Didn't choose to be an incel

>didn't choose to be an incel
>Get punished for being one anyways

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thats why its involuntary, you retard

>have mental disabilities
>get shit on for crap I can't help
Fucking 'ell.

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Listen here faggot,I am saying it is wrong and retarded to be socially and physically punished for being something I didn't consent to becoming.

How are you being punished, you self-victimizing fag?

You can only be an incel by choice you retard. You chose to be an incel.

ugh, no you fucking cant

What does involuntary mean to you?

Not everyone who can't get sex identifies as an incel
Identifying as an incel means agreeing with the incel philosophy, which includes all sorts of dumb shit like "women only want chad", "my zygomatic bone is 0.12cm too short so I'm single", "all women are whores", etc.

Harassment, I imagine.

Not by definition, no. CELIBACY is (often) by choice. INCELIBACY means it wasn't.

>Not everyone who can't get sex identifies as an incel
I'm black, and I'm pretty sure I stay black even if I don't identify as it.

Normies have taken the word incel and turned it into a vague slur that they throw at any virgin they don't like. It's absolute garbage. Now the retarded masses think being an incel is like being part of a political group. They think you choose to join, despite the fact that you don't. Furthermore, their definition of incel is so loose that they can just throw it on anyone they don't like, regardless whether or not they actually fit the "hateful incel" definition. There isn't any counter either. If you're a virgin and the word incel is thrown on you, there's no way to prove them wrong.
Society needs people to shit on, so the masses naturally gravitated towards shitting on those who are by definition unloved and therefore have nobody to stick up for them.

>Now the retarded masses think being an incel is like being part of a political group.

It's incels that did this when they started writing political manifestos of the Incel ideology and then shooting up places.

Stay strong my warrior of the night

Well for one, you can't post anything about being a virgin without some inceltears warrior telling you to kill yourself.

There aren't that many who do that. Seriously, show me some statistic that says that a large portion of involuntarily celibate people do those things. Do you hate all black people because some of them steal and kill? People act like monsters if you treat them like monsters.

How can anyone choose to be an incel if no one wants to have sex with them?

>Inv4 hookers
They are illegal

Serial killers write manifestos all the time. That's not exclusive to any politics, ideology, or group for that matter.

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Are all Muslims terrorists?

>Are all Muslims terrorists?
Inb4 Jow Forums swoops in

>Le pol buugaymen X-D
Not an argument

Why do incels get so triggered by the truth? All of you chose to be incels. You could choose to stop being incels. But instead you want to spew autistic rage on a Cambodian rice harvesting forum that you made your new home after being kicked off ribbit for being massive faggots.

Since when are hookers illegal? Do you live in an islamic shithole or something?

Quran does not say "thou shalt be a terrorist". The incel bible says "thou shalt shoot normies and thots".

Since when has prostitution not been illegal?
t. americlap

So I cpull choose not to be crippled with anxiety and completely clueless how to handle social interaction all along?
Shit. Had I known that then one of the fuck if I can even remember how many girls I asked out over the years would have said yes.
Wish I had known that then

>Why do incels get so triggered by the truth?
Your version of the truth, maybe.

Why'd you write all that when you could have said "fuck you nerd haha that's why" or something along those lines. No one is going to read all that shit you wrote.

>crying about being insulted online
Typical incel

The Qur'an says in its opening passages to kill nonbelievers. But it would be erroneous and prejudice to say all Muslims kill heretics.

I can handle insults, look where we are. It's the excess of them. We are at a point where conversation, constructive conversation, is stifled by droves of inceltears warriors who ignore the body of a post, assume its contents, and reply with vitriol.

You could leave the basement and practice talking to people you know.

>How can anyone choose to be an incel if no one wants to have sex with them?

There's a lot of single mothers and elderly grannies out there.

Scientifically speaking, its impossible to be incel.

>harassing targets of your prejudice
Typical bigot.

>incels are too dumb to finish one line of posting

>Scientifically speaking, its impossible to be incel.
/sci/ here, are you shitting me?

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See, now you are assuming that he fits your "basement dwelling troll" stereotype. Do you think maybe he'll isolate himself if everybody keeps assuming that he is a heinous ogre? What makes you think he doesn't make a conscious effort to improve his skills? Maybe he has mental issues. You should be less judgmental.

B-b-but they don't count! I deserve a 10/10 loving virgin gf. Why does society prevent me from having one?

Some incels have mental issues but therapy exists

Therapy doesn't always work.
t. two family members committed suicide

Oh please, I have a "cute girl" folder full of pictures like this.

Therapy and medication for mental health is actually still very primitive and ineffective.

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>He thinks he is important enough to have his insults read to it's entirety

I guarantee you you're misunderstanding how therapy works.

Except that talking to people I know was easy. Talking to people I didn't was anxiety incarnate.
>shortz ugly, awkward, anxious
>definitely had the bitches

some people can't even manage simple conversations with others

Except incel-ism is not a religion?
It's just mostly harmless people who are very disappointed in themselves and society so they end up with opinions (the most important imo thinking that women have it easier) that are not well seen by society. Then 0.001% of the incel population* does a school shooting and society as a whole throws hate towards every person they deem an incel, this will only raise the frustration and anger of said incels, and more will be prone to commit crimes. People harassing and insulting every virgin they dislike is not helping at all

*"incel population" I dont think its a homogenous collective where everyone thinks the same. Its just a label and as I said most of them arent even sexist nor want to kill people. This generalization, as I said above, only contributes to the problem

>inb4 people who disagree calling me an incel

Yes goy. Give money to a normie to pretend to listen to you for an hour. Just be yourself. That will be 400 dollars.

Here's therapy for anxiety and a personality disorder
>tell me about it
>get out more
>here's some Prozac
>that'll be $200
>see you next week same time

>Except incel-ism is not a religion?
Inceldom is (allegedly) a (mostly political) ideology, like religions tend to be. As claimed in .

Yessss we are only trying to help user. Your mone- I mean issues are very important to usssss

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>by choice
Did you even think at all when you wrote that?

Because there is a small loud and extreme percentage? Thats all it takes for it to be a political ideology?

Terminology aside, my point is that generalization and not even trying to see another point of view but instead ridiculing people isnt going to take us anywhere better

>Because there is a small loud and extreme percentage? Thats all it takes for it to be a political ideology?
Subscribing to an ideology, even if there's variations that stretch the term, makes it one. Same with political ideologies like democratism, republicanism, libertarianism, socialism, etc. Same with religious ideologies like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. Same with social movements like Black Lives Matter, Patriot Prayer, etc. All ideologies because people identify and subscribe to them; even the minoring extremists.

>my point is that generalization and not even trying to see another point of view but instead ridiculing people isnt going to take us anywhere better
That's a defeatist and straight up non-argument.

because there's an umbrella term a certain group of people are identifying under. among other things, that's how you get ideologies. :/

>my point is that generalization and not even trying to see another point of view but instead ridiculing people isnt going to take us anywhere better
We're about 10 years too late for that.

How am I subscribing to an ideology by not being able to find somebody to love? You assume that the incel group is a movement. It's not. It's not even really a group. There are some extremists who take your assumptions and run with them in the wrong direction, but you don't judge a majority based upon a minority.

>There's a lot of single mothers
And what makes you think they wanna fuck me?

the definition of incel means you cant "choose" to be an incel

>How am I subscribing to an ideology by not being able to find somebody to love?
Because you fit the criteria of those in that ideology. Much like how you can fit the criteria of a white guy, even if you don't identify as such.

>You assume that the incel group is a movement. It's not. It's not even really a group.

>There are some extremists who take your assumptions and run with them in the wrong direction
Who end up defining both the ideology and term.

>but you don't judge a majority based upon a minority.
We judge majorities based on the actions of minorities all the time, idiot. This is not new. We judge communism based on a select few instances in history. We judge republicans and democrats based on a few key examples of their parties. We judge blacks for shit a few people in their group has done. We judge whites for the same thing. Welcome to the club.

>scrolls down to references

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As if wikipedia wasn't an unreliable source already, you're going to use it as fact in the case of a recent movement largely misrepresented by its haters

>As if wikipedia wasn't an unreliable source already
Don't you have a job to do, Donald?

give it to me now boys. I have the opportunity to be prescribed antidepressants. Do I take it? It is because I have been found to have an anxiety disorder by my psychologist. I've heard they take away emotions.

>I'm black, and I'm pretty sure I stay black even if I don't identify as it.
I was going to shitpost and say something racist, but considering that leftists are trying to force this whole "identify as whatever you want" ideology onto everyone, that's pretty based of you.

I'm actually working with the administrator of Incels.is to produce some video content. What kind of stuff would you guys like to see?

>celebacy is a choice
>to be involuntary celebate you would have to declared celebate against your will

So how does a women who doesn't want sex with you force you to become celebate? That would imply you would never seek sex after becoming celebate, a choice, and could then declare yourself not celebate. Incel is a choice because it's nothing more than a victim complex. These people believe they are owed sex but in reality they are not.

Ah well, if I could somehow not be an incel, I would, but unfortunately women don't seem to like me too much. Not even my own mother loved me. I hope someday you learn to be less judgmental.

incels aren't real. just pay a whore.

If you think punishment is about retribution, you're mistaken. It's about correction. The idea is to make the situation so untenable that it will change your shitty behavior. If it hasn't, then really you're being under-punished.

What behavior of his do you take issue with and wish to change?

i think his complaint was the use of punitive punishment over rehabilitative punishment.

>Normals decide to not have sex with you
>Proceed to treat you like shit because you've never had sex

Really jogs the nog

nobody would know you were an incel if you shut up about it for 2 seconds. that's the part people hate.

The masses are heartless monsters.

Hey genius, maybe that's why we're on r9k. There are many other boards you can go to. In fact, you can go back to rebbit!

there's no systemic withholding of sex. individuals don't want t0 fuck you.

It depends on how he's being punished. 10 to 1 it's the predictable result of his actions.

I know people don't want to fuck me. Look, i'm going to keep venting on r9k and there's nothing you can do about it.

And you have evidence for this? Please, show me some papers or studies. You wouldn't just pull numbers out of your ass, would you?

>Get pestered at work about if I have a gf, ever had a gf, etc.
>Finally the virgin question comes up
>Tell the truth
>Instantly get treated like a 3rd class citizen
Best part is I was only 20 at the time, at my current age they'd probably call the cops

Look I get that women just want to fuck the Chadliest Chad they can, I totally understand and that has been their mission in life for millions of years.
However don't fucking act like I deserve to suffer and die for a decision YOU made.

Why do you care no one wants that fuck you? Masturbation is easier than sex you know. If you're deeply in love with the partner, totally worth it but if just casual, fapping is better payoff for work involved.

>I'm gonna go on incredibly niche anonymous forums that constitute not even 0.0001% of the internet's media and complain about what people are talking about there
>then I will claim that what some people talk about there is what all the people in one group talk about all the time everywhere

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I don't want sex. I want somebody to love me. I grew up neglected by my mother and I just want somebody to cuddle with me. I'm sorry you can't understand that.

I didn't state a probability, I gave odds. My odds my be wrong but I publicly stated it in such a fashion as to make obvious that I was guessing.

How much of a cunt do you have to be to try and say I'm tossing out statistics when I'm obviously not... or do you just not understand statistics and are copypasting some other cunty reply someone posted to you a week ago

probably some shit about postmodernism and cleaning your room

I can totally understand that. What are you doing to make yourself worth loving?

Working out? Getting educated? Becoming more selfless and self-disciplined?

what about marriage and family

It's fantastic, but fixing the "involuntarily unmarried" is far easier than fixing "involuntarily unable to get one night stands" so I figured it was the latter people were complaining about.

Odds are probabilities, but I'm done dealing with you since you are clearly trolling. I'm sorry that you are unable to empathize properly with others.
I'm working out, i'm in college, and I try to be social in public. You are just trying to ridicule me though. I'm gonna go to bed now. Also, I live at home because my brother is mentally challenged and unable to function alone. It's pretty selfless since you asked, but I usually don't tell people about it.


>just become worth loving bro

2 questions:
1. Are you a woman
2. Are you attracted to this literal gorilla
Bear in mind that this ape has swooned far more girls than the entirety of Jow Forums combined.

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people don't really know what they want. it's like what some other user said, he just wants love.

>Odds are probabilities, but I'm done dealing with you since you are clearly trolling. I'm sorry that you are unable to empathize properly with others
Sort of, but regardless- I framed in such a way as to suggest they're what I'm willing to bet on, and not the results of a study. Your implication that I was trying to pass off my certainty as backed by studies was BS and, hence, I feel you started the trolling.

>I'm working out, i'm in college, and I try to be social in public. You are just trying to ridicule me though. I'm gonna go to bed now. Also, I live at home because my brother is mentally challenged and unable to function alone. It's pretty selfless since you asked, but I usually don't tell people about it.
The attitude is the problem, if you're attitude here is how you act at all in your life. Gotta get that chip off your shoulder.

kys faggot oregannoi

I do the best I can with the mental issues god gave me as well. You don't know who I am, so please don't assume. It should be obvious that i act differently on Jow Forums than i do in public. I'm actually going to bed now.

>1. Are you a woman?
>2 Are you attracted to this literal gorilla
Also no.

But I am involved in a successful marriage with children despite having utterly failed financially.

If you're just here to vent, you'll just get more and more pissed and will never get anywhere. Women vent. Men solve shit.

I'm here offering you some honest advice. Tell me what you can't figure out - what's going wrong. If you get pissed at someone offering advice for free, you're never going to get anywhere.

Incels are like jews or apple fanboys in that way.