why do peoples personalities often correlate perfectly with their appearance?
Why do peoples personalities often correlate perfectly with their appearance?
Because people treat eachother according to their appearance. If someone fits someone else's mental categories (there's a word for a "mental category" in psychology but I don't remember it) then they will judge and treat them as such
I'd legit let that girl take a dump in mouth
The word I was looking for was prototype and imo people build their prototypes for different kinds of people based on what is shown to them in media
and being treated a certain way, causes your personality to be a certain way , is what you're saying
This, and building on this, you can even imagine what certain people look like based on their personalities, such as:
because people who look worse are treated worse, and it turns out that you can't help but become the monster that others treat you as
people want to fit into what they believe others preconceived notations of them are, so they arent seen as weird.
Yeah pretty much. Well at least how people treat you is one factor in developing your personality, especially in childhood I'd assume. Maybe another factor is who you look up to, and even then as a result of you idolizing someone you'd dress and act like them, and then people would note that you dress like the idolized figure and probably assume you have a similar personality to them, then judge and treat you as such. For example if someone idolizes the columbine shooters then dresses and acts like them, people will treat them as intimidating, weird, etc. which would further nurture an intimidating, weird, etc. personality
because most people aren't actually humans, they're characters.
because people tend to dress and take care of them selves as a way to express themselvs.
sometimes when you say something you see other people saying it to
elaborate on this? sounds interesting.
you mean stereotype ?
Your appearance advertises things about yourself.
No. iirc the actual category is called a concept and the prototype is like the "perfect example" of the concept. For example pic related might be your prototype for your concept of millionaires
I'm actually not ugly or fat, just a social autist.
I'm just so starved for sex & the female body that they're literally goddesses in my eyes
Not him but I've noticed that how people tend to present themselves to other people/in public is almost always just one big LARP. They try to represent "characters" they see in movies and shows, like "shy girl", "bad boy", etc. As opposed to being humans, where you wouldn't try to replicate a "character" and act perfectly, without any influences at all, the way you naturally would.
If you don't give me sauce I will fucking murder you. I will salt your fields and fertilize your women.
would you say youre more of an authentic person than most?
does being authentic make you a pussy?
>I'm actually not ugly
user, I...
only have one more my bro
>niggers all look like monkeys
>niggers act like animals
Makes sense tbqh
Nothing about someone's appearance is an accident. Even the ways we hold our bodies and arrange our faces are well-practiced defenses.
No, but I am more "authentic" than I used to be. I used to LARP as le witty sarcastic guy when I was a teenager. You could see why those kinds of characters would resonate with most people on this board. But as I became more self aware I realized I was sick of putting up a facade whenever I wasn't alone. But obviously acting a certain way for a long time, some of those traits will stick with you.
As for it making you a pussy, no, I don't think it does. But these kinds of LARPers may view you as not fitting in to any of the concepts of characters (see ) they have in their head and therefore see you as an outcast.
But isn't a prototype a "test" or trial for something ? like a prototype of a wheel is hexagonal and the final product is circular, and for your pic that is what i would call my "stereotype" of millionaires not a "prototype". And also a prototype can't be perfect because they are a trial version of something being made or thought up.
Idk user, I don't study psychology. The only time I have was in a class in HS that lasted one semester. I wouldn't be surprised if I were wrong but those are psychology's definitions of prototype and concept that I remember from the text book. But I'm pretty sure psychology is a flexible field that is sometimes inconsistent with what is agreed upon from year to year but who knows.
And what you're saying makes sense. A protoype of a wheel isn't exactly a wheel, just like a millionaire isn't exactly your mental prototype for the concept of a millionaire. The prototype is just an example, I guess, which establishes a base for the concept, just like a wheel's prototype would establish a base for the wheel's general characteristics and functions.
You can believe me or not idc
I'm a 6/10 ez, and could be a 7 if I wasn't a skelly
Yeah I kinda agree. My thinking was more that because people are "characters" their reactions are mostly predictable. And others gravitate towards those "characters" because they feel comfortable more or less knowing what they do.
There's obviously much more to why people like each other, it's just a fun thought and I have nothing to back that up.
I feel like more of authentic person but most of people do feel this way as well.
Does she have a instagram or something oreo?
Yeah, if someone LARPs as a character to imitate a movie or show, they then become more predictable, right?
I think it's more than a fun thought. You can observe it pretty much anywhere. Like I said () I've even done it myself.
it's mainly because depending on how you look shapes the way you grow up so beautiful people are often more likely to function better socially and in life in general whereas ugly people are just usually lied to and expected to cope with everything eventually breaking them and turning them depressed and unpleasant.
So I just looked up what you're saying and it makes more sense now if I look at it from the way of psychology. So basically a prototype in psychology is something made up from examples,and if we look at whores from let's say a movie or comic(our example),they expose more skin to appear more attractive, to pull more attention, and if we look at girls, women today a lot of them dress like that so our prototype of that certain group of girls will be that they're whores(could be whores in the sense that they do sexual favors for money,or that they're just bitches who want the hot guys' attention).
Stereotypes exist for a reason sadly.
schema is what you're looking for I think
Yeah exactly, prototypes are made from your observations then you use the prototypes to fit people into different concepts, which may or may not change your prototypes over time.
Yes, actually I believe that was exactly what I was looking for thanks. iirc concept and schema are pretty similar right?
Guess what I look like based on this list I wrote for an actually relevant topic.
>I don't go outside, true shut in
>I don't talk to people
>No job
>Live with mom + grandma
>No car/driver's license
>No friends, even online
>Basically dropped out of college
>In debt
>Clinical depression, no motivation
>Dropped out of grade school at 12
>Little to no social skills
>Too nice, uninteresting and shallow when I did talk to girls
>No real hobbies or practical skills
>Spend all day here, on YT or playing games
>No good stories, at least none made after age 13
>Barely know where things are in my town, let alone the rest of the world
How would you be able to tell the difference between someone trying to put on a character and someone who is naturally and authentically like that?
After all, characters in movies and shows are often made by people who base those characters partly on people they've met.
not him btw
most people arent good at acting. when theyre putting on an act, its gonna feel try hard 90% of the time. its pretty easy, well at least for me, to feel if someone is trying hard to project an image, vs being authentic.
You're thinking of archetype.
I don't know. I see your point though. People could naturally fulfill the role of a certain cliche character because those characters are partly based off or are exaggerations of real people their creators have met. Maybe if someone doesn't seem to fulfill any particular cliched character you can tell they're authentic and not LARPing. You can clearly tell if someome is LARPing usually. For example, I used to sit next to one girl in class that would always claim she "didn't like people" but spent a lot of time at house parties and had a considerably high body count. Maybe it's just me being judgemental, but those things don't seem to add up. So on the contrary, if you notice someone never really tries to verbally establish the identity they're trying to LARP, they're probably "authentic".
So in my mind it comes down to if one is overly expressive about their own identity, as in seemingly try it shove "who they are", or their character, down everyone's throat, and also their own throat, if you get what I mean by that.If someone is insecure about their own identity, they likely LARP whereas someone who was secure wouldn't feel the need to repeatedly establish themselves as le qt shy girl or le edgy jaded bad boy.
because how you dress and how you look is just an extension of who you are
high iq and insightful post. just sayin
See Again, I don't study psychology, but the word that was in the back of my head was schema.
OP's question was thought provoking. Good thread, 9/10
god I can only imagine how amazing her braps must smell
>hoop rings
>butt shorts
That is definitely a whore
There's a saying about hoop rings: The bigger the rings, the bigger the slut. No wonder why these useless girls can't get a rich white guy.
You're a nigger, you'll fuck anything.
That looks a lot like a girl I know irl. Do you know if her name starts with an a?
Nope, just saved her cause that hip to waist ratio is goddess tier
Because personality is genetic, like looks. We associate personalities with looks because we have hundreds of thousands of years of shared memory of people who look a certain way acting a certain way.