Did you pass her test robots?
Did you pass her test robots?
Im reading Infinite Jest. I imagine she will first google the book and then respond favorably because of the books critical acclaim
good taste, read it recently and really enjoyed it.
so is she a feminist who hates the patriarchy and would only date men who hate on their own gender?
>inb4 the bitch replies "Harry Potter"
The roast implies that one cannot read literature one does not already agree with. Reading books that only agree with you is not learning. It's a busy way to stay ignorant.
I started it before I started law school and didnt finish it. Now I have more free time so Im going back.
I haven't read a book in years
Probably not
>Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspective
>Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
>Guide to Network Programming
I'm not even in school anymore, either.
Gay test, I'll tell her I get new information through dmt trips and tarot, reading is outdated.
You are always wrong with roasties even when you are well above them, the only way to win is to stop caring about them.
I haven't read an actual novel to completion in a while. I've been stuck halfway through Oscar Wao for months now.
>You are always wrong with roasties even when you are well above them
*when they don't already want to fuck you.
Had to add that for correctness, otherwise I agree. The only winning move is not to play.
This. Arguing with a woman is pointless because reason and logic do not matter to them. They argue from a place of emotions, so they'll always come out on top as long as their upset and morally superior enough. If a woman starts responding in condescending jabs instead of actual arguments, just know you've beaten her on an argumentative level and disengage before she summons orbiters and gal pals to bully you for disagreeing with her.
>Civil Procedure Cases and Materials, Twelfth Edition
I can hear her moaning already
Hahah Fellow 1lfag why arent you done with civ pro? Also what school?
Currently reading The Civilzation of the Renaissance in Italy. Before that it was a book on basic color theory w/ acrlyic paints. After this I'll be reading Common Landscapes in America, 1580 - 1845
well at my school civ pro is actually split into two semesters, we haven't even done the Erie doctrine yet. Not that I'm reading that shit right now, though, finals are over so im getting drunk and high
im at GW law how about you
how does reading someone's book automatically equal to that I agree with everything written it the book and the person who wrote it? Do you think people who read game of thrones are going to start sword fighting in the middle of your living room as well?
No shit dude Im GULC. Civ Pro is one semester here but my sections professor is a giant among men and a brutal cold caller.
fuckin nice dude, how often do you guys make fun of us for being G(eorgetown) W(aitlist)
and cold calling is fucking retarded in 2018, I don't know if you guys have classes of like 80+ kids there but we do and knowing that you get cold called MAYBE one time each semester makes it so much stupider than if you were in a class of like 15 kids or something
>tfw used to read all the time
>now I haven't read a full book in over a year
what happened to me, bros?
colloquial japanese, programming c#, a shitload of websites on data structures and web development that she definitely doesn't give a shit about
That's not a good test at all and just projects she only reads stuff that peaches to her tastes rather than challenge herself. I rather have a person that was reading stuff they disagreed with so they get a better stance on the topic rather than "nooo this shit hurts my feelings the author is an enemy that should never be mentioned!"
Haha man believe it or not Ive actually never heard that but thats really funny. I think the Socratic method works but it has to be done properly. Our civ pro lecture was around 100 people but he was so brutal that everyone read because they didnt want to risk being called and not know the case.
Ummm it's a literal tranny ffs.
based /lit/ posters everywhere
I am reading 1984 again and The Brothers Of Karamazov.
Infinite jest is for pseuds. True intellectuals partake in daily consultations of hegelian dialects.
>People thinking that her test is actually serious or that she even really cares.
You guys need to learn a few things about women. She's on Tinder which means, whether she'll admit it or not, that she wants to get some good dick. That good dick does not necessarily have to be attached to a brain or even to a compatible personality.
What she's doing here is a little something we like to call "virtue-signalling". Basically, she's posting about how her standards for finding a partner hinge on their intellectual and literary interests to signal to other women and potential interested males that she is of a high intellectual status and, therefore, of a high social status. Whenever you see a woman post some random snippet from their lives or from browsing the internet accompanied by a PSA or an offhanded mention of her opinion on something (usually in the form of "I'M SCREAMING" or a sarcastic emoji), what she's actually doing is making a big, bright post which may as well say "Look how good I am", to which you're supposed to reply with words to the effect of "wow yeah you're really good everyone thinks you're great".
>hegelian dialects
lol, its dialiectic man, and there's only one, and it sucks
>misspelled dialectic in my own burn post
fuck, i'm out
About to re-read "From the Earth to the Moon" after I finish "Good Omens", I'm not in country at the moment and only have a few books on me.
OP's pic confirms JBW theory.
>Jordan Peterson
>Elon Musk
Why in fuck would I want to pass the test of some fucking retarded turbo normie who only likes things because they're popular rather than content?
>JBW theory.
It's more likely that it proves the "I'm a gold-digging whore and he has money" theory
>Jules Verne
because she has a vagina and you want to fuck it, same reason men have tolerated female bullshit since the beginning of time.
>Just finished Dead Souls
>Reading my super limited edition Confessions of a Rogue by Samuel Chamberlain
Out of the hundred or so women I've spoken to about reading only 1 has mentioned something other than YA/female writers and she had a Chad BF
She's still wayyyy out of his league, lucky bastard.
>Dead souls
Based gogol. I've only read his short story stuff like the nose and overcoat. Is the longer work solid? Also, which translation did you read?
The PV translation.
It's a very easy read (I consider Petersburg the hardest and an absolute slog of a book). The worst thing about it is that it doesn't really have an ending.
The Man in the High Castle
>obligatory Nazi and/or dick joke
>A book by Jordan Perterson
i only read rockstar biographies and columbine shit
Life hack, make subtle references to JBP when talking to girls in order to not lose time with thots.
>what are you reading?
Last book I read was Anna Karenina, so probably.
Reading anything by Jordan B Peterson seems like a pussy deflector.
David Foster Wallace sucks
This, but no normie thinks like that, you should know that by now.
i haven't read a book since 8th grade, it was raise high the roof beam, carpenters and seymour: an introduction. it was for a book report. call me a retard it's fine
You didn't have book reports in 9-12th grade?
that would be my first fucking step to self-improvement. start reading
currently reading master and margarita and the name of the rose
that girls body is immaculate
Why are you re reading your textbooks nigga; all those bullshit specs you are implementing aren't gonna get into your brain by osmosis.
t. compE brainlet
>CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective
Spread your legs baby
>Real World Ocaml
Bitches on my tip
Are you a student? If so switch to CS now; EE is a dying field.
It's okay bro. Book put me right to sleep too.
It says "bye aguinaldo" , here aguinaldo is an extra salary that is given twice a year, one in christmas time.
The fat guy is saying he wasted his aguinaldo in whores intead of food and christmas stuff.
I still don't get the hate for Peterson. Everything the guy says is super fucking tame.
i imagine shes a futa and impregnated him with her potent semen
he even explains this in interviews. people see headlines attacking him and accusing him of pandering to a certain demographic and just believe that without listening to him.
And the joke of it all is that the demographic they try to lump him in with also hates him because he's not a race realist and dismisses the JQ.
>reading the thread
>"the worst part is that he's hot"
And there it is, another shallow whore pretending she's into xD smart nerdy guys to make herself look like she isn't a fucking whore.
She has the depth of a piss puddle in a pothole, fucking hate women like this
>Jordan Peterson
>Elon Musk
>Calls OTHER people normies
Basic normie nerd starter pack right there
>Switch from a field I've been studying for the last 4 years to another just so I can compete with indians for a code monkey job
>On the advice of an anonymous post on a board of neets no less
I genuinely like it user, also there's always demand for more chips.
Of course majority of people dont think like that.
What she is doing is dissociation propaganda at its best. Taking for granted that just because you are reading a memerson book it means you agree with all his views and are part of a group that she stereotypes a lot just so she can strawman everyone out. People like to brang that Jow Forums is a huge echochamber but honestly in my opinion, twitter is a even worse echochamber that spreads even more misinformation with the use of status (aka followers and celeb influence).
Its obvious that her way of thinking and judging are flawed, she simply has her head stuck way too much up her own ass and cant even stand a person that doesnt follow her ideals in every way.
She is just an isecure hoe trying to get the validation and approval from her own echochamber she created.
I'm reading pic.
I'm reading Libido Dominandi which is why I know why to not waste time with disgusting subhuman thots.
Am reading Siege by James Mason, might lose...
Based user. Try also Northwest novels (especially The Brigade) from Covington.
I don't read books. I'm in the middle of 2 audiobooks. LOTR Two Towers and Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants. Lots of random chemical names but very interesting book about the history of rocket propellent.
The epic of gilgamesh
Did I get moist hole?
Im reading Joyce's Portrait currently which probably means they won't know what the fuck it is
>all these commenters hating on books they have never even picked up let alone read
Even the worst books have something to take away from them.
I don't read and she's a dumb whore so yes, I passed.
You are both dumb whores if you don't read, user.
Reading is gay
Made by anti-intellectualism gang
you supplement it by doing exercises, and labs. I'm reading the dsp one as review.
I don't read books, Test Passed
>Even the worst books have something to take away from them.
books have no inherent value and you are retarded
You need to be more subtle nigger. You are making it too obvious.
Infinite Jest would have been considered a joke 50 years ago.
what the fuck are you talking about you jejune jew
I'm reading intro to Korean, machine learning in Python, machine learning in R, and deep learning with TensorFlow. She'd just think I'm a huge dweeb
Not really. Books are nothing more than a story telling tool and a story simply existing doesn't make it of any value.
And? 150 years ago Moby Dick was considered a joke you pompous ass
>Universally acclaimed author sucks! Anime rules!
>Infinite Jest
So you're surrounded in your own shit and piss with no money
Is that Jocelyn Cano? Are there any instagram """models""" that DONT fuck for money?
Her Twitter bio says that she's an award-winning writer. What's she written?
She writes the speeches for award winners
You realized that reading isn't actually an intellectually stimulating hobby. It's a means of signalling to others that you can appear as intelligent but not one of intelligence itself.
It's not like women will care that you make poetry and digital art, they want to know that you can display status.
Oof how can he recover
>Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications
Nigger, are you retarded? That shit is a teaching aid for professors. Who the fuck would read that personally. Get scientist and engineer guide to dsp. Facepalm*
She's right tho that guy was cringy af. Le r/imverysmart