Can I find love as an autistic girl? I haven't even had any irl friends for 5 years

Can I find love as an autistic girl? I haven't even had any irl friends for 5 years..

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>I haven't even had any irl friends for 5 years..
why not?

If you go on r9k chances are you dont have any friends tf you mean why r3ddit normalfag

But there could be many reasons why the friends left in the first place, it's an important question.

>Can I find love as an autistic girl

What are your autistic hobbies?

Be my friend. Girls don't like me because I'm not like them and boys don't want me on their server because I'm a girl :(

Idk about love but I'll be your friend idc add me on discord same goes for any one else, just be nice though


If you're attractive, you can find love.
The fact that your brain is broke is irrelevant.

>boys don't want me on their server because I'm a girl(male)


men only care about looks, answer is pretty obvious

>Can I find love as a...girl?
yes. the answer is always yes.

I had friends but they eventually got sick of me because we didn't have that much in common and I never did anything with them. I guess it's my fault

sorry for copying the thing shit

I don't do much, mostly just shitpost on Jow Forums and doodldlele

No, but you can find sex.

Find an autistic guy, it's simple. If he's in your league then he will love you. (or at least want to fuck you)


What stuff do you draw? Autistic things like Sonic OCs?

I know plenty of autistic girls with Chad bfs you'll be just fine

That sucks. I wish I could help, but I'm not good at making friends anymore.

Of course you can, you're a women.

thanks you guys

kinda. here's an old doodle i like

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What other stuff do you like apart from doodling, like books, series, franchises? Very cute cat btw

you right, that cat is p cute. You seem to be somewhat competent, OP. You're not hopeless

Wow you are autistic lmfao

I like it user :)
Your doodle is better than any drawing I've ever put time into


join autist girl

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thanks again. i don't really like many shows besides like documentaries and stuff if those count. big on music though.

I used to watch many ww2 documentaries. What kind of music do you like?

>Can I find love as an autistic
No, because girls don-
Oh, nevermind. Yeah. You're on tutorial mode.

idk, are you too autistic to sit on my face?

i wonder if i can find love as an autistic guy or if i am doomed to stay in a co-dependent relationship with my computer. maybe i should date an autistic girl since they're basically computers with vaginas. i mean, i'm basically a computer with a dick. well maybe that's not the ideal situation. a computer can't program a computer. at most they'll just create an infinite feedback loop and while that's arguably how the universe was created, it's probably not best for two humans to get stuck in that. they would never get anything done. i wouldn't mind having that though in all honesty. it would be fun to have a mostly mental relationship where i also decide to put my computer dick in the vagina computer sometimes.

yeah but where do you go to find autistic girls

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