Have you ever thought about becoming a girl, user?
Have you ever thought about becoming a girl, user?
Multiple times, but I don't want to get dis-owned by my family for financial and moral reasons.
Girls say I look cute as I am though so I guess In the end It's all fine how I am rn
Yeah but it's not for me. Prefer being a big guy.
no but I've thought about fucking a guy that became a girl
Post more girls (male)
no, because i'm a man and aren't diluted by mental disorders
Every day since I started puberty
How did she get so smooth down there?
epilator, nair for sensitive skin, waxing, or just plain shaving
it's not rocket science you dumb fuck
You will die of aids in your lifetime reiko
u * 2^2
Yeah. The only thing thats holding me back is lack of resources. Fuck SRS though.
How is this not spamming/flooding?
Yes, but only as a horror scenario
(114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."
How can a roastie enter Heaven, indeed?
nah I love being a regular gay qt boy.
who wants gross boobs and vagina when you can have DFC and cock?
Um, I wasn't asking you? I was asking OP about the girl in the picture, you dumbass...
Hey, it's Sunflower!
>mfw there's a zombie on my lawn
Lol you cant become a girl. Thats impossible.
And I answered it you stupid fuck.
I wish I lived in and was a citizen of a country where that was easy. I also wish the process was quicker and my community accepted it.
Can you use laser there too?
every waking moment of my life, i also dream about it sometimes
No but i want to fuck one,
I refuse to do it though
I have hairy ass so i cant be cute
Fuck off already. I wanted to know how she did it, not some dumb normie's opinion on how to do it. Literally kys.
Activity trying to become more fem. I do not want to be a woman. I do want to be a trap. No, I am not on HRT.
You really are a retard aren't you dipshit?
Your post is truly gold and why Reddit makes fun of us so much
Not with that attitude. Lemme see that ass boy
I do when I get really horny and dream of getting mounted by a fat guy.
Yes every fucking day.
I guess I'll just have to wait until the next life if there even is one and hope that i could be a girl that time.
Why are you doing that, then?
Yeah, but then i realized that it wasnt the whole 'becoming a girl' bit that had my attention. It was the 'becoming a HOT girl that had my attention. once I started making gains from work and could physically feel my muscle, my dick turned diamonds too.