What are you pissed about right now?
Mad Thread
hey OP
i think ur a great person
that i didnt fuck your crush yet with my bbc
Got ghosted. Kinda sucks.
Nothing really, kind of difficult to be pissed anymore. I mostly just get bitter and frustrated. I guess I'm mad at my subconscious for interpreting all friendliness as advances, even though I know it's just politeness and pity. Also for not forgetting my ex, and not being able to stick with self improvement for more than a week. And not killing myself, of course. So mostly just upset with who I am, I guess.
Fuck off with your empty platitudes, user.
Maybe you can't get her to fuck you because in reality you're a smelly negro with a small penor.
>not for getting ex
>being disappointed in not being able to kill yourself
I empathize with these feels. For a while I was sad, then I felt nothing, and now I get volcanically fucking angry when I think about that ungrateful bitch acted. What a fucking whore.
Yeah, but the problem is I still kind of miss her. Normie blog shit going on here, but although I hate her and can't think about much more than beating her to death after seeing her walk by, some idealized versions and some memories of her still make me happy, and then sad that we parted.
Anyway, how's it going, Mr. Pol? What're you angry about?
>What are you pissed about right now?
that I wasted the whole day on meaningless shit
Have a long term and worsening medical problem the doctors refuse to diagnose. They look at me skeptically, minimize and discount what I tell them, suggest I have a personal problem, take incomplete/inaccurate records, and otherwise seem to impede my seeking treatment rather than facilitate it.
Therapists, both physical and mental health, tell me I have a medical problem that they cannot fix or determine.
Haven't figured out how to be productive. Can hardly care for myself. Have lost practically everything I've worked for.
my fucking mustache keeps getting in my lips and tickling my fuckin nose. I want to trim it but i want to have my goatee grow out as big as it can. How do people deal with this?
That's... odd, to say the least. Could you tell us a bit about it, if it's not too personal or sensitive? Something there sounds really fucked. Just the last line seems like enough for at least some mental care.
Tried to get out the friend zone for months. Don't speak to her anymore. I haven't moved on, it's been four months.
I have a internal highlight reel of all the discourtesies and slights I've been given over my entire life. As of late, I started wageslaving at a new company and have had someone speak poorly of me to the amusement of others. Of course, they won't say this to my face, but my reputation is dear to me and I don't want some pompous horse's ass making fun of me. Fucking garbage cocksucking obnoxious God damn assholes.
>Fucking garbage cocksucking obnoxious God damn assholes.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to say ill things about you.
Ah man, I think most people can relate to that. It's much worse when you don't get any compliments or much kindness, isn't it? That sounds really goddamn shitty, I hope you get an opportunity to really fuck her day in return.
The long and short of it is a lot of small to moderate physical abnormalities and problems interacting and combining to create severely limited physical capacity, which in turn limits my ability to sleep (and consequently think clearly) and participate in the world, which is bad for mental health. I feel I am falling apart in every way.
None of the problems seems central or severe enough to be the singular provable-on-paper factor doctors want to see. I suspect this is all complicated by a possible underlying genetic or autoimmune disorder. But I can't get doctors to begin investigating those possibilities. They demand that I attend to individual physical not-worth-a-diagnosis problems first. Each time I play ball with them, the specialist or therapist to whom I'm referred says
>You have a bigger problem underlying and/or complicating this, and this treatment will not fix that. Go back to your GP and address the bigger problem.
Rinse and repeat
Mental health professionals say
>You have fair reason to feel bad. If you're depressed, it's because of limited ability to act, not chemical imbalance.
>You seem to have an accurate perspective on your problems and are well informed about appropriate coping and mental health strategies.
>You have a medical, not psychological problem. We're here to talk if you want, but frankly it doesn't seem like you need us.
And I agree with all points.
US society is not arranged to catch people like me when we fall.
That's really shitty. I'm sorry. I don't know much about the American healthcare system, and I can't really help you, but that sounds beyond fucked. Do you know anyone who'd want to help you? It's really the only thing I can think of, but I'm sure you already would have.
You have my sympathies, if nothing else. I hope you get help as soon as possible.
Due unto others as they do unto you is my life philosophy. If they insult me, I'll insult them.
The fuckheads I call friends that get mad about bullshit
>What are you pissed about right now?
The smelly female asshole
I worked for 7 months and I still haven't been paid.
Students who complain about school dress code! It's as if people have never heard of the concept of standards. If you aim for the moon and miss, you're still among the stars.
Sounds like you need someone to be there to help you when you fall. Someone who looks out for you even if you have hurt them in the past and will continue to hurt them. A soul mate who will love you unconditionally despite despite any weaknesses or flaws. Life is too difficult to go through it alone.
m8 what
fuck captcha
Pretty sure the saying is "Aim for the stars and you'll trip on the grass." That's what I hear over here in Sweden, at least.
I can't speak without saying something retarded. When it happens, people rightfully call me out on my retardation and then I take it too personally and get super bummed out. I'm so angry I consider just not talking at all sometimes. FUCK!
Some old dude was gonna offer me money to suck me off but he said he's busy tonight
I was counting on having that money dammit i need it
Suck some dick for money then.
You poor faggot
i fucking had half of a lucid dream about my 10 year oneitis last week and no matter what combination of melatonin benadryl zolpidem and temazepam i take i cannot fucking get part two to happen and actually fuck this gay earth
Did you mistype, or are you getting the money AND the receiving end of the blowjob?
Wasted a bus ride, gaming group stood me up, stuck in town for two hours and the bank jewed me out of 10 dollars today cause they refused twice to deal with something I told them to fix
Bad parents are quite possibly the worst people on the planet and going after fucking pedos is fucked up compared to how much shit they get away with. Bad parents make more money off pedos than anyone. And why should the state consider the very few born along real life monsters, generations of monsters. What the fuck is life?!
yeah i'm getting both.
i just need money for the train and a lab coat and a few other things.