I edit porn pics as a hobby

i edit porn pics as a hobby

Attached: 870.png (1027x451, 918K)

Other urls found in this thread:


so i'm sharing this now

Attached: 0'90'90'67866668.png (1071x723, 879K)

because i guess it counts as original content

Attached: 08.png (1119x760, 635K)

and i need to free some space from my hard drive

Attached: 46.png (1184x575, 949K)

just posting my personal favorites

Attached: 4679.png (1008x638, 883K)

been making these since 2015

Attached: 8990'.png (1076x746, 637K)

theyre easy and fun to make

Attached: 9870.png (1085x663, 945K)

but ive spent hours making batches of them

Attached: 67889.png (1058x458, 969K)

some are pretty awful not gonna lie

Attached: 78678.png (919x582, 1.01M)

but i try to put enough effort into making them

Attached: 78909¡¡¡.png (1061x578, 718K)

and make them funny

Attached: 678880.png (1302x868, 1.11M)

and overly ridiculous

Attached: 679789.png (1233x664, 913K)

sometimes kinda gross

Attached: 767567.png (970x794, 1.06M)

but thats just what porn is aint it

Attached: 6777555.png (1078x604, 1.27M)

or what least what normie porn is

fuck me i forgot pic

Attached: 789978999.png (1194x707, 902K)

kek this is my favorite

just absuuurd

Attached: 8900609679.png (1196x731, 1.49M)

SILLY and exaggerated

Attached: 8907695788.png (1092x792, 1.02M)

this one kinda turned me on wtf

dumb bull shit

Attached: 76880908000.png (1012x655, 988K)

fukkin jordi lel my man you're a legend.

the captchas are starting to be a pain in the arse

Attached: bigmouth strikes again.png (1078x736, 621K)

These are the best by far. Amazing.
>that Smiths reference

price to pay for being a chronic shitposter

Attached: gZ4QHl.gif (346x275, 316K)

this is one of the earliest ones, the style changed a lot over the years

Attached: tumblr_p7trtkc5hQ1ue5273o1_640.jpg (587x882, 180K)

they were messier back then

Attached: tumblr_p7tuzbUduU1ue5273o1_1280.png (875x536, 568K)

wew op you improved a lot over the years.

>the years

nice lol. you ever get off to these or is it just tism at work?

some are rather simple but i like them


Attached: tumblr_p7tvblf6Ir1ue5273o1_400.png (378x305, 140K)

I'm fucking crying jesus christ anono

That's really fucking funny (original)

the latter
most are too silly to turn me on

Attached: tumblr_p7tvr6gz8g1ue5273o1_400.png (378x302, 166K)

Well that's enough Jow Forums for the week

about the tumblr filenames: i was uploading them to there just to store them in the cloud so i could delete them from my hard drive.
but, well, you know the rest

Attached: tumblr_p7tvunusnc1ue5273o1_1280.jpg (800x533, 205K)

the gifs were a challenge

Attached: tumblr_p7txhzKTmw1ue5273o1_400.gif (380x307, 192K)

This is way too fascinating

i'm so happy to be here for this

pardon the uninteresting comments but y'know textless posts arent allowed

Attached: tumblr_p8rakia6Xu1ue5273o1_640.jpg (569x695, 154K)

i wish i could just dump pics in peace like in the good ol days >:(

Attached: 678'0¡0¡¡¡.png (766x786, 606K)

some of these are so bad theyre good

Attached: tumblr_p82q7bB2Kx1ue5273o2_1280.jpg (1024x576, 232K)

Very entertaining thread. Thanks for sharing user

i had kind of an "obsession" with replacing eyes for mouths for a while

Attached: tumblr_p88r7shkWD1ue5273o1_1280.jpg (960x544, 159K)

thanks for the laughs op this is pretty fucking funny

i put much more effort in some

Attached: tumblr_p83hx38AeY1ue5273o1_400.gif (380x307, 83K)

It's midnight what the fuck am I doing

i mostly use ms paint in case it wasnt obvious

dammit this was supposed to be animated

Attached: tumblr_p812piqxvP1ue5273o1_1280.png (1000x750, 721K)

i dont even know how to explain this

Attached: tumblr_p92nwo5Kxh1ue5273o1_1280.png (809x493, 450K)

i promise you drugs were not involved
unless you consider boredom as one

Attached: 9'.png (1115x571, 1.05M)

This is HQ content

lol dude what the original fuck

i'll be over soon

look upon my works ye mighty and despair

Attached: 36.png (995x716, 511K)

you all can try it if you ever feel bored
just go on some big porn website like brazzers, pick whatever photoshoot you like, open whatever image editing software you like and let the magic happen

Attached: 90''77.png (1041x850, 869K)

so anyway i have 700+ of these and i dont want to post here all night having to solve such annoying captchas so heres a mega link with my whole collection in case anyone wants more
(and sorry for the lack of organization and half-assed filenames)

thanks for watching
im gonna go eat dinner now

Attached: 64576.png (1156x682, 767K)

>so that's how it feels to have 2 mommy gf
Man this has been a blast. Thank you for the dump, enjoy your food breh

It's been a long time since I last laughed at something on r9k.

Love the ones like these with weird proportions

Simply surreal. You've got talent. Keep doing it and spread this stuff everywhere - it'll catch on one day.

this is a must download dump thanks user

I think this is more art than most stuff produced today

Is it meant to be funny or is it serious?

Im blown away. Totally impressed. So fucking stupid and insane and in the exact same way I react to Picasso.

i dont see how it could be serious

This shit is so fucking stupid and retarded yet I cannot stop laughing. You're something else OP

Today Op was not a fag. Holy fuck good thread you crazy son of a bitch.

Attached: 1533845809319.jpg (600x539, 35K)

Not even funny just disturbing.

Top fucking kek
Thanks for the laugh OP, top quality thread

What the fuck are you doing here you big idiot.

OP your a fucking hero. Tons of OC, finally not a trap/pol/trans/etc argument. Top lel sir

Attached: FED19E7C-8ABC-428D-979F-290768D78A87.jpg (750x745, 387K)

This is actually art.

holy christ that is a good one

Your actions are heroic

my sides

wtf never laughed this hard

Next thing you know, OP will cut off a ball.

I mean youre just taking pics and ruining them. You're like a 5 yo kid who colours on the walls because that's the most creative your brain is capable of

>Picasso paints a porno
Thanks OP, this is some of the weirdest creative shit I have seen on Jow Forums in a very long time, this is what this board was actually made for.

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>tfw watch too much porn recognized that girl OP posted

Stella Cox?

Attached: 15258628634493.png (624x706, 408K)

keeping this for my reaction folder too.

Attached: mfwopisntafag.png (360x407, 49K)

Brilliant stuff mate, keep it up!

Someone with a pass should dump them

We just witnessed a true artist at work

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