How do I make my benis look like the one on the right? No circumcision debate pls
How do I make my benis look like the one on the right? No circumcision debate pls
>How do I make my benis look like the one on the right?
time travel
idk, Photoshop your dick
you can't but you can still moisturize
Rub coconut oil on it bro
Build a time machine and stab Moses in his sleep.
Does this actually do something?
Argan oil and not jerking off, OP
It must suck to be an American.
- From an European with a massive, pink BWC
No. Coconut oil will cause an extreme stinging pain when put on the head of the penis.
i used coconut oil and it made my dick a bit softer and nice to feel compared to before, but it won't perform any miracles it's gonna be the same dick
>tfw cut 3'' hard dick
I hate my dad
Circumcision makes your head unpinked? Thats weird. I bet its not very sensitive either.
>tfw cut entire dick
I hate my Rhabbi
how does it make you feel that you had your first blowjob as an infant
>will never get an uncut american bf
You guys should honestly be thankful. Do you know how hard it is to last with an uncut dick? It's so sensitive that a couple of minutes is enough to make me shoot buckets.
rawk hard
curious on why you want to appear uncut? Also growing up and talking to buds about our dicks i always felt weird for being uncut
From sex or jerking off?
Sex but jerking off is only slightly longer.
holy fuck somebody else has Corn-Bread McGee in their folder too.
>has never seen a normal, uncut penis
wearing a foreskin restoration device will do that for you
Those only stretch out your skin. You can never get your parts they cut off back.
And game dude tried this shit and had complications
Foreskin restoration via tugging or
i didn't say it would give you back your foreskin. it does keep the head of your penis moisturized though
I was an idiot and had a knife in my pocket. Long story short, I brutally hurt my jimmy and had to get my foreskin cut off. It was a loose cut and I regrerw it using the tugging method.
Here's how each feels:
Intact: 10/10
Cut: 5/10
Restored: 8/10
well my bad den
I bet a dollar you haven't looked into this matter beyond heresay.
OP, you should consider manually restoring. Continually stretching your skin at the scar line and inducing mitosis is the best thing circumcised men can currently do to mitigate some of the damage done to them. Despite what people say, it makes a significant difference in physical sensation and, for me at least, allowed for mental closure. If you want to learn more you should check out the foreskin restoration subreddit. There is a wiki there with quite a few links to various resources to educate you about restoration.
I'd like to point out a couple of things that I see posted on here a lot regarding restoration that are false, in case there are guys here thinking about giving up before they start
>restoration cant regrow skin
Inducing mitosis allows for the replication of both your outer foreskin (shaft skin) as well as your mucosal inner foreskin remnant.
>nerves dont regrow/the new skin is numb
Anything that is completely amputated can never be restored, as there is nothing to induce mitosis on. In addition, it is impossible to induce mitosis on nerve axons period, as far as I am aware. However, your remaining nerve endings will stretch to accommodate new skin growth. I have experienced this first-hand. The inner and outer foreskin I have grown is, as far as I can tell, just as sensitive as the original skin.
>the results are minimal/not worth the amount of time invested
In my opinion the results of restoration are worth the amount of time that must be invested. Even though I am not finished restoring, I have gained a significant amount of sensation in the year and 3 months I've been at it. It's not just that sensations I'm used to got more intense, I also have felt things I never felt before. For example, having moistened inner foreskin rubbing up and down your sulcus and head is incredible and something I never felt prior to restoration.
Anyway, I hope you consider restoring.
Most of the "Don't bother restoring crowd" is just lazy circumcised guys who don't like people crawling their way out of the hole. Crabs in a bucket.
i would imagine its not as sensitive as a real pink one
i'm fucking pissed i got circumcised when i was born. its gotten to the point where im getting bored of masturbation bc sometimes it barely feels like anything. if any of you fuckers somehow ever have kids don't cut them or i'll cut you.
The one and only chance with a girl I had was ruined because she said we're either getting our son circumcised if we have one or we no longer dating. Stupid fucking whore.
the genes deciding on the size of the penis is taken from the mother's
That explains my dad's massive cock and confirms my suspicions about my mom's father. Little dick, giant balls makes it look smaller.
I made the mistake of looking through my mothers pictures on her cellphone when I was 12. No boy should see his father hard posing sexually
Okay, but why do you have suspicions about your grandpa's dick
He was such a slave to his fat wife. Literally do everything for her while she ate herself away into diabetes and death. She was mean and aggressive towards everyone and crazy religious. She wore the pants.
In her dementia she started raving about how (his last name men have big balls).
>get penis size from moms side
>have small penis myself
>have huge balls
Mostly just because he was kind of a cuck
you mean smooth?
try smearing a drop of dish detergent on your dick and leave it there for the night
How does that work? Please explain in further detail
Apparently it works in restoring some sensitivity.
I love how Americans always have to come up with these bullshit disingenuous studies about how circumcision is actually good for you (based on actual no real evidence in the meta studies), that uncut looks bad or that cutting doesn't result in less sensitivity (that study is hilarious, only claims that in one part of the foreskin that isn't nerve dense anyway, not the actual whole penis or foreskin, didn't stop it from being presented by Americans from claiming it proved circumcision had no downsides)
I've literally read threads where Americans were ASHAMED they had foreskin. Seriously what the fuck?
Im American and glad to have my foreskin. My heads so sensitive I can cum from stimulating it alone.
i dunno
but i did it once to get rid of the smell on my dick and after that my glans was really smooth and shiny
Girls massively want uncircumcised. Your parents are handicapping you if ya mutilated.
Dont rub the glans dude
>I think I will cut up my son's peepee because then my son's peepee look hot
>That's literally mutilation. If you do that it could end up scarred and it could lose feeling, ruining his life. Why not just leave it how it was supposed to be?
Women are literally psychopaths
id rather not be cut, but shit am i thankful that my dick doesnt look like that
I remember asking my mother if she had my brother's circumcised and when she said she did. When I told her I honestly felt it was a mistake she got super defensive.
To be fair, I think "what other people that the person being circumcised may not even want a relationship with think about their genitals" is sort of missing the forest for the trees. It's an issue of people's medical autonomy for what is essentially religious and aesthetic reasons.
>but yeah, uncut is cuter
Cope harder bro
>international outrage over female circumcision, because there's benefits to it and leads to complications
>male circumcision has too many complications to count and irreversibily damages a victim's psyche, yet is perfectly legal and is actually encouraged
What a fucking joke. I never asked to be circumcised, and here I am with a dick that gets friction burns if I fap for longer than 30 minutes with no lube, and a constantly dry dick
Get good faggot, stamina train yourself. You wouldn't think so, but t's all about prostate control. Work it enough and you can stay right at the edge where it feels the best and then decide when you want to cum
That's not a foreskin problem, that's a you problem
men are disposable, women must be protected
it is what it is
w-whats the tugging method, user?
I don't get it, I'm like in between circumcised and uncircumcised. I have foreskin but it doesn't completely cover the glans, and I have checked records and I am definitely not circumcised. I think it had something to do when I was 12 and pulled my foreskin back and it never went back over the top
>tfw it's all keratinized anyway but can still jack off using the foreskin
I've been tugging with the dtr and other shit for a while and I haven't seen any appreciable results like since 16 and I'm 20 now starting to think it might be something with my genetics.
If you've ever watched jav that's not censored most of the men have pretty short foreskins. It really depends on your genetics at the end of the day fore skins of all sizes you can always stretch it if you want more.
I have this too. When I'm soft most of the tip is covered by skin, and I still jack off with the skin so it covers like up to half of the tip.
When I started seeing other dicks it made wonder if I was "half circumsised" or something. I guess maybe I just stretched it over the years
Well do I have some knowledge to drop on you user
>tfw no sensitive uncut bf
How fast can you get it up again afterwards?
try to prevent chafing, wear breifs
The actual length of the skin can vary, some guys have enough that there's some extra skin hanging past the head but if you frequently kept it pulled back as a kid then it's not uncommon to end up with skin that doesn't cover the whole glans
Even with cut guys there's variation in the amount of skin actually removed and the placement of the cut line, I'm technically cut but apparently the doc was in a good mood that day because I still have enough skin to cover the glans when I'm flaccid and I still have my frenulum
Sounds like fun, now I want to try making a guy cum just by lightly teasing the tip of his cock with a feather
tfw you'd prefer a cock with that normal color instead of my red head - but you are too afraid of getting cut.
Pic related, its my dick.
You're fine, some guys' heads are more pink but looks good to me
>That ppp
you poor bastard
yeah, tell me about it.
it just sucks.
Just unscrew and put a new light bulb there. Or just screw a new dick on.
i'm cut and the head is so impossibly sensitive I can't have sex or stand for anyone or anything to touch me