in tattoos is immediately judged as a trashy roastie whore. A guy with tattoos? "Nice ink bro", "wow bro them tats tho".

A woman who likes rap music? "Coalburner scum", "she'll cuck you with a nig you idiot"

A guy who likes rap music? "good shit bro, kendrick is better tho, #free69"

and on and on the examples go. Women are still judged differently and more harshly than men in 2018. FACTS

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>Why do you trash women for making bad life choices but not men?
but I don't, live and let live.

>A Chad who leaves his kids and abandons them? "Fucking alpha bro, fucking alpha male slayer leaving her with a kid for some cuck to raise"
I don't think many people say this on Jow Forums, I'm not sure where you got this rhetoric from.

Ah equality, the thing women want to get but not have to give.

Saying so does not make it so.

I hate rap wiggers and thinky guys with bodymods laughable trend followers.
I just do not give any shit about a guy, so why would it bother me beyond a shrug?
The girls however, could have been potential partners that are now fucked up so I WILL be angry.

Why the hell are black men so disgusting and repulsive looking?

I detect the subtle aroma of a toastie roastie

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>A guy with tattoos? "Nice ink bro", "wow bro them tats tho".
No. Basedboys are not cool with tats.

You just know she's getting POOOOUNDED.

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I've never called them alpha besides the women is still at most of the fault. You see women let men in not the other way around. Women say they can sense bad people, they get in abuseive relationships. They're idiots and if the man gets away with it and doesn't pay child support I wouldn't call him alpha but I wouldn't call him stupid either.
Women usually get gay tattoos butterflies n shit while dudes usually get some nicer simpler looking things unless they get gay edgy crap.
And everyone likes new age rap and new age rap is crap so if a women or man likes that new shit they're a normie following shitty trends and roastie whores and chads always follow trends.
OP you're stupid and dumb

No one says any of those things

If you genuinely believe men who leave women with children are praised, or men with tattoos are praised, or that women who like rap music are looked down upon, youre fucking crazy. Get off Jow Forums for a day, please.

Getting different lines from different people, who only have their male gender in common, and assuming that all guys think the same
Found the NPC
Also, you are a roastie, pointing out that some guys are male roasties and as trashy as you doesn't make it any better
And also, we don't care about male roasties because we wouldn't have dated them so it's like, they don't even exist

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Fuck off my board roastie slut. It's the weekend shouldn't you normies be doing some basic bitch shit at the mall or sumthin

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Yes you do treat women differently and i see it all the time some man abandoned his pregnant girl, "what a slayer chad doesn't need to stick around" "let some cuck raise that kid bro yeaaaah bro"

But let a woman leave an abuser and become a single mother and you'll line up to tell her how wrong she was and she is denying the child a good life by leaving his abusive father

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>or that women who like rap music are looked down upon
Women who listen to that Negro garbage deserve to be held in absolute contempt user.

Loved your post and how you man handle this roastie, I bet she gets wet when we talk to her like that. Roasties have no worth they are so pathetic.

Because men don't make bad choices user

I personally don't blame every single mother. It's a case by case matter. Some deserve it, some don't. Single mothers being more common, when we have less deaths, does show a problem with modern behaviour/culture though. Nor do I pat Chad on the back for fucking around. In fact I despise the chad worship.

Older societies might have had their problems, but it would be dumb to defend modern society if you don't like either of those things.

I do like some rap songs, but rap has a tendency to talk about "bitches" and "hoes." Not something a nice girl would want to listen to you know?

As for tattoos, I'm fine with tattoos as long as they signify something important. Like airforce pilots tattooing the symbol of their country's air force. Because it's an actually important part of their lives. Getting a tattoo because you think it's cool with isn't exactly unique. It's just more consumerist bs.

But that applies to all non-blacks who listen to rap regardless of gender

>I do like rap
Faggot wigger NPC die, you are a disgrace
>I'm fine with tattoos as long as...
Faggot trashy tastes

>A Chad who leaves his kids and abandons them? "Fucking alpha bro, fucking alpha male slayer leaving her with a kid for some cuck to raise"

I dont think like that at all you projecting piece of roast garbage.

I hate absentee fathers as much as single mothers and, as they contribute to the degeneracy of society, should be purged for the good of the rest of the world.

>marrying anyone of any color you who is "god fearing"
absolute yikes

maybe she was a crazy bitch OP

>A Chad who leaves his kids and abandons them? "Fucking alpha bro, fucking alpha male slayer leaving her with a kid for some cuck to raise"

No one says this though...

Most women who listen to Hip Hop are disgusting coal burner sluts who party and drink only to get gang banged and chase rappers/athletes.
I have never, ever met a girl who listens to hip hip and is not a slut. Can't say the same for men.

no see it's different when white women do this. can't trust white women that love rap music

>Why do you trash women for making bad life choices but not men?
Men do make bad choices. Just go to any prison & see the convicted felons if you don't believe me.

> single mother of 3 is written off as a stupid irresponsible whore who made the wrong choices and you hold it against her for life. A Chad who leaves his kids and abandons them?
...And WHO's fault was it for choosing that kind of a man? THE WOMAN

>A woman covered in tattoos is immediately judged as a trashy roastie
That's because many of them ARE roasties. The tats are just an obvious indicator of bad choices

>A woman who likes rap music?
>A guy who likes rap music?
Those are called wiggers, & yes, they are scum of the earth. Take it from a white guy who had to deal with them growing up.

>Women are still judged differently and more harshly than men in 2018.
That's because women have more to lose than men. They are in their prime when they are young & beautiful. When they make stupid choices, they shouldn't be surprised if they get stupid prizes.

Also, pic related is an ugly-ass couple. Mudshark glasses in 3...2....1....

Just watch: That wench will be leaving with regrets later on.

>white women that love rap music
female wiggers are race traitors. They deserve nigger treatment for hanging around niggers.

Burn the coal, pay the toll

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That first line and spacing tells me all I need to know on where you belong.

Women are rightly held to harsher standards because they're the gatekeepers of sex and the ones who give birth. They have more to lose since eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap. Not that the men who engage in this behavior are to be praised, but women should be punished and shamed harder for doing so because there are worse consequences on their end.

Trashy white women always date niggers.

Gotta respect the nigger for taking out the white man's trash