When it comes to missed connections, or missed chances with women, why do men always advise each other to "go get her before it's too late!" even though that's stalking?
When it comes to missed connections, or missed chances with women...
In this respect, normans are better people than SJWs or robots. Normalfags are the ones who disapprove of ghosting, divorce, and say that persistence will win girls over. SJWs (who are often nerdy outcasts themselves) are the ones who demonize "Nice Guys" and say that you're a rapist if you look in a girl's general direction.
Because it's rational.
You're not going to see her ever again wether or not she rejects you, might as well go and try for that slim chance than a guaranteed failure. ..
That however does not take into account that it takes so much willpower and composure that it's not a free failure. normalfags don't understand that concept though
>might as well go and try for that slim chance
You're committing a crime.
Why? Nobody is asking you to take off her clothes as soon as you meet her, it's about going from start to finish, not starting at the finish line.
Of course that implies being able to go from start to finish or knowing where is the start and where is the end, which is of course not a skill anyone here has
Because if you wait too long either she will no longer feel attracted or someone else will claim her as their gf
Because it's still harassment; with or without sexual connotations.
>Nobody is asking you to take off her clothes as soon as you meet her
That would be sexual assault; a different end of the sexual misconduct umbrella.
>it's about going from start to finish, not starting at the finish line.
That's not only stalking, but one of the common motivations behind stalking.
If you persist and pursue her, you might be harassing her, which would forever make her see you as a stalker and who knows what else. You went from love interest to sex offender in just one jump, and women never forget that.
it's romantic in theory. but in real life it's ethically dubious and illegal.
>Because it's still harassment; with or without sexual connotations.
There's a difference between talking and harassing, and I'm not the one that'll teach that to you
Talking IS harassment if it's unwanted. Talking WITH romantic/sexual intentions especially so.
No, talking is harassement if she expresses it's unwanted. Big difference there. Plus the recieving end doesn't forcibly know your intent if you're not making it clear from the get go.
in order for something to become a sexual impropriety, the presence of consent plays a role. i.e.: if she wants to with you or not. if not, then it's an impropriety, no matter what is. that's literally all there is to differentiate sexual misconduct and ordinary interactions. which means that even the simple act of talking to her can be sexual harassment. and talking is one of the basic way to 'sexually harass' someone. :/
>No, talking is harassement if she expresses it's unwanted.
Wrong, it's harassment if she doesn't want it, period. It doesn't matter if she expresses it or not; that's irrelevant, and a completely different criteria. It's just that it's harassment if it's unwanted in the first place. That's it.
>Plus the recieving end doesn't forcibly know your intent if you're not making it clear from the get go.
Doesn't matter. Ignorance of a crime is never an excuse to commit it.
yeah, no, it's based on lack of consent and want. not so much the expression of it. she could express wanting to talk to you, but still not mean it. and sadly, intent isn't a defining factor in these cases.
Of course, I'm not denying that. My point here is that you need more than just talk with someone for it to represent harassement, you need to talk despite her clearly expressing the fact that it's unwanted.
When people say to go for it, they're asking you clearly to find wether or not it's unwanted or not in the hope that it's not. However the problem is the willpower needed to ask the questions leading to a clear answer are mind crushing.
>Wrong, it's harassment if she doesn't want it, period.
Then you need to commit a crime to check if it's a crime or not, which makes no sense.
>It doesn't matter if she expresses it or not; that's irrelevant
Oh yes it does, if she does you have a clear criterea to stop, you have the answer, you can move on. If not, it's an unkown, and unless she does it will keep being an unknown.
>Ignorance of a crime is never an excuse to commit it.
Ignorance of a law is never an excuse to commit it, your sentence makes no sense.
>My point here is that you need more than just talk with someone for it to represent harassement
You don't. That's not how the law or harassment works. It's based on whether they want anything to do with you. That's all there is. Not it's expression, not what *you* want, nothing else; just whether or not it's wanted. Nothing. Else. The rest are just details.
>you need to talk despite her clearly expressing the fact that it's unwanted
You don't need to talk about it; especially if it's unwanted. You're not entitled to anything out of her.
>When people say to go for it, they're asking you clearly to find wether or not it's unwanted
Which alone is harassment; especially if turns out to be unwanted.
>in the hope that it's not
And when it turns out that it wasn't, you just committed a crime.
>However the problem is the willpower needed to ask the questions leading to a clear answer are mind crushing.
>Oh yes it does, if she does you have a clear criterea to stop
Irrelevant and a partial nonsequitur.
>you have the answer, you can move on.
Not up to you, nor are you entitled to it.
>If not, it's an unkown, and unless she does it will keep being an unknown.
Again, not up to you. This is what adulthood is like.
yeah, sorry. but still missing the point. the criteria (at least officially) is meant to be straight to the point. otherwise adding extra conditions, like needs of expression, just complicates the issue, and puts the harassed in a cramped position they didn't choose to be in. and, often, is just the harasser enforcing their will onto the harassed; even if, often, they were well-intention, like a lover saying good-bye. but it crosses other people's boundaries, even in small steps like talking, even if your intentions are good, still pushes into impropriety territory. which has a lot of consequences of those involved.
Because its the worst feeling in the world when you know you've missed a chance with a girl.
Like when I was walking down the street once I saw this fucking hot chick who used to tease me at work and she said hi but I carried on walking because I'm a beta faggot. I tried hitting her up after but she didn't want to know. I always ask myself, would things have been different if I showed some balls and spoke to her face to face? Another time I time I was working and this girl gave me the eye, we spent 3 weeks smiling and glancing at each other. The next week I got fired because I failed a drugs test.
Women are good at making you regret not talking to them so a friend telling you to take every chance and be quick about is definitely good advice.
You made a convincing argument, I believe I see where you're coming at. So, in order to be successful with women one must be ready to risk committing a crime, in the event it is unwanted, as there is no real way to know before you committed said crime if it is a crime or not.
While I accept I was wrong, I also think it is wrong, as making any approach criminal makes it more likely for those with extreme resolve to the be the only ones making approaches.
>So, in order to be successful with women one must be ready to risk committing a crime, in the event it is unwanted, as there is no real way to know before you committed said crime if it is a crime or not.
if it helps you sleep at night. but it's more like don't do anything that overstep their boundaries and wind up tripping into criminal and ethical territory. because not only will you suffer the consequences, but it'll severely impact her, too. and, as is often in the cases, taints your image to her forever. which, even if you're not seeing each other again, is not a risk worth taking. for legal, ethical, and personal issues.
these don't get better. but they definitely get worse.
>as making any approach criminal makes it more likely for those with extreme resolve to the be the only ones making approaches
I don't think I've ever read any instance in human history where that wasn't the case.
t. /his/