god I fucking hate therapists
so fucking useless
most are more interested in trying to project an image of a le epic knowledgable wise person xD, rather than actually being a good therapist. its a waste of fucking money.
God I fucking hate therapists
Sounds like a therapist gave you a hefty dose of reality that you just couldn't fucking handle, which is why you need therapy.
I second this. I've been doing therapy for the last few months and it hasn't helped a shit.
I'm thinking about stop going
>Sounds like a therapist gave you a hefty dose of reality that you just couldn't fucking handle, which is why you need therapy.
this desu, OP is probably a faggot
This. Kys Op
Kek, lemme guess you guys use Reddit?
>paying for some faggot or 25 year old roastie to listen and nod and say "uhm have you tried talking to more people?"
>muh reddit
keep being mad at your therapist for calling you out on being a subhuman
Therapy is a meme, user you probably have better luck talking to a wall and its free
what did your therapist say that upset you
Therapists are scam artists preying on the sad and lonely.
Therapy like CBT it interpersonal therapy have been proven to work, you just need to put in the work yourself.
Yes i do use it why ask?
I think this is part of the problem actually. I've gone to a few therapists and all of them just dose you with reality instead of offer ways to cope with it. Working with a few of them for depression and it always feels like we both understand that life is what you fool yourself into believing.
It's really all in you. Which sucks.
No reason just you have to be a normalfag to like therapists.
>all of them just dose you with reality instead
like, just telling you straight out? From my experience therapists are supposed to poke you with the right questions so you think about those things yourself instead of just telling you straight to your face
nah. wrong. that being a reality would mean that I'm a deluded turd. but you arent going to believe me probably because everyone on r9k is a delusional neckbeard, right?
me being upset doesn't equal some underlying subconscious dilemma. I hate internet people because they always think they're more insightful about you than yourself. its dumb.
tell us then what happened at the therapist that made you make this incredibly vague post
Kind of. The answers I give to those questions are usually ones that I have already thought about because I've already tried to fix my problems. Being honest with a therapist isn't hard and they seem to hit walls for what to do when someone has actually thought and made efforts to fix their problems. I've gone to therapists looking for insight that they are often credited to have and none of them have been able to.
yknow now that I think about it... I'm probably just expecting too much out of these therapists. fuck it. nvm. I'll just get a fucking cat.
then who isn't?
Op is a faggot who projects his responsibilities onto a therapist who probably has 10 other fucking idiots like this guy everyday. Show some respect for a guy who doesn't HAVE too listen to your bullshit. Stop being a cry baby and listen to his advice, don't dismiss it because its not what YOU want. Odds are, hes talked to many people just like you that he knows what is best for you. Grow up and live in the real world OP.
>most are more interested in trying to project an image of a le epic knowledgable wise person xD
therapists are there to listen to your problems and then offer small bits of advice that will help you on your way
they don't care about their image but they do care about sustaining their business model. if you don't like what they offer.. stop going crybaby
>seeing a counselor for a while due to inability to make friends
>nothing really comes of it
>one day i mention i like talking about politics
for context i prefer talking about geopolitics. the way nations around the world interact with eachother in the modern day and throughout recent-ish history
>baits me into talking about US politics
>recognizes from my opinions that i browse Jow Forums (despite my not espousing such rhetoric directly)
>implies that my worldview is responsible for my inability to socialize with others
>implies i don't know how to hide my power level irl
>implies that it's not my crippling autism that makes my vocal cords freeze up and my brain slow down around anybody im attracted to that is the problem
yeah counselors are useless
also fuck the Jow Forumsfag who went to this guy to cure his 4chang addiction and equipped him to root out the rest of us. you are a faggot nigger and deserve to die
yeah thats a fucken yikes
>t. butthurt actual therapists
therapists are fucking trash. get it through your heads. I'm super smart and insightful and she felt threatened by me. that sounds insanely gay but its true. I could feel it. the average therapist has a "therapist ego'. its similar to the doctors ego but less pronouced. its still a sort of god complex. a sort of "i know everything and you know nothing" complex. for people who know a lot about the mind and its workings, they seem to actually know nothing.
therapists have memorized a bunch of shit out of a textbook. they dont actually understand it.
Literally 99% of workers aren't
How does this not make sense too you? Holding different or controversial political views is fine but don't expect people to want to communicate with you. This is just common sense. Are you possibly socially autistic? Of course your political views could be a reason that you can't socialise.
If you seek wisdom from some absolute normalfaggot with a degree and the insight of a teenage sympathizer you are a fucking idiot. Therapists are for normies who are sad because they did normie shit like did too much drugs, have relationship drama or maybe someone in their life died or they feel sad sometimes, therapists are NOT suited to handle the complexitys of a robot. I feel that you, op are just another gf wanting failed normalfaggot like the rest.
>Therapists have a god complex
>I'm super smart and insightful and she felt threatened by me
You're a hypocrite and possible have a god complex yourself, and blame everyone else. Therapists are also allowed to tell you what the fuck to do with your life because YOU paid them. Don't get butthurt because YOU didn't receive the answers you wanted.
notice how I said it sounds extremely gay after I said I'm super smart and insightful? you seem to be cherry picking to support your argument. LOL. its not even like me calling what I said gay is hidden, its literally right after me calling myself smart and insightful. fucking lol @ you.
no one with a god complex calls something they say gay. that would, in a sense devalue themself, in their mind. and someone with a god complex would never devalue themself.
you're dumb dude. everyone on r9k isnt a delusional neckbeard. i know you might want that to be true because you probably get off on PWNING THE NECKBEARDS XDDDDD. but its just not what it is.
therapists are trash. most of them. or maybe im just expecting too much out of em.
>Complexities of a Robot
You faggots are literally no different from "Normies". You've had the same experiences as a normie, social and intimate rejection. Ect. Stop trying too seem different. The only difference between "normies" and "robots" are that you guys may have slightly more mental issues.
100% of therapists are scams
They are a bunch of deceptive kikes
imagine paying someone to give you shitty advice lmfao. therapists are a huge meme
>Of course your political views could be a reason that you can't socialise
i've only ever gotten acquainted with two people well enough to broach the topic of (geo)politics since joining this site. i gave them both the lite-tier version of my opinions and they agreed. My actual opinions are probably considered radical to normies but it's not actual Jow Forums tier gas the jews autism. i usually fail at socializing far before politics enters the equation
>Are you possibly socially autistic?
i am officially diagnosed yes
I do admit i fucked up by mentioning politics as an answer for what I like to talk about when in reality it's something I don't bring up often IRL. I should've answered history instead. oh well
Lol, okay and? You are talking like an autistic weeabo sperg. Am I supposed to not believe 80% of those on this board are neck beards?
her carpet is disgusting
im not talking like shit, you desperate, pathetic fucking loser ass faggot. youre perceiving it that way so you can form a faulty argument that you think PWNS THE DELUSIONAL NECKBEARD XDD
literally kill yourself. get a life my boy
If you can't see how fucking stupid your typing is, you can't be even remotely helped.
>durr I don't like your typing
Unironically kill yourself.
And with that
I am out
Peace kid. Hope you find some meaning in your life on here by attempting to BTFO TEH NECKBEARDZZZZZ L33T XD
last time i went to a therapist i did the normal routine of talking as usual, i said nothing even remotely iffy. a few hours after i got home they had police arrest me and shove me in a psych ward for over a week. lost my job cause they didnt inform anyone (like they said they would) and had no way of paying any bills. their reasoning? my voice was neutral and i was looking at my feet almost the whole session (which i do pretty often?).
before that even happened i had to try a cocktail of random shit that never worked to show i was actually trying and not just to get pills. ive literally had every ssri, snri, and other atypical antidepressants and NONE work, even in the slightest. they finally said theyll put me on xanax but ended up with the blue footballs and only could take one per day? they obviously did nothing.
the american mental health system is almost as big of a joke as our government. ive been in too many wards, they do nothing except feed you pills (if you dont take them theyll force you to stay longer). they also make you feel like a prisoner. staying in your room for more than half the day only to go out to eat, color, or rarely go outside and thus furthers your depression.
that seems... off
typically therapists aren't allowed to disclose anything to police unless you plan on committing violent crime or express active plans to kill yourself
are you in the US?
In a dispute like this, 9/10 times the therapist is right and you just don't want to deal with the consequences of them being right.
Of course they're going to act wise; they have a clearer perspective of your situation by virtue of not being you and being educated in psychology.
yep im in the usa sadly. i know for a fact i said nothing dangerous to myself or others, learned to watch what i say now since the past experiences with therapists and psychologists didnt go great to say the least
where'd you come across this pic?
Therapists don't just give you knowledge. Ideally, they should be teaching you how to reason through negative thoughts and eliminate the cycle of depressive feeling.
They should be asking questions like "what makes you think that", "are you sure about that", "what did you feel in response", etc.
>just want NEETbux
>therapist asks me to take college classes
>therapist asks me to join group sessions
>therapist asks me to come in multiple times a month
>therapist tells me to meditate
>therapist tells me to list 5 good things each day
just fuck off
If only you knew how normie you were.
Theres a world of difference between robots and normies. We are different in many ways. Last time I interacacted with someone I felt 1000000 miles apart from them in terms of mentality.
Why do you normies get offended when we call out how separet we are?
If this story is legit, you'd have a pretty good case to sue.
>youve has the same experiances as a normie-
Get a load of this goy.
lol therapist is determined to not have you leech off his/her tax money.
The thing is, actual wise people aren't acting. When you are something, do you deliberately try to act like it? No. Because you are that thing. It takes no deliberation. Does a flower act like a flower? Does a lion act like a lion? No, that's never been said. Wise people aren't acting. The fact that these therapists come off as if they're acting wise, is a good indicator that they're not.
nah, she helped me get signed up for it. i'm diagnosed with 9 different things that make me incredibly dysfunctional and difficult to even communicate with let alone employ. all the extra shit is just annoying
Every therapist I've ever met was human shit and I hope all of them die in a fire as painfully as possible.
It's the same maxims and platitudes and drugs I don't care about.
once a particlly awful one actually gave me CBT sheets and they were too small to write on (And I told him I couldn't do handwriting) and he told me to write down all my intrusive thoughts even though I told that fuck I have like 5 every 2 minutes.
Also psych wards are just prisons that exist because being a schizophrenic or wanting to kill yourself isn't a crime per say but they want to lock you up.
this, if it happened recently (and you 100% did not threaten to harm yourself/others), you could sue for a breach of confidentiality and ask for money to cover the medical/psych expenses that resulted
I wish I could see her private carpet
i appreciate it you guys but ive had the idea before. im too poor and scared to try to go against it with the risk of them having their professional experience vs my depressed ass. id lose then have to pay the lawyer and end up more broke.
its been over a year now anyways. i dont even know if it would still be a valid case
I'm not going to one. I know what they are going to say. No point in wasting their time or mine. Nobody can fix me except myself. But I can't
Ahahaha,at least for me it was free.
But its been a couple years and now i want to kill myself more than before i had "therapy"
Most of them are evil scum i am sure.
Its basically and infinite amount of customers since everyone got some kind of problem and they abuse that.
Nothing but cash cow to them.
t. Never been to a therapist with real problems
They're normies who try and shoe horn your problems into the garbage case studies they read.
i feel your pain user, gaudy fucking con artists in nice clothes with a nice smile
anyone have success with ssri's? i'm done with my anxiety and depression, can't handle it anymore. i'm actually considering them but can't shake the feeling i'm getting meme'd
i've had 2 psychiatrists tell me to not see them anymore cause they couldn't offer me any help or said they didn't know how to help
you should try it at least once it can help quite a bit or not help at all, everyone reacts to medicine differently
Read "the emperor's new drugs". It's a book about why SSRIs are pharma company bullshit.
I really wanna fuck her ass meat senpai. Too bad she's got tiny titty game
psychology in general is a pseudo science so you can't expect much from those witch doctors anyway
Weird how everyone on this site is usually anti-therapy, but now you're all whiteknighting for them.
Mm hmm. And how does that make you feel?
>falling for the reducation meme
pic unrelated
t. butthurt normalfag
you chose to open this thread, faggot
>this just in, there are more than 5 people on this site
I'm beginning to think the only people who recommend therapists just do so because that's the convenient meme of the time.
Basically every therapist I've ever been to will stall and try and talk about the most mundane and easy thing to get by possible, whatever they can to draw out the session into a one hour talk about nothing for free money as possible.
Normalfags love to recommend people go to therapists though because it passes the buck onto someone else so they can feel like if that person doesn't go they deserve their problems and if they do then they are going to get better, problem solved.
It's exactly this. They refuse to empathize with you. That would take effort and could possibly challenge their fragile world view.
Never been to a therapist but I think all you faggots are overestimating them. Not to insult doctors, but from my experience working with them they make mistakes, have their own delusions and most put minimal effort into treating a patient. All medical professionals have to treat by what the protocol/guidelines request rather than what will actually help the patient, or they risk getting sued.