
>make out with
>send to north korea

you may only choose one for each. choose wisely

Attached: 1452827074522-0.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

fuck 1, marry 3, spank 4, make out with 2, send to north korea 5

fpbp, 3 is so so so cute compared to the rest

marry 3, send rest to north korea

>make out with

Attached: dzk3ngtj85ts1jwwfmd3.jpg (680x440, 10K)

i was gonna say. is this sum bait

they have developed secondary sexual characteristics so being attracted to them is normal and healthy

Attached: osaka-bean-knowledge.jpg (712x482, 33K)

looks underage or im super old wtf

Attached: wtf.gif (320x289, 1.12M)

>Join the foreign legion to escape jail

who the fuck cares if theyre underage

>Who the fuck cares if i go to jail? lmao

Attached: 1539698086046s.jpg (250x244, 6K)

>liking a legal picture on the internet will send you to jail
Were you born retarded or was it a choice? Transretard?

they're all boys wtf

Marry, make out with, fuck, send to North Korea, spank

1: send to fat camp in North Korea. Stop drinking Coke, fattie
2: you can tell from her face that she's an extrovert = roastie = kill with fire, quickly, before AIDS squeezes out of it
3: she's a nigger (all "hispanics" have nigger blood) => kill this ape quickly
4: see number 2
5: she's a nigger => kill this ape quickly

Those grills are definitely underage. OP is a pedo

1. Spank
2. Fuck
3. Marry
4. make out with
5. Send to North Korea


>who the fuck cares if theyre underage

oof trying to hard, normie

Fuck: 4 (hottest)
Marry: 1 (tallest, meaning tall children)
Spank: 2
Make out with: 3
Send to North Korea: nigger

I'm not a normie. I really do not like any of those girls. I only like pure virgin Asian princesses.

North Korea
Make out

Yuck. They look like children.