A brand new thread for a brand new day edition
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Based. If only everyone else was like that.
I hope his shit crusted arsehole was worth it you little shit.
Oh shit it's almost Sunday. Didn't even notice the time
Very interesting tweet tbqhwyl
Guys, how do I get britfeel radio shut down?
It's really offensive and plays copyrighted music.
AlI sorts.
>Jow Forums
>channel 5
>grils and stuff wahey
>2019 is only 16 days away
honk honk
By not being a megafaggot
mdma is wicked lads. I love myself right now, I've not got to worry about fake delusions I make up and believe. definitely worth a try feels very remedial.,
big footie game on tomorrow lads
meh I went in with high hopes bc of shit people say like this but the few times I did it was disappointing, and not at all worth the day after when feeling extra anxious
Nearly done at this shit hole.
What's the best Christmas film?
Nice one lad, you'll make it through
Oh boy. Its at the point where everyones pissed and its annoying right?
To the point where even those who were sober and tolerable earlier who were helping you make through it are now pissed too and have become annoying?
Why didn't you make an excuse to leave? I'd had said I had to leave to meet a mate or something.
>tfw still waiting for a trans girl to message me back on tinder
I blame Cola more than Mayuri desu he's just sexually frustrated and so lonely he's willing to fuck some bussy.
It was her who lead on SP and others but based andrew knew what was up and dropped her arse.
Thanks for reminding me lad just checked and saw Spurs won
>everyone else hugging and having a good time
>you sat there alone by yourself
>even though you are a part of the same "group" that everyone else is
ahh yess I know this feeling very well
Looks like a wedding or summit, enjoy yourself lad
Are men who want to socialise with non-partner women the most beta people imaginable?
is this a screenshot from The Following?
Fucking shit night. Had to pay 30 for the meal, 20 for the taxi and another 20 on shit drinks.
Never again. I would prefer to be in my room browsing Britfeel.
No, it's called keeping your options open. Your relationship might go south, who knows?
Can't wait for Mou to airdrop an entire fleet of buses onto the pitch before Fellaini heads in a cheeky winner at the 90th minute
ive set a couple of alarms on me phone just incase i forget or sleep through it
Post this for Shippy gets back
>When you try to find the people you were having a decent conversation with earlier but now they've slipped and now they're drunk and rowdy.
It's from Altered Carbon
All is fair in love and war lads.
indeed we have a epic bus park game ball instore
lol no that's not a problem
problem is finding someone to have a decent conversation with to begin with
Not really, it's about getting experience with women
reminded he got cucked hard
she couldn't even be bothered to go for a coffee with and said she didn't know me well enough to do so
she stood me up twice now.... I'm I wasting my time with her?
>Only one more year till the 2010s was a decade ago
>Still feel like i'm stuck perpetually in 2011
>she stood me up twice now.
if u cant realize after that ure a fucking retard
yes lad
time to roll on to the next one
its hard but it will be easier in the long run.
Imagine being so sad that you have to larp to disrupt a meet. Must be very bitter.
Imagine being so much more sad you larped about being there.
>I'm I wasting my time with her?
sounds like it. It's coffee not a weekend in a hotel room together
Depends if they fuck each other when they're both single or not.
Being friends with uggo but interesting girls isn't beta. Being friends with a dim but attractive girl is and everyone knows the reason why you still tolerate them.
Mayuri spreading full fat greek yogurt over brummy tranny arse for extra gains
Today's Christmas meet was a huge success, so thanks to Shut In Chad for pulling it together.
There were 7 of us in total. We had a few hours in a weatherspoons before taking a stroll through London, people began to depart once we reached Trafalgar.
Happy that so many turned up. Good to catch up with those I had previously met and to get to know people I hadn't.
Clockwise from the bottom: Me, East Devon, Shut In, DM, Lad 1, Shippy, Moni
Depends, why do you like her, what interests do you have in common? If there is nothing between you then there is nothing there.
If you think you've got a chance, try finding an activity you both enjoy and share interest in. Run from there. If she still says no then move on.
>It's not your place to question. If someone more experienced does something that might not seem to make sense, that's just because you don't understand the reason
This definitely sounds like bullshit, right?
you have so much to learn Padawan.
The truth of it is, men that have attractive female friends are being socially validated by these attractive females and are thus more likely to attract other attractive females.
However, these female friends will be a massive cockblock if they feel any sexual presence between you and a girl because girls are weird like that.
"oi mates come take a photo of your shoes"
"no reason"
Coffee isnt what you want anyway, a real girl would go on the piss with you
>clean shoes
What a bunch of faggots.
Having multiple short term relationships with women is the least alpha thing you can do.
Real men can commit and take responsibility.
"Ambassador" Andy popping off for a quick wank break in the spoons bogs over illegal highly sought after Kayla nudes
why is one of you wearing work shoes and trousers
What kind of devious fucking plot do you think he's hatching m8?
Good for you lads. Also those white trainers are Tesco own brand trainers. I ain't judging, do what you gotta do.
You missed the madness of the past threads. I know most of it was a LARP but you should check it out. Was pretty funny.
another fake meet
>take responsibility
sounding dangerously close to "step up to the plate" here lad
Glad to see Shippy being a dapper lad and making an effort for the lads, unlike the one in trackies and Asda trainers
i can't believe this is real
>imagine if they become a thread couple
The lulz were pretty great. I especially liked the guy who said he was in Manchester Piccadilly
To clarify stuff: Where were you waiting? How long did you wait? Did you just organise it all through whats app or did actual strangers turn up? Did all 7 of you actually meet at the intended spot or did you have to text them to come?
Just means stick to one partner for life, fill her with kids and make your ancestors proud.
Everybody dies lads, and what have we done? Most of us are in our 20s and everyone here has wasted so much time. Were running out, please do something productive tomorrow no matter what it is.
I've ask her if she likes grime and she said "I hate it"
I've should drop her there and then desu
Fat man from Banburys arse cheeks imprinted on Mercedes C class leather seats
The guy from /brit/ was definitely another star. "I'm going to the library."
It was organised in the thread and we were waiting outside Lillywhites for 30 minutes in the rain.
Ah so you were the 3 people saying they were outside Lillywhites in the thread? That was the non-LARP one? Got it. Did anyone actually approach who you never met before?
anime is fucking wierd tbqh, i mean there are some good ideas but i cringe at myself for watching it, if it was real actors and stuff then yea i think i could watch it
literally the most forced montage ever
the white ones are mine (DM). My granddad gets them for me and I've not had cause to get better ones in a long time
I'm going to get the bus to a shop, buy some Christmas cards and then go for a hot chocolate while I write them. Then I'll post them. Then I'll come home.
I'll be honest here mate. You really should have just ended it there. Go for someone with similar music taste. One's music taste tells you a lot about who they are, and it's a good thing to bond over.
do you have any pictures of the niece that you nonced?
are you the guy in the picture?
gonna save it forever just in case
bitches ain't shit tho
Do i get good boy points for knowing your shitty shoes
Which one's feet belong to the paki?
Sure you do m8 dont spend them all at once
My tips for next time would be:
>Be more specific with the location right from the start, before the meet even happens. So not just Piccadilly Square about Lillywhites at Piccadilly Square for example.
>Post more pics. Not just so people know you'r e legit when posting in the thread at the time and not a LARP, but for our entertainment!
>Meet inside a pub or something so you're not standing in the pissing rain for 30 minutes.
Still, 7 is a pretty good number.
>feet pics
>they're all wearing shoes
pure shite
I'm not really one to talk about footwear desu, I wear nothing but steel toe-cap shoes. I find the weight helps me feel in control, and it serves as a fantastic door knocker.
Yeah that was the real one. one guy asked for directions and we thought he was a poster.
Then there was someone saying something about being next to the sign with an umbrella, and it was a girl, she was almost asked if she was there for the meet.
Saying "britfeel?" to people randomly in London was a highlight.
Now that the meetup is over any news of the date?
I'd be up for a Christmas meetup
Did you come across the other two that met? The guy from /brit/? He was near gap then near some sign apparently.
inside or atleast a roof
not a pub tho would put people off i reckon waiting on their own
We've got a meet up in the planning stages for January. Christmas is too close to make decent travel plans. You want in on the Manchester Jan meet up?
How do I hide scars lad?
on the subject of bounding over similar music
are the any other children of grime here?
No. How can /brit/ be so disorganised that they turn up an hour and a half late and don't even find the pub despite it being mentioned? Even Poleaboo managed to find us.
ConceaIer helps
why didn't anyone heem moni?
I'll be honest mate, I never really got past golden age hip-hop. After that it just got too depressing for my liking, and Grime just solidifies that
Anyone who actually turned up made it safely to the pub. Everyone else was larping
lot of anti semitism on the jewtube these days lids, surprised its allowed tbqh