Dad is screaming at 8yo sister for looking up porn on her iPad

>dad is screaming at 8yo sister for looking up porn on her iPad

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>mom is trying to make mudcakes in the oven again with her scat fetish.

>8yo looking at porn

the modern era was a mistake, you're all at fault

>gives an 8 year old an ipad

>screaming at 8yo

Under no circumstances, ever.

And I thought that question Congressman Steve King asked about his daughter's iPhone was bad.

initial childhood experience with sex + trauma from opposite sex parent = a therapist somewhere, 10 to 15 years from now, will start pricing out yachts

>and I live in a country without socialised healthcare

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What kinda porn she watched?

>What kinda porn she watched?


christians are so backward holy shit. now you just traumatized a girl and gave her so much baggage.

yes why would a child not be curious

I live in Canada and healthcare doesn't cover therapy.

Give her up for adoption then

>christians are so backward holy shit.

we're liberal secular family

Gay bait. Christians don't even exist in Am*rica.

you're not op lol you ugly retard

lol kys friendless virgin, seriously just do it

>her iPad
Found the problem, and it is dad

You literally have no friends haha

My dad is terrified of anything to do with sex.

I can hear her crying right now, I'm gonna go comfort her in a sec. I remember my dad busting me googling "boobs" and shit like that when I was that age and he flipped the fuck out. My mom couldn't give half a shit though.

lol kys incel

manlet virgins on suicide watch

lol how's it feel to be a 20-something virgin? for real I'd probs have killed myself by now if I were you

>I'm gonna go comfort her in a sec
Post pics of her ass

yikes the 20 something virgin is crying again. why havent you offed yourself yet?

>n-no you!

looks like your shitty manchild diet has made your fat ass retarded, go outside dude lol

>20 something virgin
Feh, I'm pushing 40 and still a virgin. Get on my level.

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You're literally just saying the same thing he said, are you retarded?

Fuck off boomer lol

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yikes he's projecting again. stay salty with your shriveled unused cock. should try trapping honestly.

u Mad incel?

fuck off retard, no wonder you have no friends

>yikes xDDDD I'm totally not crying rn guise :D

lol fucking loser

y u mad tho lol?

someone seems to be upset, go eat a candy bar to feel better fatty


god you're unoriginal and pathetic, get out of your mom's house bro

>31 replies
>11 posters

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I mean I am correct tho aren't I? you have no friends?

No, but I'll show her how to delete her history.

u Mad, stay on edge for me uggo

My 14 year old sister googled ''big dicks'' and ''big dick porn'' on my computer. She tried to clear the history but it still showed up in the google search bar when I typed it in because she didn't clear all data
She may have heard me make a couple jokes or bragging remarks about being hung up to a couple years before that, so maybe I put it into her head that it was important for a guy to be big and a fetish developed
I don't know, never said anything to her about it or anyone except my friends
Also have seen her talk about some pretty intense sexual shit on her facebook (she left her password in my computer) when she was like 12. Like telling her friend how her boyfriend got a boner when they were making out and it felt bigger than her exes
I know, sounds liek a pervy fantasy. Believe what you want. They start being whores young

>u mad u mad yikes incel trapping

It's like I'm talking to a trendy virgin parrot

nobody likes you lmao holy shit get off the internet virgin. this isn't your safe space

make sure you show her the good patrician porn sites

>n-no you! lmao

holy fuck you're a braindead manchild hahahaha

are you frustrated by chance?

This is your chance! If you show her you went through the same, you two are kinda of in the "same boat", so to speak, leading you to some leverage over her psychologically. You can then help her where your parents educational skills (or lack of) fail, guiding her to be a better human!

so mad lol keep talking

Why is there a retard in here arguing with himself?

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>child abuse for no reason
Sigh. Such westernization will only lead to dystopia.
It's normal if you're stupid enough to give a kid open access. Humans naturally explore. You don't wake up one day and fuck at the magical age of consent like you're a programmed robot. You put your toe in the water by being curious over time and all ages have the same hormones anyway just varying levels so you were horny before you even necessarily new it on top of that.
It's retarded western culture. They dearly love to cause problems when you have none.

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It's sad she's being raised by christians, poor girl.

jesus christ why do you do this. why do you go on the internet and waste your time with this bullshit. why

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Based big bro

lol yea so based bro xD

*turns into a whore after being sexualized at a young age*

>sexualized at a young age*
Humans are inherently sexual creatures.

No kidding she'll be the slut that the whole class knows gave her first hand job in grade 7 because she's proud of it

Ikr OP is so based, he should introduce his sis to BLACKED

Damn I wish I was there to teach her lesson
Learn not to make shit threads, idiot
Maybe film it next time stupid cuck

This board stopped being serious a long time ago.

No pride and no dignity. The newfriends see it and decide to act even more faggoty due to thinking they're in good company due to such autistic poling fun at selves whilst being ironic.

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