What's stopping you from getting a white woman? Save the white race.
What's stopping you from getting a white woman? Save the white race
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman?
asian girls
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman?
White women
Im half black but look white except for my nappy hair
What should i do?
>be absolute mutt
>end up looking white
>get white gf
heh, looks like I'm destroying the "white race" from the inside (no pun intended)
they don't like me
dumb bait op
>What's stopping you from getting white woman?
white women
Mix with a white passing half breed like you.
Dont dilute the white race your half nigger genes
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman?
Being white myself.
You're not half black. If you actually look white you'd be 15% black
This, happy betray the 'white' race to get an asian cutie pregnant.
I'll literally date any white woman who isn't obese and will remain loyal to me. That's it. Preferably blond too, I want to maintain my pure anglo-nordic genes and not be a mutt mix of european.
this honestly. White women are a shit deal.
They are extremely rare
Pic related
That makes me mad,but deep down I know it's the truth. I wish white women appreciated white men more.
unless that's your mom idk what you're trying to prove
Why do white women basically have no presence online? I have never met one that was even moderately interesting and I've been here since early 2000s. The few which appeared mysterious turned out to be pretentious and just as shallow as the rest.
The only females that can maintain a conversation and exhibit some sort of personality are apparently latinas.
Asians are dull as bricks too.
>The only females that can maintain a conversation and exhibit some sort of personality are apparently latinas.
yikes. Latinas are extroverted nasty bitches that want to be completely dominated by bad boy thug types.
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman?
Not being completely white. So I'm dating a brown hair, brown eyes girl. I feel it makes sense not to contaminate the gene pool any further.
Gf is Norweigan, Scottish, and Irish though, so not exactly sure where all the brown comes from.
Also that hair in the OP is fake. Doesn't do real blonde hair justice.
Not being white
Also why would they date a non-white who's not provocative and has a "white" personality.
We were never meant for this world.
2d is my only saving grace.
t.lowtest goody two shows niceguy
I wasn't talking about the jungle type but the white-ish ones. They're often interesting to talk to while having functional libido and actual interests.
How can I get white women when almost all of them are brown/nigger fucking whores.
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman?
i live in california. LMAO
thats only in places like the west coast.
move to the midwest
The same thing stopping me from getting any kind of woman.
I'd prefer a white gf, but not for shitty Jow Forumsitics reasons. I just find them to be the most attractive race. That doesn't mean I wouldn't date a non-white though, there are plenty of attractive people in all races.
im a loser and white women cheat all the time
>move to the midwest
no, I went to a school to work a specific job. The midwest does not have that job nor compensation. White women < money
this, socal.
I can't count how many black male/white female couples I see on a weekly basis. It's depressing/angering but whatever, that's the reason op. A large percentage of white women are race traitors, thats why.
I'm actually in norcal, it's bad everywhere.
They're all whores. Simple as that. They all get brought up that they're little princesses who do no wrong as their dads pamper them and give them what they want. Then they all go to college and eat up the feminism meme like its nuttela and vote more of the welfare state that they can instill more welfare and ruin the West as it is.
I say we just let the world burn. Let the white western women who have become the most spoiled, privileged, self entitled people to ever grace this Earth settle the imploding welfare state themselves. I'm probably sure that they'll enjoy having Tyrone, Pablo, or Akmed ravage them in the streets.
Honestly, for allowing women to have the vote, we deserve it.
My experience with white women:
>no personality
>no actual hobbies
>begs for attention but never gives back
>pretentious yet with nothing to show
>avoids any moderately thought-provoking conversation
>has the sex drive of a kakapo
>develops a man jaw and looks like she's in mid 40s by the time she hits 30
I really want to like white women since I'm white myself but fuck if it isn't hard.
fuck the white race, i've had more bad experiences with asshole white dudes than any other race. Had meth heads try and bottle me the other day at my job. Why should I fight for a cause that's clearly lost. Every race has the potential to be horrible fucking cunts. At least asians have never directly attacked or threatened me. Ima stick with them
I think you have reached tolerance and enlightenment in the funniest way possible
White women dont like brown guys, that's what
This lets you shape them to your whims. Teach 'em about your hobbies and interests.
That is my m0m
Woman where I am are quite masculine. I didnt even notice until my uncle pointed that woman walk like men. < they stomp and walk with their legs wide apart. < hopefully things dont get worse
This, I proposed to mine just two weeks ago.
There are tens of thousands of white women in my city and they all squandered their chance.
Now I'm gone, and nothing can save them.
Im going to impregnate a white woman but Im also 1/4th nigger
Look at the pic i posted i am clearly half black
Shes a turbo nigger ffs
>Shes a turbo nigger ffs
Who's the turbo nigger and how does a white guy get a turbo nigger gf?
Im 1/4 nigger. I accidentally clicked your digits. Buzz your hair if you want to pass
I'm an emotionally neutered hermit who had his soul killed by being raised by an extremely neglectful single mom.
I've had some relationship potential with women but they inevitably lose interest in me over time when I don't show them enough affection or I'm not assertive enough with them. I might be incapable of maintaining a relationship by this point. Feels bad man.
Women will no longer be needed to save the white race once artificial wombs get advanced enough.
That's a good point, up to age 16 the only people that tried to beat me up were white, even though there were black guys in my school. Of course I was autist sarcastic son of a bitch and would expect it (now that im older). 1 white guy and 1 white girl at seperate occasions tried to choke me with 1 hand. Another white dude tried to pummel me into a wall had to run from him, I was a runt at that time, and I'm 90% British according to my ancestry. I burn after being in the sun for 5 minutes. Our society is fucked. muh individualism, yeah..
I just straighten it having no hair would make me ugly and im noy a quadroon a mulatto
>What's stopping you from getting a white woman? Save the white race.
They are. I've been asked out the most by far by black girls.
Straightening your hair as a man is really really gay and you just look like Katt williams
Asian-American girls are functionally the same as white girls though
The girl on the left is a fantasy.
Who said anything about Asian-American girls?
Go to Asia and colonise like the white stud you are.
High inhibition and 5'9" instead of 6'0"
Otherwise I'd be a literal chad. 7/10 face, white, rich, etc.
My inability to start conversations with females
I'm 100% convinced that white women don't enjoy sex. why would I want to do something with someone who won't enjoy that thing I want to do with them?
They enjoy sex with tall, ripped black men, just not with anyone else.
not convinced of that either. every white girl I've dated couldn't keep far enough away from dick or sex in general - the consensus was the same from 95% of my friends too. that's just the whites, keep in mind.
>haha me and 95% and Chads or ethnic varieties of Chad, just be a Chad bro.
95% of my friends*
Reminder to report and shame cuckposters routinely. These people want to force their narrative to convince you to give up on your women. Don't fucking fall for it.
Cope. White women are fucking black men left and right in secret. I've observed this in my own social circles. Not cuckposting, unfortunately.
I'm pretty white for a Mexican. Can I get a white gf?
bruh, "chads" strugglin' out there for white puss too was what I was getting at.
So: not getting a white woman by choice. Who in their right mind - assuming that sex is important to you - wants to try spending intimate time with someone that doesn't like doing that with any one at all? Nobody, it's fucking stupid, and if you do you are stupid too, every faked orgasm and moan every eye roll and all the deer-in-the-headlights stares at the suggestion of sex is just cringe worthy. Plus not getting a friction burn on your dick is pretty good when the non-white chicks actually let themselves get wet for you.
This is pretty real. I've used shit like tinder before, and even though I am white, I see racist shit every now and then. It is almost never racist towards white people. Woman can just be as shitty as they want and they will still get flooded by matches. Woman are so insulated from any consequence they forget how to be a decent person, or atleast how to pretend to be. Like they could just swipe left on people from races you don't like, instead of putting "If you are ***** then don't bother swiping right." in their bio.
There's nothing special about muh white women, they are all coal-burning sluts. Why would you want to "date" one?
Are you suggesting that white women only have genuine orgasms for non-white (in particular black) men and that they can't even get wet for "Chad"? If so I might as well rope/cut my throat open right now.
It's a Saturday night and I'm a 7/10 white guy at home alone getting drunk alone because white girls are all out fucking black guys practicing for when they have mulatto babies. Just fucking end my life bro.
Goddamn need me a finngolian gf
no, I'm suggesting that they despise the idea of sex universally and find the "orgasm" experience hideous assuming they are capable of achieving one which if the pop-lit is to be believed some can't even. coal burners burn coal for two reasons 1: ugly niggas are the only ones that'll prance around like arm candy 2: to have something other women will look at, to a white woman YOU'RE ONLY A FASHION STATEMENT
I'll Kareem Hunt yo ass bitch!
Virtually every women wants to make fashion statements, so by extension (by your logic) every white women is a potential coalburner. So I'm still on suicide watch.
European beauty standards are world wide because of its large influential culture and economic prosperity. Everywhere you go the standard for beauty is Euro and Euro features. Its everywhere on advertisements, and I as a child was born to believe that European women are really attractive.
They're also living better than us, and I secretly always wanted to have white family dinner
>no, I'm suggesting that they despise the idea of sex universally and find the "orgasm" experience hideous
or you could resign yourself to the fact that if you date white you're only ever going to be her arm ornament and be okay with using here like a fleshlight with total disregard for her complete disgust at the act
OR you can look for dates with a black or hispanic chick that'll love every second, won't fake an O, give you that caught in the headlights look if you suggest giving her the D, and might even enthusiastically gobble your knob as a warm up. in the grand scheme of things I think getting your knob gobbled is better than death, probably.
European women are starting to look and act like men at an alarming rate. The bulk of them is quite literally too nasty to interact with.
They stop wearing girly clothes, taking care of themselves and trying to look pretty. They start smoking and drinking, develop unpleasant voices, they try to adopt male hobbies and in general they seem to scorn femininity.
In fact many are more manly than modern men themselves.