>Girls like men who have hobbies
>Well I am into Magic the Gathering and I think I am even pretty good at-
>Not like that, user, I mean real hobbies
>Girls like men who have hobbies
>Well I am into Magic the Gathering and I think I am even pretty good at-
>Not like that, user, I mean real hobbies
Other urls found in this thread:
Never take advice on what women want romantically from women and bluepilled men.
Bluepilled men have no idea what women actually are and live in a bubble of willful ignorance. Women don't want you to know what they're actually interested in because it would both ruin their carefully constructed social persona and give you a chance to one day trick one of them into thinking you're not genetic refuse.
Gotta phrase it like this.
>I'm into mathematic probabilities, maximizing the occurrence of outcomes and other 400 IQ things like that.
Get her wet with your intelligence while you're actually ranting about how Doom Whisperer should be shoved into every black deck.
>Women don't want you to know what they're actually interested in because it would both ruin their carefully constructed social persona
Why do you think women pretend that they despise rape?
Doom Whisper is a shit, it is nothing more than expensive removal bait
They do. Why else would they report rape that would otherwise never been brought to public light?
Can be said for a bunch of bombs without self-protection. Its a flying threat with a great ability for graveyard oriented decks; easily can be good in the right EDH deck at least.
They want you to have a "cool" hobby so she can brag to her friends about how her boyfriend has such cool hobbies.
Magic is gay. Real men have the creativity, innovation, and versatility to play RPG tabletops.
Just learn how to cook a few decent dishes and tell people you cook for a hobby. I also bake and that seems to either turn people completely off or really impress them.
Lol, if I wanted to play pretend in my mothers basement, I would simply post on r9k
Not sure if this is sarcasm or not.
They only ever report it when they have something to gain, hence why they do it years later in the light of some large event.
>"pretend that they despise rape"
That isnt true at all, many reported rapes are done for simply to bring the rapist to justice
real hobbies such as basketball, soccer, jiu jitsu, kayaking, skiing, sky diving, piano guitar
Honing writing and storytelling, acting, strategy, etc. with friends is a lot better than glorified Pokemon.
Bureau of Justice Statistics stated that 34.8% of rape was reported to the police, up from 29.3% in 2004.
What else do you want?
Honing mathematical skill, risk management, and control of bluffs and tells is a lot better than glorified playground pretend
How do they keep track of rapes that arent reported?
>I am into Magic the Gathering
You outed yourself as a retard with no taste or intelligence, what else did you expect?
Verily, for all know that the patricians choice of TCG is Yu-Gi-Oh
You're talking to someone who hasn't got the same interests you nor the ability to accept others have ones are different from theirs.
You're both wrong. They hate the practice of rape, not the concept of it. In the real world, rape is bad because it deprives women of their stranglehold on the sexual marketplace, thereby depriving women of all their social power. After all, the reason women are able to make demands of male dominated society in the first place is because men want to have sex with them. If those men could just freely take that sex without offering up something in exchange, then no one would have any reason to even acknowledge the vast majority them outside of that rape. As much as they don't like to admit it, most women are all too aware that the only things that give them value are their good looks and their wet holes in the same way that most men know that they're basically useless to everyone the moment they stop providing.
Furthermore, rape ruins the social constructs erected by women around the sexual marketplace because it stops them from being able to decide which men are worthy of being acknowledged by society and which men should be ignored and ostracised. Women create sexual monopolies by rewarding men who adhere to certain social roles and expectations with sex while punishing those men who fail to live up to their standards by denying them sex. Men use this monopoly to not only determine their own value and self-worth, but also to determine that of other men. The result is that men demean and look down on other men in the hapless pursuit of more sex. They hang out with men who are more likely to get them more sex, deride men who get less sex and otherwise debase themselves to earn female approval and secure sex. And the men who were deigned unworthy end up sincerely believing that they're inherently inferior. Why? Because women told them so.
Conceptually, women have no real issue with rape. In fact, if every man in the world was a wealthy Chad, they probably wouldn't have a word for it. The trouble is with these "undesirables" getting in on it.
Youre not a mathematician, youre not an actuary or an investor. Youre not playing high stakes poker. You are just loser playing a card game for virgins talking down to someone on Jow Forums
>unironic incel posting
Youre not an author, youre not a tactician or leader. Youre not playing some role in a Hollywood film. You are just loser playing a pretend game for virgins talking down to someone on Jow Forums
>"Sexual Marketplace"
Back when women were second class citizens and rape was less socially maligned, women protected their stranglehold by being polite, gentle and demure. A man would never rape a woman who would treat him with kindness and respect, right?
Now that rape is considered a more institutional offense, however, and women have rights that protect them against male abuse, they have no reason to pretend to be good-natured and supportive of men, so they've simply stopped.
>Youre not playing high stakes poker
How much money does the Dungeon and Dragons champion win?
anything that is a "game" is beta and pathetic
You realize all of that is provided by tabletop RPGs also, as well as additional aspects, right? Only difference is the creativity, artistry, and synergy is sucked out and it's reduced to a card game.
Do you know where most of the girls interested in MTG hang out
Lol, says the man who still uses prepublished adventures during his sessions
Im not brainlet
Lol 25k is high stakes??
meanwhile her hobbies are watching TV, getting drunk, eating food, and if she wants to appear smart "reading", which probably involves some pulp fiction book about sexy vampires or pirates.
>girls interested in MTG
How much money do Tabletop RPG champions make,
>argument, the post
Why are you asking me that? I dont play tabletop rpg games you fucking sperg
I only homebrew and world build, doofus. Never once have I used a prepublished adventure.
Plenty of these games encourage it and provide a platform for the practice.
Ah, glad we agree you know nothing
Oof, I sure you do, Timmy
>play pretend
>plays magic
I play D&D and don't like card games (they also seem too expensive, although I suppose you could play online or just print out cards), but that's a dumb thing say because Magic/Yugio/Pokemon are arguably "pretend" as well, like video games
What I like about RPG tabletop games is that they can offer far more depth/freedom
"real men hobbies"
>lifting weights
Women hate men who are too much in the gym or constantly watch ESPN
most women dont have hobbies, so they don't understand actually having one
>it's only a legitimate hobby if you can make money from it
That's tarded
>has to straight up make shit up to be able to argue
>HA! You dont even know anything about dungeons and dragons or magic! Idiot!
Jesus Christ man get a grip
#1, most women do not actually hate these things
#2, even if I agree with you, its very easy to do either in moderation
im taking a jab at women here you dyke
No they dont. All of those guys fuck
If this thread proves anything its that mtg players are the nerds that other nerds bully
This might surprise you, but there are women who play MTG, just not acceptable to your taste perhaps
>most women don't have hobbies
Sure they do, user
>posting pictures of themselves online
>getting attention
>putting makeup on
>having boobs
How do you explain why more women pursue education than men if "most women are all too aware that the only things that give them value are their good looks and their wet holes..."?
Jesus christ do you guys know any women?
Why do you feel the need to disrespect the board with your normie presence?
Women don't want men to have strong identities. Their favourite men are all basically just attractive blank slates to project their sexual and romantic fantasies onto. And, honestly, Chad is the same way about his women.
There's a reason every normie under the sun responds to "what are you hobbies?" with the same tired trifecta of travelling, exercising and reading -- the less they know about you, the more likely they are to fuck you.
Control for labor intensive fields of study and that gap disappears. Who cares if more Stacies are getting communication degrees while they are sucking chad off
They dont value and understand hobby like man do. For them, hobby should be about socialising whiledoing some irrelevant shit they do not care about. if its something introverted it should bring money or at least be good for posting about it in instagramm or facebook, like "spirituality" or "geek stuff". Nerds is good example of it: male is autistic introvert who is deep into his esoteric stuff like modeling, ww2 history, dwarf fortress, and female nerd would be hip gal with cool glasses who like to hang on convents and events, also she saw avengers and played just dance
They're honestly two completely different activities that attract two completely different types of people.
I choose D&D because I love writing, fantasy, role-playing, world building, and teamwork among friends.
But I can also see why someone who really enjoys math and strategy would pick to only play Magic, when they don't care much for role-playing.
I originally just started the debate intending joking banter between the two groups, so no offense to the Magic players.
even if you are dumb nerds that can't take a joke
Women are overwhelmingly pursuing education in useless shit like gender studies and sociology so they can have the college experience and conform to more social trends. Notice how there's always an astonishingly relative lack of women in STEM fields and more professionally oriented subjects -- it's because the only women who apply for those are the actual smart ones.
>If most women aren't shit outside of looks and sex, then how do you explain all those Stacies spending seven years at university getting low grade Gender Studies degrees between getting hammered and going out clubbing?! Checkmate, incels!
sure showed me
Men don't go to college to get meme degrees as often as women do, user. Once you remove them the women do worse then the men. Getting an A in Introduction to Intersectional Feminism in Underwater Basket Weaving is not the same as getting an A in Complex Analysis.
The most respectable degrees the vast majority of women get at college are English Literature degrees, and even then they usually get the absolute bare minimum grade requirements because they were too busy with what they actually went to college to do: get drunk, fuck Chad and post selfies.
Too much truth in this post. Screencapped for future use.
Please, educate me, you butch bitch
>Sports Sciences arent a meme degree
>Implying non-intelligent Chads are any better than women
>as often as women do
Try reading next time you imbecile.
The only real hobby is being attractive.
If you go out of your way to do something labor intensive then you're a retard. You should strive to get the most for the least amount of work. Why would you do something labor intensive unless you had no other option?
What about the 37% of STEM majors that are women? Sure, that means there are two males for every female in STEM, but those 37% have more to offer society than a man without a degree. It seems like there's a sizeable portion of women who have value besides their looks and oles. This is also assuming that there is no value in educated people pursuing journalism, psychology, and business administration.
>First result for women vs men stem
>Ask question
>Accused of intellectual subterfuge
The absolute state
>Any Chads
>he doesn't know that rape fantasies are more popular with women than men
Still have to take bio chem and physics. Same for Gender studies?
No not THAT kind of sports, like the cool just tossing the ball around with some lads shirtless kind of sports.
>but those 37% have more to offer society than a man without a degree.
This is also wrong. Because of thing like maturity leave, women, on average, are a net loss for the system, meaning they collect more benefits than they ever pay in taxes.
Given that you're right
Take a single man with a GED vs a single woman with a PhD in mathematics. Since the woman pays more money in taxes than the man, she is therefore more valuable to society than him. Not to mention if her career actually contributed something to society.
Now, for every woman with at least a bachelors in a STEM field, there is a man who makes less money (even if you factor in maternity leave) and therefore pays less in tax. Those women, therefore, have more to offer society than the corresponding man without even considering their looks or wet holes.
If we take education into account, then instead of saying women, as a whole, are useless besides their looks and holes, we would more accurately say, "women who don't study STEM have no value besides their looks and holes."
Remember when your mother told you that God doesn't give with both hands?
Well, he does. Out there in the world right now are very attractive, very intelligent men who live lives of plenty supping on the teat of genetic fortune.
Doubtful, any man who is intelligent and attractiveis often quite, in actuality, lacking in one of those departments
>tfw no STEM gf who can help me figure out rotational solids in Calculus 2
whatever helps you sleep at night, user. unfortunately, the world isn't actually fair and there are plenty of intelligent guys with decent to good looks out there being CEOs, lawyers and bankers.
In the normalfag's mind, something unacceptable to them personally doesn't qualify as being within the categories that describe it objectively. The world is supposed to be a personalized list of recommendations made for them, and when things they don't like get associated in any way with things they do like, it's a malfunction, offending them.
Show me, lil bitch
Would you remind me of the point you are trying to make? None of what you replied has anything to do with my reply chain. You've shifted to talking about a very small subset, dare I say statistically insignificant portion of all women. You could pull the same logic on just about anything.
>wood burns well
>what about already burnt wood
>what about petrified wood
>what about...
This serves little purpose other than to demonstrate your own pedantry, particularly when this guys post qualified it with the word "most" already. So yes, given that I'm right, his argument would be correct by your own reasoning. But what you haven't even taken into account is that HOURS WORKED is vastly different between sexes. Just because you make more an hour, doesn't mean you've earned more. And in the same fields men will pull out far ahead of the average woman in the field in hours work / elective training. The only way women compete at all in this regard is by being propped up by promotional handouts. But again, all of this is moot because we are talking about most women, not a small subset that opted to not have a family and follow a high paying, high skill profession.
This is what they mean, charming, show off,any hobbies. IMO, they are looking for show off material for their girlfriends... It's fucked up.
>A musical instrument, guitar or whatever
>Guns/bows if they are into outdoorsey stuff, country
>Maybe IT like websites if in that type of girl
>Sure, that means there are two males for every female in STEM, but those 37% have more to offer society than a man without a degree
that might be valid were it not for the fact that men are still physically capable without intelligence. Without higher education, men can still be construction workers, soldiers, firefighters, electricians, plumbers, police officers... They can still have families and provide for them. They can still find a way to make the most of their personal resources to become a contributing member of society.
Women, on the other hand often just bail out and find some "sugar daddy" or beta provider to mooch off of for the rest of their days. Most people claiming welfare are women and single mothers who create dysfunctional children and raise them in dysfunctional homes because they made a poor choice in partners. Even educated women overwhelmingly "marry up" and find a male provider to carry their weight. There are entire articles being written on how educated, successful women would rather die alone than have to marry a man who earns less than her and be a provider for that man and their family together.
When all is said and done, women just aren't really interested in the responsibilities of equality -- just the perks.
Did you time travel from the seventies
The point that I've been trying to make since the beginning is that the quote "most women are all too aware that the only things that give them value are their good looks and their wet holes..." (from ) is not accurate. When you're saying statistically insignificant, you're talking about hundreds of thousands of women who have something to offer society besides their looks and holes.
I don't know why the fuck that you think your post is relevant. I have only been talking to people who replied to my original post affirming the thesis that there are women who have value to give society besides their looks and wet holes.
I understand how it can be difficult to remember what my thesis is, I've only put it in 3/3 of the posts that I've had.
>First result for "how many people got stem degrees in 2016"
>Without higher education, men can still be construction workers, soldiers, firefighters, electricians, plumbers, police officers
>NEET justifying his value with which sheckelberg signs his paycheck
You wagies will always be pathetic.
Wagie justifying his value*
Taking the scholarship money, positions, etc of a man and working a fraction of the time is not contributing. It's displacing more efficient workers. Nice try, hole.
If a woman wasn't able to fulfill the job requirements, why was she hired?
>what are hiring quotas
Remember that time that Amazon put raw data into a machine learning program so that it would by pass human bias and it started rejecting roasties so they had to disable it? Jow Forums remembers.
>women mainly get nursing and psychology degrees
One is useful to be a glorified professional ass-wiper and the other one is useless without another degree.
Remember that time Alphago Zero beat Alphago by getting rid of all the training data that humans have ever made? Is it because there were too many games of go played by women? I doubt it.
It's intellectually irresponsible to assume that Amazon's AI had no technical failures without posting some sort of data to support your claim.
If you believe that every woman who has gotten educated and gotten a career in her field as nothing to offer society besides her looks and her holes, then fair enough. I'll fuck off.
It doesn't matter as long as she contributed more in tax dollars than she took in.
Mtg players should be lined up against a wall and shot
Think of hobbies as equaling "fun things we can do together". Can't think of too many normie women who would find Magic that appealing.
>If you believe that every woman who has gotten educated and gotten a career in her field as nothing to offer society besides her looks and her holes, then fair enough.
>every last person has to follow it or else you cant generalize
Fuck off, roastie. This is such a stupid argument, it's not even worth explaining how dumb you are. It's more an argument over word semantics than anything interesting.
>fair enough. I'll fuck off.
Make it sooner rather than later.