If you pick tomboy you are ethier a beta or a faggot. Quite possibly both.
If you pick tomboy you are ethier a beta or a faggot. Quite possibly both
M A N ' S
If you pick the girly girl you are a cuck being used for your resources.
It's generally agreed that the thing most men hate about women are the personalities. That being the case, why not pick a woman with the personality of a guy?
left just sounds fake, honestly.
if I had to choose I'll go with the reverse trap.
This makes a lot more sense than needing your women to dress like childre and cartoon characters just so you can tell yourself you're more straight than the other guys.
err I meant right sounds fake
I want both.
>If you pick tomboy you are ethier a beta or a faggot. Quite possibly both.
I am. Now give me my girlfriends pls.
>You are a cuck for doing what has been happening for millions,maybe even billions of years
Yeah maybe if she is controlling but if you seriously think being in control and providing for someone is a cuck then you are just retarded.
>tfw want girly girl but realistically am going to settle for a tomboy
I pick both as long as they remain 2D
You know what they say: fpbp
Also origaroli
Left, because I have excellent refined taste.
you're going to get nobody
Yes giving your hard earned resources to someone who does nothing but be fuck hole and validates your masculinity makes you a resource cuck.
You might as well go fuck a dude if you want tomboy, you're basically saying you're into masculine things
first post best post
The guy that created that pic has really dated a woman? Kek
Is this goddamn manga ever starting again? I read all the chapters in a few days, and now the author seems to have given up
That's not a settle
>if a woman doesn't wear face paint and dress like a tranny she is a man
That is a matter of opinion but also your opinion is wrong and clouded in ignorance.
God you have a sad life
You might as well fuck a trap if you want girly girl, you're basically saying their actual genitals don't matter as much as their behavior does.
Tomboys are cool though.
>has never dated a girl with no interests of her own
Both of these girls have holes, tits and wombs, but only one has an actual personality.
Tomboys for life.
exactly, if you pick girly girl you're basically halfway to being a tranny yourself
>he says
>within Jow Forums
that's gonna be a yikes from me
These mental gymnastics are pretty good. 10/10. Would read again.
Always happy to point out faggotry when it is this blatantly evident.
Yeah I am,thanks for noticing. Do you forfeit this fight or are you just waiting to call me an incel or something. That's ok I'll wait. You also seem to be missing your anime posting pictures as well. I'm sure it was simple mistake.
I prefer girly girls. There's too many tomboys nowadays. I like my women feminine.
even better if the tomboy knows how to wrestle so she can physically dominate me and pin me down whenever I'm acting like a tsundere
>y-you're a beta or a faggot
I don't give a fuck about being anything if that means being happy my dude
That doesn't make sense. You're trying to tell me being attracted to a feminine woman is the equivalent of being a faggot.
Nice try, retard.
Being attracted to femininity is pretty faggy yeah. It presupposes the idea that masculinity and femininity are linked to behaviors and outward appearance rather than a fixed state of being.
You want a caricature, not a person. That is gay as fuck.
This is probably the wisest post in the history of Jow Forums. Anytime my faggot friends ask me why I'm into tomboys, I show them this post.
Where do you live and can i come over? It's the total opposite from me
>Girly girl
For a quick fuck
For a longterm relationship
I would rather have something in between
but user tomboys are girly too sometimes, but only when you out manly them and only when you two are alone.
>be me
>everyone thinks I'm a tomboy because I like /out/ , wear plaid all the time, like banter and never wear makeup
>I'm actually an INFP whose super sensitive, reads a lot of Victorian and Regency literature, and while banter doesn't bother me minor social interactions can uplift or (usually) devastate me
I'm basically all the lack of sex appeal and responsibility of a tomboy with all the emotional hysteria of the girly girl.
The ride never ends.
You will see more and more women leaning toward being less feminine as a response to the tranny epidemic. Robots can either side with the women they like to pretend to be attracted to in order to fit in, or the trannies who think anyone who wants to be regarded as female should make it apparent by wearing big red bows on their heads like minnie mouse.
I dont want a girl who is complete fucking push over who most likely let some guy use her because of it.
based and redpilled
zero percent cringepill
user tomboys are entirely defined by interests and outward personality. reading is gender neutral as a hobby, but tomboys can be indoorsy or outdoorsy, introverted or extroverted. hysteria isn't limited to girly girls either, tomboys overreact all the time, just in fiction they start swinging fists instead of crying.
>swinging fists instead of crying
Jokes on you, I do both.
>jk I actually laugh things off and pretend I don't care so everyone typecasts me as either an adorable slacker at best or a miserable layabout stoner at the worst
>then I go home and cry and am crippled by anxiety over how much I care about how badly I fucked up
i want a bully tomboy gf to dominate me
people who want to make their tomboy gf feminine are faggots
but that's me
but I have a penis
this thread is such a ride holy shit
Yep, you get what's up, OP.
>be me
>get scholarship
>because my supervisor misled me I ended up breaking some shit
>nothing important but I could have easily destroyed some very important work
>discover during the meeting there was a dangerous chemical in the lab near where I was told to work that I was never informed of
>boss blames supervisor for the fuck up (honestly? fair), so supervisor starts bullying me
>I get so emotionally rattled by fear of making mistakes and hurting my colleagues work by accident, getting injured on the job because I don't understand everything, and constantly fuck up because of my supervisors bullying
>can't communicate this because emotional retard
>and like what am I going to say
>"I didn't come into work today because I was terrified working here would leave me infertile and that I would ruin someone's project or damage a multimillion dollar machine and also my supervisor hurts my feelings"
>sometimes I just don't show up
>don't really do anything
>end up having fuck all at the half way point of the term
>lose scholarship
>boss berates me in front bullying supervisor
>"You really don't care about anything, do you? You're never phased, always calm, cool and collected? It would benefit you to give a fuck for once in your sorry life."
What's your tale, user?
>yes, I prefer tomboys
fuck off tomboys are super cute in ways girly girls could never imagine. you don't have to be a basedboy, femdom loving, cuckhold, house husband in order to like tonboys.
>tfw only 100% straight
>will never be based enough for tomboys
meh, my tale is much too long and I'd feel the need to romanticize it anyway, but lately I've lost my father, which I didn't even go to the church for, which led to fighting with my sister, which led to me fucking up my job and then losing it and it just so happens that my boss was kind of my paternal figure since my real dad wasn't really there for me (divorce at 7 or 8)
and of course everyone thinks I'm fine because showing emotions as a male is a delicate matter
my niece that's like, 12 even said 'why didn't you cry when your dad died?'
I feel you, life really sucks sometime, forever stuck in between showing emotions and thus weakness/tools for others to use against you or keeping it in and passing for an asshole
not OP tho
This meme makes me want the girly girl more for some reason
I like to be able to choose where to go and shit
>tfw you take her to Ray's Diner for the 20th time this week
>fighting with your sister got you fired
What, did she show up at your work?
Jesus, that fucking sucks. My boss was sort of my role model and they seemed to really like me and now I'm terrified if I try to go and get another position they'll contact her and she'll bitch me out and ruin my entire life.
Although, if your boss really did treat you right, wouldn't he understand the situation of your sister bringing your personal life into your work or whatever the situation and at least hear you out?
>delicate matter
Do what every teenaged boy I know did and punch holes in things. Showing your emotions as a man are okay as long as your violent, hostile, and drink alcohol like a badass TV show character. Just don't cry. Or at least, do the manly cry thing. Bt only after you shoot someone. Then it's okay because the faggoty ass emotions are balanced out by the murder.
>use against you
You feel me. That supervisor was really nice to me before (mostly because I listened to her bitch a lot about coming from a shitty ghetto in Vancouver with her immigrant parents who are always on her ass and calling her at work) and even said that she was going to miss me, that she wanted me at this party thing her family was throwing for her, etc. I make a couple mistakes and fuck up because she failed to properly instruct me and suddenly she feels the need to scream at me in public. Whatever, I think she's just mad because because she's a Muslim, 32 and has never had an orgasm. That's why people blow themselves, up, my nigga.
Yeah I don't know why I wrote that.
>shit kids say
Please don't.
>children ask me why I'm not married yet
>sister in law hugs me
>"Ugh, I'm so jealous, I wish I was a single twenty something again."
>yep, mmmhmm, yep, enjoying and loving life
>getting this assblasted so easily
Thanks for proving my point, insecure, emotionally unstable beta lmao
thats literally the exact opposite of what the image implies
Cyborg here, "tomboys" aren't real and always end up being ultra submissive and emotionally broken. Many are victims of child molestation and use it as a deterrent to keep normalfags away and attract weirdos they project their insecurities onto.
But don't be too disappointed, there are sexually aggressive women but it's rare as fuck and their husbands end up being cucks. Don't trust the ones with short hair.
Personally I like women like Tear if anybody has played Tales of the Abyss.
You faggots and your trap agenda have no place here.
This. I've known a few tomboys for most of my life and this is exactly the case. I was close friends with one back in high school.. 6/10, but still pretty wholesome and cute in my book. she likes to skate, play vidya on the side, but she grew up with just her dad. Her parents divorced when she was little.
I liked her, and there was a genuine enjoyment between the two of us, but I just couldn't get myself to say the words. Over the years since we graduated four years ago she became more and more degenerate, taking up tattoos on her leg and a piercing on her tongue and ears. She became more and more disgusting and I don't know whether to feel bad for her or disgusted by her. Ever since she texted me some tattoo under her lip with the letters, "L O V E" on it and I never bothered with her since.
A shame, really. Maybe if I did manage to confess my feelings for her at the time I could've helped her become a little more trad. It is what it is though.
Couldnt find myself a tomboy
also found out i like cocks a whole lot
Guess who's gay now
>user has a genuine connection with another human being and instead of admitting that she sort of moved on he has to copy by saying that she was "degenerate" for getting a tattoo
Nope. she legit had several tattoos. One to the side of her left shin, a tongue piercings, a couple ear piercings, and then the "L O V E" tattooed inside her lower lip.
She's a lost cause and I only pity whoever decided to wife her--if she can find a husband nowadays.
Theres nothing inherently wrong with piercings and tattoos user
you want a tomboy you gotta be prepared for some shit
So she didn't text back, eh?
>actually bitching about what people wear
You sound like Stacey bitching that Becky showed up at school wearing sneakers. Except Stacey doesn't pretend to have the moral high ground.
I'm guessing that this bitch must've dumped your ass pretty hard because why else you would need to construct this fantasy where she gets punished and ends up alone just for having the audacity to dress in a way you find boner-killing.
Protip, if she looks like how you describe:
>she's gay
>or she doesn't want to get married
>or she wants a guy that looks like that
>of which there is no shortage
>Theres nothing inherently wrong with piercings and tattoos user
tats and piercings are a redflag which indicate a sense of insecurity about themselves and thus resort to turning their bodies into a work of shitty modern art in order to appear unique and special.
>you want a tomboy you gotta be prepared for some shit
Yeah. It's called the insecurities of being caught up in their parents' dead marriage.
>So she didn't text back, eh?
Wrong. It was I who never texted her back. It's been about two years now.
>You sound like Stacey bitching that Becky showed up at school wearing sneakers. Except Stacey doesn't pretend to have the moral high ground.
I'm a guy for one. And two, I like to have standards asshole. I only want a stable relationship and marriage long run, and do what I can to prevent suffering the same fate as my parents' now dead marriage.
If anything, pic-related looks a lot like you.
tomboys are okay but tomboyfags are obnoxious as fuck.
>Not going for the ice queen
You guys just don't understand her charm
>I never texted her back
Where did I say you weren't?
Jesus, you actually think I was saying you should go out and marry this chick? No, you retard, I'm saying it's pathetic that you squandered a four year long relationship because she stopped being fuckable to you.
>now dead marriage
Are you this awkward in real life?
>haha you're a roast
I'll also accept NPC and soiboi.
Going for the ice queen is all well and good until you actually get her and she destroys you piece by piece over a number of years by being a frigid, inconstant, emotionally abusive bitch.
So is Tomo-chan just dead now? That fucker never seems to update it anymore from what I gather.
True, but at the very least it'll be a more loving and fulfilling relationship than having no relationship at all. I understand the whole "lonely in a crowd" thing, but if an ice queen gives you a sweet smile for even a few seconds, the forthcoming pain will have been worth it.
>True, but at the very least it'll be a more loving and fulfilling relationship than having no relationship at all.
No, seriously, man, don't do this to yourself. That was not a hypothetical -- you don't want to actually bag the ice queen. It's not like your animus and cartoons -- there's no sweet centre at the middle of the Tootsie Pop. I mean, there might be, but it will never be enough to outweigh all the bullshit you'll have to put up with from dating a manipulative sociopath.