Botany thread post interesting plants
This is the rainbow eucalyptus tree no this is not painted.
Botany thread post interesting plants
Shitondickgaythread: 600+ replies
Tfw no gf thread: 200+ replies
Drug thread:150+ replies
Interest thread:0 replies
Really r9k? I thought you people were supposed to be aspies too smart to fit into society
Whee are they
>not painted
I have such doubts. Though cedar I love and it's colorful inside, and smells great. Yellow and red, but that's blue. Cannot believe.
bloody tooth mushroom
I looked it up. What a weird tree. How is this a real thing and not just like what a eucalyptus tree would look like if you were on some kind of drugs? It's so colorful.
this one is a slime mold
>sub to final fantasy XIV online
>see there's a Botanist in the list of jobs
>oh boy time to plant trees
>get equipped with an axe
cool thread op. i used to think my dad was a botanist when i was a kid and didnt know the difference between them and plant biologists lol
I wonder what the evolutionary advantagr of this is?
Worlds second oldest tree methusula oldest one got cut down by a college student
This has got to be the mose aethetic vaporwave documentary ever
Those are actually "smart" and can navigate mazes
Creepy isnt it?
Those threads are not Jow Forums, they are invasion threads due to the Jow Forums having no moderation. They make your type of thread less long lived.
The only interesting plant I can think of is stuff like salvia, and ayahuasca vines, and morning glory flowers, and stuff like that interests me. When it comes to trees the only thing I like is cedar wood, though gum arabic comes from a tree and I like that, and from trees a cloth like cotton is made now days called... I can't remember. It was something that sounds like plum in my head and your jimmies end up made out of basically processed wood.
That is what interests me, but it's not showing up in my history the names, and I'm lazy.
Does botany cover fungi?
I am creeped out by rayon cloth.
That is what it was.
I suggest planting epehdra everywhere and too bad amazon banned mimosa hostilis sales yes fungi is botanical
that's all I have to say, faggot
mmmm I'd love to eat that
Mmmmmmm wish I was alone in the forest with a little girl
so she could watch me eat that
Then it's so juicy
and we laugh
we aren't in Kansas anymore
>capitalism is fine XD
>randomly online vendors refuse to sell legal things
Sorry to derail but I cannot hold it in. Amazon as the (((capitalism))) would have it doesn't allow for fun and the rich as they are never deserve their business.
The Socotra dragon tree or dragon blood tree appears to bleed when cut.
that video actually looks good. It's long so now I can't contribute to the thread until it's over
This is a picture of blue lotus, wild dagga, and some other plant with kratom extract sprayed all over it. Pretty isn't it?
Now thats what i call br00tal
Enjoy it :)
What do the plants in there do?
Are they psychiactive or just sm0ke fillers. Growing weed is legal in my country and i plant it everywhere
Unfortunatel weed increases my appetite
So i want to find a strain that has more thcv which reduces appetite anyone have suggestions?
Pic related only grows on the island of socotra
Here is an eastern european postcard with plants on it. I have a lot of post cards like this but they are not all related to botany. I can't still post them if you are interested, though.
That documentary escalated to schizophrenia tier too much for me to watch it.
Blue lotus is like passion flower as a anti-anxiety pretty sure, some egypt flower ought to have been used for something. Wild dagga is the orange petals of a flower that some say is like a mild THC high but only lasts five minutes. Kratom is a partial opioid agonist.
>to schizophrenia tier
How? In my opiniom its the mose aethetic thing ive ever seen
The words. It's like some psychotic rant about religion and the end of times for the first two minutes. Long enough that I'd not assume it stops. The world could end in a flash had me rolling my eyes at that point. It's fine saying before jesus and all, but then it went on and on about it.
Bumping and trying to remember the name of that exploding tree I once learned about..
Yeah, I know. I once made searches of Eucalyptus trees in Goleta and Isla Vista to find the place where Elliot Rodger's "Life is so unfair because girls don't want me" video was shot. You know, the one where he sits in his car sipping latte. It looks like there is young Eucalyptus trees at the background behind the car. Damn it that video is hard to locate.
God he's so sexy on this video. Had almost forgotten about it.
I guess more than one plant would do it but is
Bumping the sad OP that reminded me that of the two hundred unique IPs that cluster a thread, only ten are worth a shit. That's society for you, only five percent should be left alive.
Stop being gay poster number 49873361
I am not lesbian, you idiot.
botany threads can't be derailed but you're sure trying
I am not really. I just tried if someone knows where that video was shot. It's bothering me I can't find the location.
I really liked the images of Eucalyptus trees during my searches. Their visual appearance was astounding. And very inspiring.
Not many exceptional plants growing up in my country, except for the ones made of snow and ice.
that kind of climate will give you plants that have amazing ways to spring back from the snow
They first came from the desert because they have small xylem they can avoid freezing
Well, yes, many of our plants are real survivalists and in that sense exceptional.
That looks like white corallol ive never seen so much snow
The northern most tree is the chinese larch btw
Learn how to fuckin mention newfag
No that's mycology
That is how it looks like in Lapland during the later period of winter in February. There's huge loads of snow packed on trees so that it might be dangerous to walk in forest as it might kill you if it drops on you. Most of the trees growing there are spruces and downy birches.
I always thought that laplanf was filled with towering spruce trees that blocked out the sun
Before people knew about dna and rna they probably linked them both under botany.
You know how long they were boggled by classification of the spong when they found it in the ocean? Plant? Animal? Humans such at labels yet they love them so much.
They may as well not be called animals, DNA be damned. And if a fly trap can eat an animal then it may as well not be a plant.
That's actually the Southern parts of Scandinavia. In Lapland there is not that much trees on high hills, if none.
I thiught that scandinavia was the most kvlt place on earth where there were so many trees that no sunlight penetrated to the valleys and there were ghouls and cryptids everywhere
>drug thread
Fuck off. I've been on this board since it was the greentext board.
>singling out drugs out of things he listed
He just meant that the board is low quality. Calm down and stop chimping out over nothing.
We're definitely low quality. I can agree with that. I wish we'd go back to greentexting.
That sound very fascinating. Reality is very different though.
this is the most pure post that has ever been made on this website.
I think you should post the botany ones as this is a botany thread.
>oldest one got cut down by a college student
Jesus Christ. Why?
This is a photo I took myself of some from Maui. It's muted and dark,but there was paint like color on the trunk.
They are surprisingly colorful. Just make a Google image search with "Rainbow Eucalyptus".
Never stop making these threads op, or the individuals that post these.
It piques my interest.
I love trees.
The only true species that is worthy of being alive, they don't need to destroy in order to thrive like we and many other abominations do.
Giving garden of eden a new whole meaning.
Tree master race.
Shall i start a tree supremacy movement?
Maybe not, trees are too good to be extremists.
Green jungle over concrete gray ones.
>The only true sp-
Why are ecofags like this? Why can't we just appreciate nature as we're biologically inclined to without going "hurr hooman = bad, tree = good".
I love the environmentalist fun posters over at /pol. They are much more likely to post good info.
I guess what I'm saying is, I'd join.
Because humans clear cut my habitat in my last life and I hold a grudge.
Besides, environmentalists care about endangered species most, and humans hardly qualify
to me it just shows that intelligence is something that we don't really understand well
sure we communicate fine and it allows us to do incredible things, but can't most of that be summed up as stimulus reaction?
just like the mold growing towards what it wants with "intelligence" we attempt to move towards the things that we want
Because the great majority of hooman does not appreciate and has no qualms polluting the place they live in.
We'll have nothing to appreciate if we keep the attitude described by yous, as we are killing the environment.
Majestic trees and woods take much more to be replaced than humans.
The only reason we even exist is because the earth and trees allowed us to thrive.
Giving us oxygen, free food, shelter, tools to better ourselves.
Killing trees is killing most source of life.
Trees are the only few self sufficient organisms who don't need to kill to live.
How isn't that a reason to worship, cherish and respect them.