Why havent you gotten a girlfriend yet robots?
Why havent you gotten a girlfriend yet robots?
I haven't found one high enough in my league yet
Because I'm still married
becus shy :
every girl in my school is ugly or fat or both, plus they are inpure meaning non virgins,
One girl im flirting with and vice versa is cool with me when i was on a pot brownie she gave me in class.
Real reason- Scared of falling in love and getting heart broken again.
i can't stop negging
desu what do y'all think not a doomer or beta like the rest of you so should I go for the relationship or nah
How can I register on lookism? The thread password doesnt match the registration page.
Because they're pretty mean for the most part.
i dont go out after work
>using Jow Forums
>getting a girlfriend
as long as you can appeal to them if you're desperate as in if you're a conservative beta fag, and the girl is a lib blonde shithead then be a liberal chad fag for her, or if you want to stay the same, with a girl like you, be patient and keep going healthy eventually she will come. and she is waiting for you
Because it's too much work for too little payoff
would you say hes dating below his league?
based and crimsonpilled
She is above his league
Dating apps haven't produced any results and I genuinely don't know how to meet women in bars or clubs, or wherever else I'm supposed to go
Because I look and act like an ogre
I'd say they're both 8/10s, at least from this angle. For once they're actually dating within their league
Because ugly and uninterested in most people.
Because i live in iraq
She looks like his sister, though.
I think a little bit. She has a masculine face.
If I want a GF then I need to change but I don't want to change so therefor I am alone. I do not complain about it as it's my own doing, a GF is a huge commitment. The change would be difficult for me because I have been alone all m life and I know of nothing else.
She is more attractive than he is. Makes me think of Margot Robbie without the shit aging.
I've never approached a girl
Ive never approached a girl either
>not having a girlfriend by 2019
I'd rather have the guy in the pic instead, no homo oreganolly
>Why havent you gotten a girlfriend yet robots?
because you having a gf is part of the jew system. she will drain your money on dates,gifts and other bills.
how do i get a skin this clear? chad doesn't have a daily skin care routine or puts make up, right?
they do unironically.
I cany be bothered with friends let alone a girlfriend
to stupid to get one
All the girls I like already moved away or are taken. still want a gf tho, but i don't want to be so desperate that I'll hook up with just anyone.
Because fucking girls is so easy, why would you want to commit?
These are female posters
completely and utterly uninterested in dating at all
sure i'm supposed to follow my primal human instinct and breed women like an alpha male but i'd rather mind my own business and play vidya
Becaus Im an inKel and i hAte wimMinz
Because I'm a man. I'm independent, have my own goals, and don't need the company of a hole. Anyone who doesn't answer similarly is a beta simp. I can't think of anything more pathetic than men who are still tied down to their desire for women.
Are you retarded? Or1g1na7
I have to learn to care about myself more first or I'll just wind up putting some girl on a pedestal first.
I feel like the chads face expression in this is top notch where as stacy pout is so fucking shit and contorts her face.
Why do women do this?
why do men drive around in their brand new flash car they just purchased?
she's obviously spent hours and $ on her eyebrows, so she scrunches her brow up to show them off.
she's obviously had work done on her lips so she pouts them out.
the "chad" looks like a droopy-eyed double digit IQ fella that don't know what's going on
>can't get laid
>I-I do can but I don't even want to!!!
cringe yourself my man
I'm fucking trying boys, get off my ass about it
t. beta simp
Kill yourself.