Can a male truly be happy without a female companion?

Can a male truly be happy without a female companion?


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probably more so

Be a little less vauge
A man can have female attention and sex every day but still sleep alone or not be married/in a relationship etc

most monks seem pretty happy

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Sure. Heroin makes me feel at peace with the world so I don't think I need a gf

>You'll never live a simple life in a small town with a girlfriend who loves you

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26 khv reporting in, yes.

By the way, this girl was like 14/15 when they filmed this.

See you in jail.

Am I a pedo if I'm 20, and I see this thinking she's really cute, and just reminisce on my teen days wishing I could have had a romance?
I've never been into girls younger than me

Paedophilia needs to be primarily sexual. That doesn't sound too sexual.

>Can a male truly be happy without a female companion?
no, you fags complete us, we need you more than you need us, which is just sad.

Yes if they're gay

I always thought that 15-18 is fair game, (as long as you don't act on it)

pedophilia is when you are attracted to children, not teens

absolutely. the sexes should be on different planets

If you have kids you don't need a female companion, remember the point of life is not to be with a mate, its to reproduce. The mate is just the necessary means to that goal. My dad is a single old man but he's happy as ever because he has me and he doesn't really give a shit about my mom.

The tragedy of being a man is that we are raised to crave a woman to share our lives with only to discover that women are all the complete opposite of everything we had been told to think they are.

I just want to know what its like to have friends. I think thats all I would need to be happy. Girls on their own are boring.

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Friends are fine, but no matter how many you make you'll always crave a deeper sense of emotional intimacy which most are unwilling to offer outside of romantic relationships.

being attracted to 14-15y.o. girls is a normal response. it is a relic of our ancestor's breeding instincts when the average lifespan of humans were 20-35

yes, my sexual relationships have all made me depressed and i would be better off having never had them

I dont want anybody to be that close. For the most part I enjoy spending time alone, but having friends offers excitement in a non-commital way. Intimacy implies obligation, and I dont have the patience or empathy for that.

That's only because they didn't work out.

The modern state prevents people from actually working out their issues, due to its nosy nature.

If youre trying to say that the state should allow us to hit women, I would be onboard.


Maybe gay males can.
