I exclusively fuck black guys: the hairstyle

>I exclusively fuck black guys: the hairstyle

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But that's just a normal hairstyle for white gir - oh shiiiiiit

It's so fucking annoying to see people dressed up as their idols from the internet. GET SOME FUCKING ORIGINALITY YOU FUCKING WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>exclusively fuck dothraki guys: the hairstyle

no it's
>I exclusively fuck niggas with big dicks

cope harder simon

Blonde girls with big asses are all i like, yet all they like is BBC

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I don't wear this hairstyle though

As a black guy with an 8-inch cock, i hope you die from suffocating on fat nigger dick

probably cuz ur a dude

Better luck next life.

Why not go for black girls with big asses, or hispanics at least?

>that square jaw
>collar bone
You sure that isn't a man honey

Pretty ssure it's this hairstyle that says that

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b-but I love this hairstyle, and I've never been with a black guy yet...

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Wiggers are almost as bad

That's not a wigger hairstyle, it's way too traditionally white...

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I fucking hate braids. They look gross to me.

No, this is the "I only fuck guys who shop at urban outfitters and pretend to be edgy for attention" hairstyle.

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I love braids. They look awesome to me.

Wasn't calling her a wigger although I understand the confusion

Any German and/or white girl hairstyle tbqh wy senpai


startup whore

Are you a nigger?

this is important to see if OP is lying to us.

What's the benefit in doing so?

cry more nick you shrimp cocked cracker

What the fuck, I typed "stupid", not "startup".

Racist Tyrone chimes in again. How big of a hypocrite nig are you?

nigger cope disgusting

Do girls unbraid that shit every time they wash their hair? Or do they just leave it and wash it that way?

tits or please gtfo
you know the rules

White girls unbraid it.

>tfw grow up in comfy european town
>there's one gypsy family who live in the very last house of the town, everyone else is white
>everyone knows to avoid them and they know not to fuck with us
>tfw girls wear this sort of hair a lot, I remember they used to do it for each other during breaks in school
>tfw realisation hits me that in america even such an innocent thing exists only as part of a fetish for the death of white identity and is part of the whore routine of THOTS who prance around in front of a camera for the better part of their lives
I'm sorry ameribots, maybe if you move to a smaller city in a state like Wyoming or Montana it will get better.

>asking women to be orginal

>the I got no personality and will settle for whoever gives me attention look

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I wont lie, that hairstyle is boner fuel for me.

>the guy im fucking behind my husband is 20 yrs younger than me the haircut

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Tfw no white big booty femanon

A girl with that hairstyle will fuck white guys and she'll slurp dick like a fucking champion.

Because they're not as attractive as white girls

Fugg it is completely over now.

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get out 0f my sight

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Nah I came across a hot big-assed hot white girl who was dating a white Chad just the other day, it's not about race as much as facial attractiveness, fitness and height. BBC is a meme.

How the FUCK do I land a coalburner gf like this then? I would spoil her rotten.

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continue larping until you get one my caucasian friend

No. This is the "I love niggers and spic cock" hair style.

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