/Anti-Sissy General/

Fuck those mentally ill fags, they will shit on our board until a damn internet war breaks out
A true robot is heterosexual and likes women with boobs and a pussy
A "robot" that likes men's shitholes and traps are not true robots

Attached: V I C T O R Y.png (326x469, 31K)

>Fuck those mentally ill fags

With pleasure...

By that, I meant kill them all

Based. I doubt any of them would actually fuck a trap/sissy in real life unless they're actually faggots.

The real problem is that none of them want to fuck beta-orbiters that browse this site in search of any thing remotely feminine to put their dicks in. They only come here for attention and then they go chase chads for validation of how "womanly" they look. For all these lonely virgins out here thinking they've found a safe haven with all this sissy porn, let me reassure you that you're own your own kiddos.

Fags? OUT
Bifags? OUT
Trannys? OUT
Sissys? OUT

Hetero FTM men?

FTMS are based.

Attached: j.jpg (640x445, 74K)

No, Male Men
FTM are in the same boat as trannys

>this entire thread
>op's pic implying that Jow Forums's "raid" did anything at all
cringe and bluepilled

Say that to his face, user.

I fuckin' dare ya.

Attached: jj.png (1200x630, 1.41M)

>fuck those mentally ill fags
>a true robot is not mentally ill nor a fag


Attached: Victory Speech done by Elliot Rodger II.png (1366x336, 168K)

Not him but why did you post this thing like it's intimidating?


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What wiki site is this. Newfag here. I need all the infos

Attached: hm.jpg (882x731, 113K)

Based as fuck, don't forget to defend for good ol' Uncle Sam.

Attached: 1539954191617.png (500x500, 49K)

Some autist me made these by editing the HTML in Wikipedia articles and then manually changing the image, there is no dedicated wiki.
It began as a barebones one off back in March but somebody edited it which resulted in pic related being the oldest surviving copy. I'm sure someone out there still has the original version without "himasugi" edited in.

Attached: never forget march 24.png (326x427, 16K)

You are based lad, show us more

I've only made 3 of them, I stopped browsing Jow Forums for a few months so March, April, and November are all the ones there is, and they've all been posted.

I would also like to add that OP's pic was edited from the original, as it documents tripfags that weren't in the original April infopic.

Attached: never forget april 9.png (326x469, 16K)

How do we sever the head of the snake? These guys just keep coming back. We need a decisive strike to end them once and for all

>remove /lgbt/
>make one gay containment thread per board

I mean things WE can do. Jow Forums administration actually supports the gays so completely forget about relying them on to stop this shit. Just dont even think about that because it is not a possibility in any way